MommyCelebs Story Archive

##LATEST STORY## (June 2022)
~Jennifer Tilly in: Date Night~

This is a complete and up-to-date archive of the eriotic fiction I have written. My stories are written from a second-person perspective, placing the reader into an incestuous relationship with celebrities such as Christina Hendricks and Bryce Dallas Howard. THe stories are illustrated with photos of the celebrity to give the reader a clear visual image as they read. You can even enter your name in the field above and have it inserted into the story.

I hope you enjoy!

If you want to message me directly you can find me on Reddit here.

Mommy Christina in a floral dress and sun hat, looking down at you as you suckle on her nipple.

"That's it, Baby... That's a good boy... Keep sucking on Mommy's nipple... Mmmmmmm... You love drinking Mommy's milk, don't you?"

Originally published: July 2018

The following story is a mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actress Bryce Dallas Howard. It was inspired by a reoccurring shitpost from an anonymous user on /tv/.


Bryce Dallas Howard in:
Mommy is Your Girlfriend


You sit there in silence, fixated on the school's main entrance as you watch for any sign of movement. An overwhelming sense of dread suffocates you more and more as each minute passes. You hate getting into trouble. You hate being yelled at by your teachers, you hate getting detention for missing homework and you hate being called into the principal's office. But what you hate most of all is the disappointed look on your mom's face when you confess to her that you'll be staying late after school the next day, or getting home to find that she received a phone call from the school office about your behaviour.

Your mother, Bryce Dallas Howard, was inside the school right now. Following an incident that'd happened earlier today, she received yet another call from the school asking her to come in and talk about what happened.
"Go and wait for me in the car while I sort this out" was all she could say once she arrived, visibly furious with you. So that's what you did, you waited and waited for what felt like an eternity until you finally saw a figure emerge from the school's large double doors. The curvy, redheaded woman in the floral dress was unmistakably your mother. Thankfully, she no longer looked as mad as she did entering the building, but now looked as if she was concerned about something. You watch your mom as she walks across the school parking lot and approaches the car, you brace slightly as she enters in anticipation for the telling off you're about to receive. Instead, she simply gets into the driver's seat, straps herself in and starts the engine. "I'm thirsty, let's go and get sodas" she says, keeping her vision directly forward while she pulls out of the school parking lot.

You didn't think it was possible, but the next 10 minute drive to the nearby Burger King was even worse than the time just spent waiting at the school. Hell, this was worse that if your mom had started screaming at you as soon as she entered the car. She didn't say one word since leaving the school parking lot, she wouldn't look over in your direction and she didn't even turn the radio on to fill the silence. You just sit there, the sense of dread from before being amplified from the prolonged suspense of just what your mom was going to say, if anything at all. Eventually, you pull into the Burger King parking lot. Your mother turns off the engine, undoes her seatbelt and, for the first time since entering the school, turns to look you in the eyes.

Mommy Bryce sitting in the driver's seat of the car, looking you in the eyes.

"Sweetie, your principal told me about why you got into trouble at school today" she says softly, the concerned look from before reappearing on her face.
"He said you have been telling your friends that Mommy is your girlfriend, is that true?"

There it was, the question you had been dreading to hear exit her pillowy lips. You've had a crush on your mother for as long as you can remember, and who can blame you? She was, and still is, the most kind, caring and loving woman you have ever met. Many evenings were spent cuddling up with her on the couch during your childhood, and ever since then you've always felt the safest when wrapped in her arms. But, as puberty started to hit, the love you felt for your mom started to turn to lust as you began to see her in a more sexual light. From the very start you always had a fascination with her incredibly wide child-bearing hips, and the incredibly plump behind that comes with them. You'd often find yourself mesmerised by her hips and ass while she walked, watching them sway hypnotically while following behind her. Recently, your obsession with your mother was starting to get out of control. You can't even remember the last time you masturbated to anything other than the thought of her and you being locked in a forbidden embrace. Being with your mother was occupying your every thought, and perhaps that's why you decided to respond with "my mom" when your friends asked you if you'd been seeing any girls lately.

"Yes, it's true" you admit after a few seconds of heart-thumping silence. The thought had crossed your mind to lie, to make up some excuse for why the principal said what he'd said, but you were too crippled with fear and embarrassment to think of anything convincing.
"OK, thank you for being honest with me, Sweetie" she smiled, only briefly, then the look of concern returned. "But I need to know why you said these things."
"Because..." you gaze into her beautiful green eyes for a moment, only to avert them again from the sheer intensity of her stare. "Because I wanted to impress my friends, and you're the most beautiful woman I know."
Your mom is visibly taken aback by your answer, her cheeks beginning to blush red.

"Oh, Honey" she exclaims before wrapping you in a tight embrace. You feel her breasts push against your chest from within her dress as you inhale the intoxicating aroma of her perfume. "That's very sweet of you to say, Honey, but you can't go around telling people things like that. Some people might get the wrong idea and we'd both be in a lot of trouble." She gently caresses the back of your head for a few moments before releasing you from her grasp.
"I know, I'm sorry Mom" you say as you muster up the courage to look her in the eyes again. "I don't know what I was thinking."
"It's OK Sweetie" she assures you while tenderly rubbing your upper-arm. "Mommy sorted everything out with the school, you're not in trouble."
"Thanks Mom" you say timidly, a wave of relief washing over you as you realise that she truly isn't mad at you.
"No problem, Honey" she smiles before leaning into you once more and planting a kiss on your cheek, leaving a very visible red lipstick mark. "I love you." As she leans back and returns to her seat, her hand moves down from your arm and meets your hand, gripping it tightly. "Now how about we go and get those sodas?" She begins to open the car door but suddenly stops herself and turns back towards you. "But first, we should probably do something about that mark on your cheek. Goodness knows what people will think if they see you with me like that."

As you finish the last sip of your Coke, you look over to your mother in the driver's seat of the car. The short drive back home is far more comfortable now that she's back to her old cheery self. Even while she's driving, you can't help but get lost in her beauty every time you glance over in her direction.
"So what did your friends say?" she asks over the sound of the radio, keeping her eyes on the road ahead.
"Huh?" you blurt out.
"When you tried to impress them by saying I was your girlfriend" your mom continues. "I can't imagine they'd be all that impressed by an old woman like me."
"Are you kidding?" you exclaim, the absurdity of the statement seemingly driving you to talk without thinking. "All of my friends think you're hot, they're always telling me about it." As you realise what you've just said, a smirk starts to form on your mom's face as her cheeks start to blush again.
"Is that so?" she asks, turning to face you for a moment. "And do you agree with them?"
"Mom!" you exclaim as you turn beet-red.
"Relax, Honey, I'm just teasing you" she giggles as she looks back towards the road. "I just don't understand, if you're going to lie, why you didn't say your girlfriend was someone your age."
"I guess because I've never had a girlfriend my age" you say dejectedly as you look down into your empty soda cup.
"Aw, Honey, you'll find someone one day" she assures, taking one hand off the wheel and resting it on your thigh.
"I don't know, Mom, I have a real tough time when I try and talk to girls" you say as your mother's touch so close to your crotch makes your penis twitch inside your jeans.
"Oh Sweetie, don't beat yourself up like that, that's perfectly normal for a man your age." she says as her grip on your leg gets tighter. "You just need a little practise, and you'll be a heartbreaker in no time."

You soon arrive back home and your mom pulls the car into the garage. After turning off the engine and unstrapping her seatbelt, she once again turns to you.
"OK, how about I help you with your confidence around girls?" she asks.
"W-what do you mean?" you stutter, caught completely off guard by the question.
"Well, since you're so fond of the idea of Mommy being your girlfriend, why don't I pretend to be just that?" she elaborates, perplexing you even further. "You can take me on dates and I can help teach you what to say and do, and how to be more confident when talking to girls." A wicked smile starts to form on her lips. "And since I'm the most beautiful woman you know, dating any girl afterwards should be a walk in the park." You swallow the lump that has started to develop in your throat, but can't do much about the one developing in your pants.
"...Really?" is all you can manage to say.
"Of course, Sweetie, I'd do anything to help you" she says as she opens her car door. "But like I said earlier, you mustn't tell anyone about this. Not your father, not your friends, no one." Your mom starts to climb out out of the vehicle and you do the same. After slamming the door shut behind you, you turn to find your mother approaching you from around the car's hood.

Mommy Bryce walking towards you from the car, smiling and reaching towards you.

"And of course, I'd have to keep up my end of the bargain" she coos, draping her arms around your shoulders. "I'd have to show you some of the benefits you can only get from a girlfriend." Before you can fully register what exactly she just said, your mom starts to lean herself towards you, her deep red lips puckered and rapidly approaching your face. The next few seconds are a blur, pure adrenaline kicks in and before you can work out that her kiss was actually heading for your cheek, you meet her lips with yours. Taken completely by surprise, your mother's eyes spring wide open with shock. Before she can even think about stopping you, you push your mom up against the car as the kiss becomes harder and deeper. Adrenaline combined with many years of pent-up lust make it impossible for you to break away from the kiss. You involuntarily start to probe her mouth with your tongue and, to your surprise, you feel her tongue return the favour as she kisses you back just as hard. As you feel your own mother moan into your mouth, you only now realise you've had your hands firmly grasping her plump ass this entire time. Taking the time to consciously squeeze and play with her asscheeks through her tight floral dress, you notice that groping her butt is what's causing her erotic moaning. This revelation is slightly too much to handle, as the reality of the situation starts to kick in and a wave of guilt hits you like a tonne of bricks. It seems your mother made the exact same revelation at the same time, as you both immediately break away from kiss and take a step back from each other.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, you notice your mom's startled gaze shift from your face towards the throbbing and very visible erection displayed through your jeans. Unable to take the tension any longer, you try and think of something, anything to say to excuse yourself.
"I... I, uh..." is all you can say before turning around and briskly walking into the house, straight into your bedroom where you plan on hiding for the rest of the day. And possibly even the rest of your life.


You wake up to the sound of your growling stomach, it seemingly scolding you for skipping dinner last night. Not much happened since the incident yesterday, after locking yourself in your room you could think of nothing else to do but deal with your persistent stiffness while replaying the previous events in your head. While it easily got the job done, it didn't help with softening the immense guilt you were now feeling. Your morning wood beckons you to try and have another go at it, but you can't quite bring yourself to risk the overwhelming shame that might come after. At one point last night you did hear your father return from work, but he never appeared to say hello, nor did he appear to shout at you for violating your own mother.
"Hopefully that means Mom hasn't told him" you think to yourself. But oddest of all, your mom hadn't even knocked on the door at any point to check that you were OK. "That isn't normal, she must be really mad at me" you think as your stomach growls once more. You contemplate going downstairs to get breakfast but you're still not ready to face your mother just yet. You sit up slightly in bed and listen to the ambient sounds of the house for a few seconds. You wait for the sounds of footsteps, or any other sign that your parents are around the house. Nothing. You get up and slowly creep towards the window and peer outside, noticing the absence of your father's car. "They must be out grocery shopping" you conclude. "I should go and grab some food before I starve to death."

You creep through the silent household in nothing but your underwear, stopping before passing any doorways in case you hear any signs of life. As you get closer to the kitchen, you get more confident that you're alone in the house.
"Man, I am starving" you state out loud, thinking that narrating your actions might distract you from the predicament you've gotten yourself into. You search a cupboard for a box of Pop Tarts and insert a couple into the toaster. You think it would be a good idea to stockpile some food to last you until your parents go to bed tonight and you can safely emerge from your room again. Your attention turns to the refrigerator where you hope your parents have preserved some leftovers from the dinner you missed last night. You reach for the fridge's door handle.

Mommy Bryce in a form-fitting crochet-knit dress, standing by the window and looking at you whistfully.

"Good morning, Sweetie."

The voice of your mother makes you jump out of your skin and drop the box of remaining Pop Tarts on the floor. You turn around to find her standing about 10 feet away from you, hiding around the corner at the kitchen table this entire time. She's wearing her very form-fitting crochet-knit checked dress that perfectly accentuates the curves of her breasts and hips. She's wearing her luxuriant red hair down, flowing onto her shoulders and slightly obscuring her large hoop earrings.
"M-Mom!" you splutter as you feel your heart trying to escape your ribcage.
"Your dad got called into work this morning so it's just you and me today" she says as she takes a few steps forward, keeping a firm gaze into your eyes.
"Mom... yesterday, I... I just..." you stammer out, your mind going completely blank as to what it is you intend to say.
"Sssh, Honey, it's OK" she whispers as she draws closer still and places an index finger on your lips. "I'm not mad at you."
"Mom, I'm so sorry" you whisper back in a similarly hush tone. "You didn't tell Dad about this, did you?"
"Of course not, Sweetie" she says as she takes a final step closer and drapes her arms over you once more. Her soft breasts now nuzzle into your bare chest and your faces are only inches apart. "Remember what I said yesterday? We mustn't tell anyone that Mommy is your girlfriend."

You stare into her deep emerald eyes in complete awe of what you just heard. After what feels like an eternity, the trance is suddenly broken by the sound of the toaster ejecting your breakfast. As if the toaster was some kind of starting pistol, your mom takes the cue to grab the back of your head and guide your lips to lock with hers in one swift motion. Initially, you can hardly believe what is happening, but the moment is brief as your thoughts shift complete focus to the sensation of your mother's tongue colliding with yours. Instead of heading straight for her ass like last time, you place your hands on her waist and slowly run them down to her child-bearing hips. Even with your eyes closed, you still manage to enjoy your mom's awesome curves with touch alone as you tenderly rub up and down the length of her lower torso. Despite the sensory overload of feeling, smelling and tasting the woman of your desires, your brain manages to just about register some differences from yesterday's illicit kiss. The biggest difference being that it was your mother taking the lead and dictating the pace of the kiss. Unlike last time, your mom's kisses appear to be slower, softer and more meaningful. While your make-out session yesterday was fuelled by primal lust and desire, the way she gently caresses your head as she explores your mouth suggests this is fuelled more by passion and love.

You feel your mom start to push you backwards so you reciprocate and move with her, still locked to her mouth like a vice. Before long, you feel the surface of the kitchen counter pressed up behind you. Your mom finally breaks from your lips and starts to make her way down your body. On her way down, she plants a pillowy kiss on your neck and several down the length of your naked chest and torso. As she kisses your stomach, your mind temporarily snaps back to some clarity as you realise she's heading straight for the morning wood that never got the opportunity to retire.
"Mom..?" you mutter breathlessly, hardly believing your eyes that the only thing separating your cock from your mother's face was a thin layer of fabric. "What are you..?"
"Shhhh..." she whispers, momentarily stopping to gaze into your eyes and assure you that everything is all right. "It's OK. Mommy is going to make everything better."

Before you can even consider a response, you feel a set of soft fingers grip the waistband of your boxers at either side. You involuntarily make a sharp inhale as your mother begins to slowly pull down the elastic. Too scared to keep your eyes open, you hear her audibly gasp as you feel the cool air hit your swollen member.
"Honey..." she purrs with surprise, the hunger in her voice being something you've never heard from her before. You build up the courage to take a peek at the scene happening below you, revealing the most erotic thing you have ever seen in your life. Your mother's deep emerald eyes are fixated in awe on the throbbing erection presented in front of her, her lips only millimetres away from it's bulbous head. Seeing such an arousing sight causes your penis to twitch, in turn making your mom jump slightly with a small gasp. For the first time since releasing your penis from it's cotton prison, your mom looks into your eyes once again. While she speaks no words, you can tell from her eyes that she's asking for permission to continue forward, knowing that what follows is a line that can never be uncrossed. Despite the look of shock and disbelief still residing on your face, you slowly nod while maintaining her gaze. Seeing this response makes your mother smile, her warm, motherly smile that you're all too familiar with. Her eyes flicker down towards your aching erection, and with a single swift motion she takes the head inside her mouth.

"Oh, fuck!" you moan as you feel the warmth of her mouth encompass the tip of your cock. "Oh, Mom..." After massaging your sensitive head with her tongue, your mother wastes no time in working to get her lips as far down your penis as possible. She gently grips your thighs with each hand and uses them to slowly pull herself closer and closer to the base of your cock. With every stroke your manhood makes along her throat, your mind runs wild attempting to cope with the situation at hand. The sensation of her tongue running up and down your shaft is greater than anything you've experienced thus far, surpassing the feeling of normal masturbation tenfold. Amidst this epiphany, you notice that the rhythm of your mom bobbing along the length of your cock has caused some of her hair to fall in front of her face. Not wanting anything to obstruct the heavenly sight presented before you, you take a hand to the stray locks and comb them out of the way. As you run your fingers through her silky red hair, you find yourself caressing the back of her head as it bobs up and down.

The extra control of your hand guiding your mom's rhythm encourages her to slowly pick up the pace. As the strokes of her throat get faster and faster, you feel your cock start to stir and tighten.
"Oh, fuuuck... Mom..." you gasp, beads of sweat running down your face and chest. "Mom, I think... I think I'm getting close." As expected, your mom responds to this news by releasing your cock from her mouth with a loud pop, leaving a thin rope of saliva connecting the two. What you couldn't have ever expected was what you heard next.
"Baby, I want you to come for Mommy." As she said this, she removes her hands from your legs and instead uses them to grip the length of your manhood.
"Oh, Mooom..." you moan as her fingers wrap around the girth of your penis and start effortlessly stroking the shaft. Your mind draws completely blank as your mother's fingers work absolute magic on your member, alternating between rhythmically stroking and massaging the head.
"Oh fuck! Mom! Mom it's coming!" you exclaim in a panic. As you rapidly approach the point of no return, your mother's firm grip on your cock abruptly subsides. Confused by this sudden relief, you open your eyes and look down just in time to see your mother take the entirety of your penis with one final plunge of her mouth. As you feel her soft lips hit the base of your dick, the sensation of your cock being completely encased in your mom's warm, slippery throat sends you off the edge.

"Mom... that was amazing" you say breathlessly, still reeling from the mind-blowing orgasm.
"Thank you, Honey" she smiles as she grabs your waist and uses you to pull herself back up. Once she's back on her feet, she tenderly plants a brief peck on your lips and takes a step backwards. Believing that the fun must surely be over now, you bend down to hoist the elastic of your underwear back up. "Sweetie, you don't think we've finished here, do you?"
"Huh?" you reply, slightly dazed by the question.
"I'm supposed to be teaching you how to treat a woman" she says as a wicked smile starts to emerge on her face. "And the first lesson for any relationship is that you need to give just as much as you take." As she says this, she takes another backwards step closer to the kitchen table behind her. Once halfway between you and the table, she reached a hand behind her back as you hear the sound of her dress zipper being undone. Your jaw involuntarily hangs open as your mother slinks out of her checked dress, stopped momentarily as she struggles to pull the dress past her ridiculously wide hips. As she lets the dress fall to the floor and steps out of it, the fact suddenly registers in your brain that she hadn't been wearing anything underneath.

This technically wasn't the first time you'd seen your mom naked, having occasionally walked in on her changing or having a bath when you were very young. However, this was the first time you were seeing her naked since hitting puberty, the sight of the female form now having a much greater affect on you than it once did. Your eyes almost bulge out of your skull, scanning up and down as they struggle to take in all of the sheer beauty radiating off the goddess that stands before you. They feast on the sight of her perfectly shaped breasts, a deliciously pink nipple perched on each handful of porcelain flesh. You take special notice of her tummy, it's slight chub creating a soft, pillowy surface that slopes down to meet the contours of her thick thighs. Below a tuft of semi-kempt red hair is a sight you thought you'd never see in a million years, your mommy's wet, dripping, glistening pussy. Despite the onslaught of throat, tongue and fingers it experienced not 10 minutes ago, the sight of your mother exposed in this way causes your penis to awaken from it's slumber.
"Well? What do you think, Honey?" she asks with a slight smirk on her face. "Am I still the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?" As she says this, your mom turns around and looks back at you with a wicked smile. There it is. The sight you had been waiting to see for your entire adolescence. Presented in front of you is your mother's huge, round, completely bare ass. It's better than you could have ever imagined, and in a way that you can't even begin to try and comprehend, it appears to look even bigger when stripped of clothing. The two perfectly round pale orbs jiggle slightly as your mom giggles at the stupefied look on your face. "I guess I should take that as a 'yes'" she smirks as she turns back around to face you, breaking the hypnotic spell her ass had cast on you.

Despite the events of this fateful morning so far, the ludicrousness of the situation still makes you hesitant to advance any further. Your mother notices this, and wordlessly beckons you over with her index finger and an amorous glare. You feel your throat get dry as you take a step forward towards the curvy MILF standing in front of you. Once you reach the spot where she's standing, you instantly plant a firm kiss on your mother's mouth as you both feel the familiar sensation of your tongues colliding. The initial impact of making out with your own mother had subsided by now, instead substituted with a sense of familiarity and comfort. Having your mom's soft, luscious lips intertwined with yours now felt as commonplace as being wrapped in her arms. Failing to pull your boxer shorts back up earlier, your rock-hard erection now nestles into the softness of your mother's tummy due to the tightness of your embrace. Taking inspiration from yesterday's incident, you immediately sink your hands into the soft mounds of flesh protruding from her behind. As you firmly grope and knead your mom's bare ass, she again begins to moan muffled cries of pleasure into your mouth. Taking this as a good sign, you continue to massage her springy behind even harder, her moans becoming louder and more frequent in response.

Realising that you're the one in control this time around, you start to push your mom backwards towards the kitchen table. Without releasing the hold you have on her ass or lips, you lift her up slightly and perch her on the table's edge. Now that your mom is slightly elevated, you slowly break away from her lips and move down to her neck.
"Mmmmm... Honey..." she purrs as you nuzzle into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent before planting a gentle kiss on her smooth skin. You continue to move down her chest until your face is inches away from her supple, pale breasts. You look up to your mom for her approval, only to find her trademark motherly smile beaming down as her deep green eyes stare longingly at you. As you feel her hand reach over to caress the back of your head, you take this as a sign to proceed with leaning forward and taking a firm, pink nipple in your mouth. As you gingerly suck on your mother's breast for the first time since infancy, you place a spare hand on the other and start to gently massage it. "Ooooh... Baby... That's it..." moans your mom as she throws her head backwards. You start to suck her nipple harder, flicking and swirling it with your tongue as you feel it getting firmer in your mouth. The other nipple receives similar treatment as you pinch and pull it between your index finger and thumb. "Oooh... ooOOH fuck, Baby..." she cries, catching you by surprise as you hear your mother swear for the first time in your life. Soon after switching nipples for a short while, teasing and playing with them while your mother squirms in pleasure, you hear her make a request. "Honey, Mommy wants you to make her feel really good..."

Having a good idea of what she means by this, you release your mother's nipple from your mouth with an audible pop and start to kiss your way down her tummy. As you reach her patch of curly red pubic hair, you can't help but tease you mom a little by pressing your tongue into the softness of her belly and licking a continuous line up to between her breasts. The erotic sight of her own son tasting her flesh sends a shiver down your mother's spine. You smile as you witness the visible reaction her body makes to your tongue, then turn your attention to the prize that awaits at the bottom of your line. As you lower yourself to your knees, your mom follows suit and lays on her back, the height of the kitchen table rendering your face in the perfect position for what was to come. As you push your mother's thick, silky legs apart, you're immediately hit with the heavenly scent of sweet, soaking pussy. You gaze in absolute awe at her wetness, your illicit morning activities having a very visible affect as she's already created a small pool on the table's surface. As the aroma of her womanhood fills your nostrils, you once again feel a rush of adrenaline and begin to act on pure instinct. You recklessly grab your mother's hips and pull her towards your face, her pussy immediately meeting your lips as your tongue plunges inside her.

"Oh, OH FUUUCK!" she cries as she steadies herself, caught off guard by the boldness of your manoeuvre. With all 10 fingers digging into the soft flesh of your mom's juicy thighs, you hungrily lap up the sweet wetness found between them. As you rapidly lick and suck at the hole you once came out of, your ears are filled with the erotic moans and cries of your mother as her own son feasts on her pussy. "Oh God, Baby! That feels SO good..." You feel your mother's hand grab the top of your head as she forcefully pushes you deeper inside. "Ahhh... AHHHH... FUCK!" she screams, momentarily letting go of your skull and instead sandwiching your head between her thighs with a vice-like grip. Suddenly encased in your mother's meaty thighs, your head now has no choice but to continue lapping up her sweet juices. Not that you'd have wanted to stop in the first place.

"Oh... Oh Honey... I don't think I can wait any longer..." moans your mom through a bitten bottom lip as she releases you from the clutches of her thighs. You look up at her in disbelief, your face still dripping with her wetness.
"Mom..?" you pant between quiet gasps, trying to catch your breath after nearly being suffocated by her thighs. "Are you sure about..?"
"Honey, please..." she whimpers, her eyes pleading with you to reciprocate. "Mommy wants to feel you inside her." Afraid that you'll wake from this crazy dream at any second, you cautiously get up from your knees and look down at your mother's pussy. The kitchen table yet again suspends her at the perfect height, your throbbing erection now inches away from her delicious forbidden fruit. Your penis is close enough that you can feel the immense warmth radiating from it, all it would take is to guide it forward slightly and you'd have done what you once thought impossible. You do just that, carefully inching your cock towards her womanhood until you are resting its bulbous head on her glistening pussy lips.
"Mom, are you sure?" you ask one last time, terrified that what you were about to do could never be taken back.
"Please..." she whispers while staring into your soul with her piercing green eyes. "Please, Baby... Fuck Mommy."

You take a deep breath. Under the lustful eyes of your mother, you steady your penis with one hand and slowly push it inside her as far as you can. You're in heaven. The sensation of your cock being clamped in all angles by the insides of your mother's pussy is far greater than anything you could possibly imagine. You're not sure you could physically comprehend the idea of anything feeling better than this did at this very second.
"Fffuuuuuuuuuuck..." moans your mom as your cock slides it's entire length inside her. As much as you want to stay in this blissful position for the rest of your life, your hips appear to have other plans, as they involuntarily start to pump at a steady rhythm. It was as if you had awoken a primal urge, as if you were hard-wired to instinctively fuck your mother when given the opportunity. As you establish a consistent pace, your mom's little gasps, moans and cried follow suit. "Oh... Oh... Fuck... Baby..." she pants while cupping her breast and tweaking a nipple between her fingers. "Baby... Please... Harder..." Not having to be told twice, you take a pale, silky leg in each hand and drape them over your shoulders. Now with this extra leverage, you start to pound your mother faster and deeper, causing her to squeal in erotic pleasure.

While you enjoy the sight of your mother's beautiful eyes staring into yours while you pump inside of her, as well as the adorably lewd expressions she pulls in response to your changes in tempo, there's still one more sight you're dying to see.
"Mom, Do you think..." you grunt, your body refusing to slow down and let you speak. "Do you think you could turn over?"
"MMMMMMMmmmff course, Honey..." she says, trying to suppress a moan so she can answer her son's request. You unhook your mom's legs from your shoulders and temporarily pull your penis out from her dripping pussy. In one smooth motion, you twist her legs down and around like a crank, flipping her onto her front. Now with her feet touching the floor and her body leaned over the kitchen table, your mother's hole is displayed perfectly. And what's more, you now have direct access to her glorious plump buttocks. Taking hold of her waist, you re-enter your mother and quickly return to the previous pounding rhythm, noticing that her juicy ass now comfortably cushions each pump.

Your mom's sensual cries are drowned out of your mind as you commit all focus to watching the way her ass jiggles and ripples with each pounding blow. Completely mesmerised by the sight, you unthinkingly raise a hand and swiftly swat at her pale right cheek while the pumping continues.
"Ah!" Your mother lets out a little yelp as the sound of the hefty slap echoes through the empty house. Still not fully lucid, you raise the other hand and swat at the other cheek. "Ohh!" she cries again, wincing in pain at the sore redness quickly forming on her backside. Snapping back into reality and realising what you've just done, you begin to mumble an apology before being stopped in your tracks. "Harder, Baby... Spank Mommy harder..." Both relieved and extremely turned-on by hearing your mom utter those words, you continue to spank her ass after every few pumps until two crimson hand prints form on each cheek. This previously unknown kink, unknown to you at least, seems to tip your mother over the edge.

"Honey... Honey, I'm so close" moans your mom as she turns her head to look back at you. "Turn me around again... Please, Baby..." Willing to do anything your mother asked of you at that very moment, you comply and swiftly flip her over on her back before once again entering her heavenly pussy. Instead of just lying on her back like last time, your mom instead props herself up slightly with her arms behind her. Taking notice of this, you lean over her body and head straight for a pretty, pink nipple. While still rhythmically pumping your cock deep inside her, you begin to lick and suck your mom's delicious stiff nipple while supporting yourself with a free hand.
"OHHHH... OH, BABY, IT'S COMING!" she screams, violently throwing her head back as you gently pull at her nipple with your teeth. Hearing about how close your mother is to orgasm from being fucked by her own son starts to awaken a similar feeling in the depths of your own cock. You release your mom's nipple from your mouth and tilt your head up to look at her.
"Mom... I'm gonna..." you pant, beads of sweat running down your exhausted face. "...I'm gonna come."
"Yes, Baby!" she whimpers, struggling to get the words out of her mouth without screaming in ecstasy. "Come inside Mommy." As soon as those words leave her mouth, she leans forward and locks her lips with yours in a deeply passionate kiss.

It's all just too much. You feel your cock about to burst at the seams as your mother's pussy tightens it's grip around it. In a state that you can only describe as 'nirvana', your cock begins to unload wave after wave of sticky semen into your mother's womb. As it does this, the walls of her pussy convulse sporadically, milking your cock for every last drop of cum. You mom cries one final, muffled moan into your mouth as your lips stay intertwined for the duration of the orgasm. As you both come down from your earth-shattering orgasms, you slowly break away from the kiss and stare into each other's eyes. After everything you had just experienced, all the taboos you had broken and all the boundaries you had surpassed, your mother only had one thing to say.

"I love you, Sweetie."

Sunday - Two week later

Your father had yet again been called into work earlier this morning and left you and your mom alone in the house. Ever since that fateful day a few weeks ago, you and your mother have taken the few opportunities you had alone to continue with your "girlfriend lessons". This morning, however, you decided that you couldn't wait for her to initiate another "lesson" and instead wanted to take matters into your own hands. While your mom enjoyed her weekend lie in, sleeping soundly into the late hours of the morning, you silently creep into her bedroom and crawl into bed with her. You find your beautiful mother lying on her side with her back to you, wearing nothing but a sheer, white nightgown. You wrap an arm around her side and spoon her, her scent immediately awakening your morning wood to full mast as it presses into your mom's bare ass. While your fingers idly make circles around the stiff nipples protruding through the thin fabric of her nightgown, you start to feel your mother move from under you.

"MMMMMmmmmmmm... Good morning Sweetie" she purrs sleepily, turning her body around to face you with closed eyes and a warm smile. As your hand starts to travel under her nightgown, her eyes flicker open and she leans in for a gentle kiss. "Looks like we have the house all to ourselves, what do you want to do today?"
"I was thinking we could stay in bed for a little while longer" you reply, a thumb gently flicking at one of her nipples.
"Mmmm... sounds like a plan" she coos, burying her face into your neck. She notices her son's fingers gently playing with her breast underneath her nightgown. "Did you want me to take this nightie off?"
"Yes please, Mom" you say as you watch her sit up and seductively pull the nightgown over her head, revealing her pale, supple breasts to the dim morning light. As she lowers herself back into the comfort of the bed, you take the opportunity to nuzzle your head into your mom's chest. After searching with your tongue for a few moments, you locate the pink, stiff nipple and take it in your mouth. Your mother's fingers tenderly comb through your hair as she lovingly looks down at you. Quiet sounds of sucking and licking faintly echo around her bedroom, tinted slightly orange from the morning light passing through the drawn curtains. This is bliss.

"Honey, in a few weeks time you'll be breaking up from school for the summer, won't you?" asks your mom as she caresses your slowly bobbing head.
"Mmmh hmmmm" you murmur back, slightly too occupied to give a proper response.
"Well, with your father at work, you and I are going to be spending a lot of time alone together" she smiles, lowering her head to rest on yours. "Mommy will get to be your girlfriend for the entire summer." You release her nipple from your mouth and gaze into her emerald eyes, her motherly smile millimetres away from your own.
"I can't wait" you whisper before planting a deep, passionate kiss on your mother's soft, pillowy lips.

"I love you, Sweetheart."

"I love you too, Mom."

The End

Originally published: September 2018

The following story is a mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actress Christina Hendricks containing incest and lactation.


Christina Hendricks in:
Home Alone

Being an older sibling can be difficult, especially once you've reached sexual maturity. Having to share a living space with two younger brothers has meant privacy in your own home is a rather rare and valuable commodity. When either one of them could burst into your room at any moment without warning, quality time alone is almost an impossibility. And recently, you've really been craving some "quality time alone".

Several months ago, your family got slightly bigger still, when your parents made you yet another little brother. You'd think it'd be strange that your mom could have another child so long after you were born, but it didn't surprise you in the slightest. Your mother, Christina Hendricks, is the embodiment of the term 'fertility goddess'. Your own taste in older, full-bodied women with hourglass figures, wide hips and enormous breasts has been entirely shaped from spending your adolescence around her. Ever since you started noticing that woman's bodies had an effect on your own, you've been fascinated by your mother's figure. This fascination has only grown stronger as the years have passed, fuelled by occasional peeks at her in the shower or changing in her bedroom. While these moments rarely happened, and you were never really able to get a good look at her glorious body, you still replay them in your head nightly while you quietly stroke yourself to sleep.

Your infatuation with your own mother hit critical mass during her pregnancy with your youngest brother. Her already huge breasts had swollen even further, she seemed deliciously plumper in all the right places and you even started to find her large pregnant belly incredibly sexy. Even after your brother was born, your mom's breasts remained swollen as you often caught sight of her feeding him from them. Despite only being a few months old, you couldn't help but feel incredibly jealous of him, that it wasn't you sucking on those big, beautiful tits. She's all you can ever think about, you haven't been able to concentrate at school and without sufficient privacy to deal with it, you feel like you're about to explode.

But finally, after weeks of planning and anticipation, today's the day you'll have the house to yourself.

Mommy Christina in a tight blue sweater, looking up at you as she cleans up dirty plates from your kitchen counter.

"Good morning, Sweetie!" chirps your mother from behind the counter as you groggily shuffle into the kitchen. "Sleep well last night?"
"Uh... yeah" you absentmindedly reply, distracted by the sight of your mom's huge breasts encased in one of her tight blue sweaters. Even without being particularly low-cut, her cleavage still finds a way to seductively peek out of it's collar.
"I'm just cleaning up after your brothers' breakfast this morning" says your mom as she scrubs the counter surface, bending over and giving you a heavenly view down her sweater while her tits sway within. "They've already left for their camping trip with your father and won't be back until tomorrow evening." Just as you'd planned. Getting both of your brothers out of the house at the same time was a rare occurrence, and this camping trip was the perfect opportunity to have the house to yourself.

Mommy Christina behind the kitchen counter, gazing at you intently.

"And what about you, Mom? Are you doing anything today?" you ask to make sure everything is going to plan.
"Actually, I'm taking your little brother to visit your Auntie Bryce for most of today" your mother smirks as she looks up at you. "Why? Did you want to come with me?"
"Oh, uh... no, I'm good here" you mumble as you quickly avert your gaze from your mom's cleavage.
"Didn't think so" she smiles, putting down the sponge in her hand before walking towards you. "You sure you're gonna be alright at home all by yourself?" As your mom gets closer, she wraps her arms around your naked torso and pulls you into a tight hug. You immediately feel the warmth of her huge breasts pushing against your chest as her intoxicating aroma fills your nostrils.
"Yeah, Mom, I'll be fine" you answer hesitantly, not wanting to break the spell of her embrace. Your mother places a quick, wet kiss on your cheek before staring into your eyes.
"How did I raise such an independent young man?" she smiles before releasing you from her arms and turning back to the counter. You momentarily freeze as you’re given a front row view of your mom's juicy ass, tightly constrained within her denim jeans as she bends over the counter to continue her morning chores. You could watch her wide hips sway hypnotically for hours, but quickly decide to retire back to your room in fear of your mother noticing the rapidly forming bulge in your underwear.

"Honey, your brother and I are off to visit my sister" you hear a voice shout from the front door as you lie on your bed, gently nursing your morning wood. "Try and keep the house in one piece while I'm gone."
"OK Mom" you shout back from your bedroom, eagerly awaiting the sound of the front door closing.
"Alright, bye Sweetie, see you tonight" you hear her call up before slamming the front door shut. You stay perfectly still for a minute as you listen to your mom's car start up before pulling out the driveway and fading into the distance. As soon as the coast is clear, you instantly spring up from your bed and head straight for your parent's bedroom. You hungrily open their laundry hamper and rummage around for something you haven't been able to stop thinking about for weeks. After a few seconds of searching, you finally have your hands on what you've been craving. In your hands is your mother's blue satin bra and matching panties, both detailed with black lace. You had occasionally caught glimpses of your mom wearing sexy lingerie like this when you were younger, but you never thought you'd find a pair this seductive so easily.

Your heart pounds as you rush back to your bedroom, lingerie in hand as you dive back onto your bed to start the day's festivities. You first turn attention to the bra, unravelling it so you can marvel at its sheer size. You hold the huge bra up to your nose to take in your mom's scent, the familiar smell of her perfume is enough to make your cock twitch as it reaches critical stiffness. Unable to wait any longer, you move the bra down your body and clamp your erection between the lacy cups. As you feel the smooth satin stroke up and down the length of your hardness, you reach for the matching panties and hold them up to your face. The aroma of your mother's sweet wetness fills your nostrils, instinctively causing you to stroke faster with the satin bra.

Mommy Christina in a low-cut floral dress, looking at you seductively.

As you lie your head back while keeping her panties tightly held to your face, you imagine your mom in a low cut dress, staring deeply into you with amorous eyes. Her huge, milky breasts slowly heave out the top of her dress in the rhythm of her breathing.
"Good morning, Sweetie" she says seductively, biting her lip as she looks down the length of your naked body. Without warning, she undoes her dress and slides it down her voluptuous figure, revealing her blue satin lingerie with black lace. "Come and give your mommy her good morning kiss." You imagine your mother leaning into you and placing her soft, red lips on yours, kissing you deeply as her tongue invades your mouth. As she breaks away from your lips, she continues to kiss down your body, leaving a trail of red lip marks on your torso. After placing the penultimate kiss on your pubis, she looks up at you with a brief sultry smirk before placing the final peck on the bulbous head of your penis.

With your eyes kept tightly shut, your grip on your bra-covered cock gets tighter as your strokes get faster still. As you let this illicit fantasy run wild in your head, you continue to deeply inhale your mother's sweet scent from her used panties. You imagine your mom's pillowy lips sliding effortlessly down the length of your cock. You grasp the back of her head as you guide the sensation of her warm tongue and throat stroking your cock to the same rhythm as your strokes of her bra. With a series of erotic sucking and slurping sounds, your mom takes the entire length of your member down her throat. As she pushes her soft lips into the base of your cock, she holds this position for a moment before looking up and shooting you a slutty gaze. Without so much as gagging, she slowly slides her lips back up the length of your cock, leaving a perfect red ring around it's base.

"Oooohh, Mommy..." you moan in real life, rapidly stroking the satin material against your hardness. "Mommy, I'm gonna cum..." You imagine your mother releasing you from her mouth and wrapping her fingers around your shaft, playfully stroking at it while she maintains eye contact.
"Is my baby gonna cum for Mommy?" she coos, picking up her strokes to the same pace as your own hand. "Come on, baby, give Mommy all your cum." You imagine her guiding your cock to aim directly for her beautiful face as she continues to rapidly pump you. "That's it, Baby, cum for Mommy." You feel your cock stiffen and tighten as it prepares to blow it's sticky load all over your mother.
"Oh fuck, OH MOMMY" you exclaim as you reach the point of no return. Just as you imagine your mother closing her eyes in anticipation of the hot, sticky mess you're about to make on her face, your cock erupts with rope after rope of pent-up semen directly into your mom's blue satin bra.


You groggily open your eyes to the darkness around you, completely naked with only your throbbing, aching cock covered by the sheets of your bed. You blindly reach for your phone on your bedside table and swat at it's button, illuminating the room slightly as you check the time on it's display. 2:00 am. After switching on the lamp at the side of your bed, you recall that you'd spent almost the entire day previous masturbating with your mother's underwear. You had pleasured yourself to the thought of taking her in every way you could think of, and covering every inch of her erotic body with your semen. At some point, before your mom returned home from your aunt's, you must have passed out from exhaustion. You look around your bedroom and spot the satin lingerie underneath your desk, still somewhat stained with your cum. Even in your semi-comatose state, you'd managed to have enough sense to throw the soiled undergarments out of sight before your mother got home.

"Shit" you think to yourself as you climb out of bed to recover the bra and panties. "Mom is almost definitely gonna do the laundry in the morning. I need to get these back in the hamper before she notices they're missing."
As you slowly creep through the pitch-black hallway, you stop by your baby brother's room and peer into the open door. You see him sleeping soundly in his bed, gently illuminated by his night light, confirming that your mom did come home at some point while you were passed out. Gripped by a sudden sense of dread, you slowly continue down the hallway until you reach the ajar door to your parent's bedroom. After a deep intake of air to your lungs, you carefully ease the door open and peer into the darkness within. You can just about make out the shape of your mother alone in her bed as your eyes adjust to the blackness. You stay completely still for a minute and wait for any signs of movement before venturing into the room, satisfied that she's sound asleep. You gently tiptoe across the room towards the laundry basket on the other side, your heart pounding faster with every silent step. After what feels like a nerve-wracking eternity, you eventually make it to the hamper. You slowly raise the lid of the hamper and push the blue satin bra and panties into it, burying them under a few layers of clothes. With an internal sigh of relief, you carefully close the hamper's lid and turn to make the silent retreat back to your bedroom.


Mommy Christina laying on her bed, wrapped in a satin sheet as she smirks at you playfully.

You're struck with an immense sensation of sheer panic as the room lights up around you. You quickly turn your attention to your mom's bed and find her laying on her side, propping herself up to catch a glimpse of her night-time intruder. You freeze on the spot, unable to formulate any sort of excuse or plan to get out of this terrifying situation.
"Well look who's finally awake" smiles your mother in a slightly more playful tone than you were expecting. "You were fast asleep by the time I got home." As you try and form a response in your head, you're suddenly distracted by the absence of any nightwear your mom appears to be wearing under her silk sheets.
"I... I... Uh..." you stutter as your already aching cock starts to spring back to life.
"Looks like you enjoyed having the house all to yourself yesterday" your mom smirks as she notices the growing bulge in your underwear. "I hope you didn't make too much of a mess with my panties."

You feel your heart sink like a lead weight directly on top of your soul, crushing it.
"How... How did you..?" you manage to splutter, the air seemingly getting too thin for you to breath, let alone speak.
"Sweetie, I'm your mother" she says through a warm smile. "I know everything that goes on under this roof."
"Mom... Mom I... I'm so sorry-" you stammer before being cut short.
"Shhhhhhh..." whispers your mother, turning her attention once again to the very visible erection straining the fabric of your boxer shorts. You clumsily attempt to cover the offending hard-on with your hands as your aching cock grows even larger from all the attention. "Oh, Honey... That thing must be so sore from all the fun you had yesterday. Come here and let Mommy make it feel all better." Too stunned to move a single muscle, you watch as your mom pulls her silk sheets back invitingly, stopping just short of revealing her nipples. With a sultry glare and playful smile, your mother beckons you closer with her index finger.

As your heart attempts to escape your chest, you sheepishly make your way over to the bed and climb under the sheets. The room is enveloped in darkness once again as you lay on your back and fearfully fixate your gaze to the ceiling before feeling your mother cuddle up to your side. The warmth of her naked body pressed against yours seems to slowly melt away your crippling terror, filling you with a sense of safety as her arm wraps around your shoulders and rests on your chest.
"It's been a while since you've climbed into bed with your mommy" she coos while gently running her fingers through your chest hair. "You used to jump into bed with me and your father every morning when you were little." After tracing a few circles on your chest, your mom's smile grows wider as you hear something shift and rustle under the covers. Before you can even tell what's going on, you feel something start to rub against the fabric concealing your throbbing erection. "But I guess you're not so little anymore. Look how much my little baby has grown."
"Mom? Mom, what are you..?" you begin to ask, struggling to comprehend if what's happening is actually real.
"Shhh... Shhhhh... It's OK" she reassures as her other hand removes itself from your chest and caresses the back of your head. "Mommy's going to make you feel all better, trust me."

Unable to protest any further, you stare at your mother in awe through the darkness while her fingers wriggle their way into the elastic of your underwear. You involuntarily grunt as your mom's fingers come into contact with your aching member, still sore from the events of yesterday.
"Sorry, Honey" whispers your mother as she gently grips your manhood. "I'll take it nice and slow, OK?" Speechless, you slowly nod and turn your attention to the outline of your mom's hand protruding through the sheets. While you can't see much in the darkness, you can make out the movement of the silk covers bobbing to the gentle rhythm of your mother's strokes. Waves of blissful ecstasy hit you with every sensual pump, her soft fingers working their magic to massage your sore, throbbing cock back to health.
"Oh Mom..." you catch yourself moaning, leaning your head back while she runs her fingers through your hair with her free hand.
"You've thought about this before, haven't you?" she asks playfully while maintaining her steady stroking motion. "Don't think Mommy hasn't noticed you staring at her for your entire adolescent life." You feel your mother lean in closer to you, her luscious lips mere centimetres away from your ear as she continues to whisper. "I see you staring at my chest every time I wear a low-cut top. You like your mommy's tits, don't you?"
"Mmmhh hmmmm..." you mumble while simultaneously swallowing the biggest lump in your throat you've ever experienced.
"Well if Mommy gets to play with you, it's only fair that you get to play with Mommy too" she says as she pulls down the covers to reveal her naked body to the cool night air. With your eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, they almost spring from their sockets at the sight of the two massive pale orbs that now hang next to your head. "Go ahead, Sweetie, touch them."

Without hesitating in the slightest, you reach both hands over to your mother's heaving bosom and sink them into their soft, pale flesh. You mindlessly squeeze them, pull at them and push them together while her fingers continue to carefully massage your shaft. As you continue to play with your mother's giant breasts, your thumbs blindly explore the two soft globes until they find her stiff, pink nipples.
"MMMmmmm..." she moans, her nipples getting harder under your thumbs as you rub them in circles. Noticing your mother's apparent sensitivity to having her nipples played with, you decide to kick it up a gear and take each of them between your thumb and index fingers. As you tweak and pull on her pink nipples, your mom once again runs her fingers through your hair as she quietly moans and squirms. The excitement causes her to slightly tighten her grip on your cock, stroking it deeper down its length than before. You barely even notice this as you're too occupied with testing just how far you can pull your mom's nipples, watching them spring back as you let go. "Oh... Baby... that feels so good..." As your mom continues to whimper with every tug of her glorious breasts, you suddenly feel something wet trickle over your fingers. Stunned in complete disbelief of what you think you've just discovered, you immediately grab a breast and lock your mouth around a nipple. You suck and flick the stiff nipple with your tongue until your mouth is suddenly filled with a sweet sensation, confirming your suspicion. Your mom is still lactating from her pregnancy.

"OH! Honey..." your mother exclaims as she throws her head back, caressing yours with her spare hand and pulling you closer into her bountiful chest. You firmly squeeze at her breast while simultaneously sucking at its nipple, your mouth filling with her sweet mommy milk. "Oh fuuuuck..." she moans, feeding her eldest son while sensually stroking his hard, throbbing cock. While you hungrily suck and lick at one of her nipples, your hand continues to pinch and tweak the other, spraying milk over your chest and stomach. "Mmmmmm... That's it, Baby... Drink Mommy's milk... That's a good boy." Your mom starts to pump your cock faster, rewarding you for making her feel so good. You're in complete bliss as you continue to drink your mom's sweet nectar while she massages your manhood. Her magic fingers have somehow healed the soreness from before so now you only feel the immense pleasure of being jerked off by your own mother.

"Mom... Mommy I'm getting close..." your muffled voice says through her breast after swallowing a mouthful of delicious mommy milk. Without saying a word your mom starts to stroke your cock faster and faster, the silk sheets noisily rustling from the rapid movement. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuck..."
"Cum for me, Baby" she whispers as she pulls your head tightly to her breast. "I want you to keep sucking on Mommy's tits and then I want you to blow a nice big load for me." Your mom's fingers get even faster while you do as you’re told, taking a stiff, pink nipple in your mouth while your cock musters up another orgasm.
"Oh Mom..." you grunt as you feel your cock stir in your mother's hand. Her other hand continues to play with your hair as you feel your balls tighten, your shaft getting stiffer in preparation for blowing a big, sticky load. As your mother feels your cock twitch and harden in her hands, she grips your member tighter with the intention of milking every last drop of cum from you. With one final squeeze of her fingers, your cock erupts under the silk sheets and covers her hand with your hot, sticky semen. "MOMMYYYY!"

Completely exhausted from the numerous orgasms you'd had in the past 24 hours, you nuzzle your head back into your mother's chest. As her fingers run through your hair while her other hand gently rubs your stomach, you absent-mindedly suckle on her breasts before falling asleep in her arms.


The morning light penetrates your eyelids as it disturbs you from your deep slumber. For a brief moment you recall the events of the previous night, questioning if it had actually happened or if it was just another in the series of fantasies you'd imagined that day. Opening your eyes to find you were still in your parent's bedroom staring up at their ceiling convinces you that last night had very much been real. You also suddenly realise that it wasn't the dim morning light passing through the curtains that had awoken you, it was the warm, wet sensation on your already erect penis. You peer down the bed to see a large lump slowly bobbing up and down under the covers at your crotch.
"M-Mom..?" you ask, still not fully aware of your surroundings. As if in response, you suddenly feel your mom's tongue swirl around your sensitive dickhead as her lips expertly massage your shaft. You pull the silk sheets away to reveal your mother curled up at the foot of the bed, poised above your waist with your morning wood halfway down her throat. Her eyes dart towards you and playfully wink before she takes the rest of your length into her mouth. "Ohhhhh... fuck!"
She holds your entire manhood in her throat for a moment, then effortlessly slides it back out with a loud, wet pop.

"Good morning, Sweetie" she says between planting two kisses on the leaking tip of your cock. "Did you sleep well last night?" Before you can answer, your mom plunges her plump lips back around your morning wood and continues to noisily lap up your precum. Hearing your mother say her usual morning exchange but with your member in her hands and mouth makes your cock grow even larger between her lips. "Mmmmmmmm... looks like you did" she coos after wrapping your throbbing manhood in her delicate fingers. "You've completely recovered from all the fun you had last night." Keeping a tight grip on your swollen member, your mom begins to get up on her knees. With one knee either side of you, she positions herself as to hover her glistening wetness millimetres away from your tip. "Now it's time for Mommy to have some fun."
"Mom... are you sure?" you ask, terror written all over your face as your half-awake brain attempts to comprehend the incredibly forward proposition. Your mother smirks at you before giving your cock a hard squeeze.
"I think I'm pretty sure, Sweetie" she replies as you wince, your cock already feeling like it could burst at the seams at any moment.
You feel the heat radiating from your mother's pussy as it slowly lowers down to meet your manhood. You involuntarily take a deep inhale as her warm pussy lips kiss the head of your cock.

Just before your mom can finish guiding your member into her forbidden sweetness, she stops to rub your cock with her soaked opening, covering it in her sweet juices. The extra lubrication makes your mother's guiding hand stroke you with every movement, gliding over your shaft as she plays with your dick.
"Somebody's been a very naughty boy" she says with a playful sternness, still teasing your cock against her dripping pussy. "Stealing their own mother's lingerie, sneaking into her room in the middle of the night..."
"Oh... oh Mom..." you pant as your cock twitches with every lick from her glistening pussy lips.
"Masturbating with your own mother's underwear..." she continues, basking in the sight of your red face contorting as you squirm beneath her. "You were thinking about me, weren't you? You were thinking about your own mother while you stroked your hard, young cock."
"I... I-I..." you stutter through a scrunched face.
"Answer me, Honey! You thought about your mother while you pleasured yourself, didn't you?"
"Yes!" you exclaim painfully, throwing your head back as your mom's grip on your cock tightens.
"Is this what you thought about? Did you think about fucking your mommy?"
"Yes!" you whimper, unable to take any more of the teasing.
"You want to fuck your Mommy, don't you? You want to thrust your big cock deep into Mommy's pussy."
"I want to hear you say it."
"I WANT TO FUCK MY MOMMY!" you scream with absolutely no regard for the possibility of the neighbours hearing your cries, or for waking the sleeping infant in the other room.

Satisfied with her little game, your mother suddenly drops down and engulfs the entirety of your cock within the velvety walls of her pussy.
"Fuuuuuuuuuuck..." you and your mother both moan in unison as her wetness clamps tightly on your dick. As your mom starts to bounce on your pelvis, you're caught in painful disbelief that you still haven't cum yet. Despite your cock virtually screaming to be relieved, the multiple orgasms of yesterday have taken their toll, and this orgasm isn't going out without a fight. Your hips start to move on their own as they rise to meet your mom's soft ass every time she drops onto your dick, ramming your manhood deeper inside her.
"OH FUCK... OH YES... OH YES, BABY... FUCK MOMMY..." cries your mother with every pump of your dick. You grunt and pant as you reach up and grope her tummy, squeezing and kneading the jiggling flesh as it bounces in front of you. "THAT'S IT BABY, PLAY WITH YOUR MOMMY... MOMMY'S YOUR PLAYTHING!" In a state of immense arousal, your mom's sensitive nipples start to dribble with her milk as it trickles down onto your torso. Your hands start to feel their way up her body in response, eventually finding the leaking nipples before pinching both. With every thrust of your cock you squeeze and tug at her erect nipples, opening your mouth and extending your tongue to catch the sweet nectar spraying onto your chest and face.

After lapping up what little you can catch of your mother's delicious milk, you decide it's still not enough. With your cock still firmly nestled in your mom's warm, soaking pussy, you lean yourself up and take a stiff nipple between your lips.
"Ahhh... Baby..." she moans as you swallow her sweet breast milk while your cock invades her womb. "BABY, DON'T STOP! MOMMY'S SO CLOSE!" You feel your mother's arms wrap around you, one hand keeping your head firmly in her massive bosom while the other digs into your back. Her head swings and fidgets as her cries of pleasure get louder and more frequent. "YES! YES! YES! FUCK! MOMMY! HARDER! BABY!" Your hips kick into overdrive as you mindlessly start to fuck your mother harder than she's ever been fucked before. You feel your mom's fingernails dig deeper into your back as the head of your cock repeatedly collides with her G-spot. "FUCK! MOMMY'S GONNA CUM! MOMMY'S GONNA CUM ALL OVER YOUR BIG COCK!" You continue to suck and play with her sensitive nipples as your cock ravishes her insides, bringing her closer and closer to breaking point. "FUUUUUUUUUCK!" screams your mother, pulling you closer into her shaking body as she convulses on your dick, her juices gushing all over it. The walls of her pussy clamp tight around your manhood as it attempts to milk your throbbing cock dry. Still convulsing uncontrollably, your mother grabs your head and pulls you in for a deep, passionate kiss as she rides out her mind-blowing orgasm.

As the final wave of pleasure passes, your mom exhaustedly slumps onto you with her head nuzzled into your chest. Your cock slickly slides out of your mother's wet hole and props itself against her soft thigh, still firmly erect despite the efforts of her velvety pussy walls. Your mom takes a second to rest in your arms before she starts to gently shuffle her thigh around, feeling the stiff instrument poking into it.
"Sweetie, are you still hard?" she asked with a mixture of surprise, exhaustion and excitement.
"Uhhh... yeah..." you timidly respond as your hand gently gropes her plump rear.
"Looks like all that fun you had yesterday has really worn your little guy out" she giggles as her hand wanders down to inspect the situation. "Hold still. Mommy knows just the thing to make her baby blow his load." Your mom rolls off of you and climbs out of the bed before grabbing your hips and twisting you around to her. She pulls your waist closer, allowing your legs to hang off the side of the bed as she gets to her knees between them.

You prop yourself up on your elbows to watch as your mother inspects your stiff cock, still glistening with her juices. With your member still resting on your belly, she leans down and runs her tongue along your shaft, tasting herself on your rod.
"Ah..." you wince as your cock twitches painfully under her tongue.
"Oh, sorry Baby" your mom apologises as she quickly retracts her tongue. "I didn't realise you were in so much pain. We better get this cum out of you quickly." After grasping your manhood and holding it pointed to the ceiling, she suddenly heaves her glorious chest up and over, capturing your cock between her heavenly titmeat.
"Oh, fuck..." you moan, tilting your head back as your mom squeezes her massive pale breasts together. The two soft, fleshy mounds tightly clamp your cock like a vice as she starts to stroke your member rapidly. "Oooh fuck... ooooh Mom..."
"Don't worry, Sweetie" your mom reassures with a warm, motherly smile as she violently pumps her chest along your shaft. "No one ever lasts very long like this." As her heavy breasts slam into the base of your cock, you can see your bulbous tip poke out from in between her deep cleavage. Your mother notices this too, tilting her head down to kiss and lick your sensitive head every time it makes an appearance.

"Fuuuuck..." you moan as your grip tightens on the mattress underneath you. Your cries and whimpers encourage your mom to stroke faster, pushing her tits tighter together in an attempt to squeeze every drop of your seed out of your throbbing manhood. The extra force pushing her breasts together causes her nipples to stark leaking once more, milk running down her tits and onto your waist. The sight of your mother's glorious breasts wrapped tightly around your cock, her milk trickling from her erect nipples as her plump, pink lips kiss your tip with every stroke, drives you off the edge. As the assault of her titflesh continues, you feel your cock starts to tighten as the familiar sensation of an incoming orgasm finally starts to stir. "Aaahhh... Mo... Maaa... I-I... I'mmaa..." you cry as you struggle to form actual words.
"Come on, Baby" whispers your mother sensually, not letting up on the rapid strokes of her titmeat. "Cum for Mommy. Cum all over her milky tits." Your face starts to turn red as it scrunches up into a ball. "Cum for Mommy, Baby."


Your mind goes blank as your entire body is overwhelmed by an epiphany of ecstasy. Your cock suddenly erupts between your mother's breasts, shooting rope after rope of hot, sticky semen all over her beautiful face and chest. Your plentiful cum runs across her plump lips as she laps up the creamy excess and tastes her son's fertile seed. Her tits look heavenly coated in a thick layer of your cum, glistening in the morning light as your cock slumps limp between them. You begin to enter back into consciousness as your mom takes your exhausted cock in her mouth, cleaning every last drop of cum from your member. Your head sinks back into a nearby pillow as your mother finishes polishing your tip before getting up onto her feet.
"Mmmmmm... good boy" she coos, scraping up some of your manbatter from her chest and sucking it off her fingers. "Even after last night you had such a big load for Mommy."
"Mom... that was incredible..." you pant as you struggle to even raise your head to watch to look at her. You watch as she wipes her glazed face down with a nearby towel before throwing it into her laundry hamper.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Sweetie" she smiles as she begins to pull the silk covers back over you. "I should probably go and check on your little brother, you stay here and rest and I'll bring you up some breakfast. Sound good?"
"Yes please" you smile lovingly as you snuggle into the silk sheets. Your mom gives a loving smile back before leaning down and planting a tender kiss on your forehead.

"I love you, Honey."

"I love you too, Mom."

The End

For a continuation of this story, please read Christina Hendricks in: Shower Thoughts.

Originally published: January 2021

The following story is a mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actress Christina Hendricks containing incest and lactation.

This story is a sequel to Christina Hendricks in: Home Alone with events that directly follow that story.


Christina Hendricks in:
Shower Thoughts

The sounds and smells of a home-cooked breakfast permeate through the late-morning air as you snooze in your parents' bed. With your mind only picking up hints of the noises coming from the kitchen downstairs as you drift from consciousness, you dream in anticipation for your mother to return with a delicious meal. The events of last night and this morning have left you exhausted, and you need all the rest you can get before the fun continues.

Your mother, Christina Hendricks, has always been the object of your desires. Spending your adolescent life around such a beautiful, sexy, curvy woman drove you crazy with pent-up lust. With three younger brothers, one of which being only a few months old, quality time alone to 'deal' with that lust was a luxury. Yesterday, you finally had that luxury. With your brothers away on a camping trip with your father for the weekend, and your mother taking the baby to visit your aunt, you jumped at the chance to relieve some of that tension. Unfortunately, you relieved it all too well, your many orgasms lulling you to sleep before you could return the underwear you stole from your mother's laundry hamper. Deciding to sneak them back into her room while she slept, you were caught red-handed in the middle of the act. Instead of shouting, screaming, yelling or any of the other things you thought she'd do, she instead invited you to climb into bed with her. That night and the following morning, you finally lived out your wildest taboo fantasies with your dream woman. You happily replay the events of the past 12 hours in your mind as you doze, waiting for your mother to return so you can create some new memories.

"Are you quite comfortable there?" asks a familiar voice, the sound immediately filling you with a loving sense of warmth. Your tired eyes open excitedly as you roll over to face the voice's direction and gaze upon the beautiful figure in the doorway. Your mother stands watching you for a moment, curvaceous body wrapped in her white bathrobe as she holds a tray full of food.
"Yes Mom... I was just taking a little nap while I waited for you" you smile, head still half-buried in a pillow as your mother playfully shakes her head.
"Oh really?" she smirks, her eyes scanning the bed to see how you've bundled yourself tight within her bedsheets. "I guess Mommy must have really worn you out this morning, huh?"
"Mmm-hmm!" you chirp, pulling the covers tighter around you as you nuzzle your head deeper into the pillow.
"You must be too tired to eat this breakfast I've made you, then" teases your mother, gesturing carefully with the tray. As she mentions the word 'breakfast', your stomach growls as if on cue.
"Oh! No, I'm ready!" you declare, rolling onto your back and sitting up against the headboard in anticipation for your mom's delicious cooking. She rolls her eyes as you look expectedly at her, eagerly awaiting your breakfast.
"I thought you might be" she jeers before walking over to place the tray of food onto your lap. Your eyes widen and your mouth waters from the meal displayed before you. Perfectly cooked bacon and scrambled eggs, golden slices of buttered toast, yogurt with fresh blueberries and a glass of orange juice. But as you look up to thank your mother for such a treat, you find your mouth watering from a different sight.

Mommy Christina in a white bathrobe, leaning over you and looking deep into your eyes.

"There you are, Honey" purrs your mother as she leans over you to place the tray in your lap. "This should help recoup some of that energy." Your eyes lose themselves in her deep cleavage as her heavy breasts hang within her robe.
"Th-thanks, Mom..." you stutter out, eyes unable to break from her heavenly chest. Her full lips curl into a sultry smirk as her own son lustfully stares at her chest, seemingly ignorant to the food placed before him.
"It's gonna get cold" she jests playfully as she tips your head up by the chin, finally getting you to look her in the eyes before leaning closer to plant a kiss on your lips. "Speaking of which, I should probably go and give your brother his breakfast too."
"Make sure there's enough left for me" you retort with an impish grin, your mother's eyes rolling as she leans back up before heading to your baby brother's room. Without the immediate distraction of your mother's curvy body, you finally begin to eat the delicious morning meal she prepared for you. As you chow down on crispy strips of bacon and crunchy slices of toast, you can't help but be envious of the milky treat your brother must be enjoying.

As you gulp down the last mouthful of orange juice and place the glass back on the now-empty tray, you hear the familiar sound of your mom approaching from down the hall. "Are you OK in here, Sweetheart?" she asks as she enters the doorway, her sweet, caring voice making your heart flutter slightly.
"Uh-huh... Yes, Mom!" you beam, shooting her a wide, content smile. "That was delicious! Thank you!"
"Mmmhmhm... Anything for my baby boy..." she giggles, blushing slightly as she reaches over you to remove the empty tray from the bed. "Is there anything else I can get you, Honey?"
"Uhh... Actually, Mom..." you answer as your eyes drift from her beautiful face towards her cleavage, her breasts barely contained by her loose bathrobe. "I'm still a little, uh... Thirsty..." As you say this, the look of dutiful concern on your mother's face turns into an amorous smile.
"Is that so?" she questions coyly, taking a seat on the bed next to you while pulling you closer to her body. You feel your mom's fingers comb through your hair as her heaving chest fills your field of vision. "Well you're in luck... Your brother didn't seem too hungry this morning so they're still pretty full..." Your eyes are mesmerised by her swollen chest as she pulls your head closer with one hand and pulls her robe apart with the other. "Care to help me with that?" You can only nod in response, rendered speechless by the sight of her firm nipple finally escaping the fabric of her robe. Without a second thought in your mind, your lips immediately latch onto your mother's breast as she pulls your head closer.

"Mmmmmmm... Oh, Honey..." your mom purrs as you begin to suckle on her stiff nipple, still sensitive from feeding her youngest moments ago. But unlike your baby brother, you seem much more eager for your breakfast. Almost immediately, your mother's creamy breastmilk fills your mouth with each hungry suck on her heaving breast. You wrap one arm behind her, clinging tightly to her waist while your other hand sinks into her pillowy breast to squeeze out every drop. "Hhhmmmm... That's it, Baby... Drink it all up..." your mom whispers as her grip on your head tightens, locking your head against her soft bosom without any chance of escape. "That's a good boy... Mommy's so full... You need to drink it all up for Mommy..."
"Mmmh... Mmmyesh Mmmommy..." you mumble, nodding in response with her nipple still trapped between your lips. Some of your mother's delicious nectar trickles down your chin and onto her lap as you try and talk.
"Ooohhh... Good boy... Such a good boy for Mommy" she moans, caressing your head as she runs her fingers through your messy bed hair. You begin to feel your mom's legs wriggle under the bedsheet to intertwine with yours, her smooth skin gently stroking you as she envelopes you in her warm embrace. Despite having exploded between your mother's breasts only an hour or so ago, the taste of her sweet mommy milk is enough to stir your cock from its morning nap. As more and more blood rushes to your member, the aphrodisiac effects of your mother's nourishing milk begin to take over.

"Hhngggnaa! Ohhh-h... Honey! Careful..." your mom whimpers, her eyes screwed shut as her own son suckles on her milky breasts with an insatiable appetite. "Not so hard, Baby... Th-they're still sensitive from feeding your brother..." Her cries fall on deaf ears as you're too overwhelmed with lust to slow your morning feeding. "Ohhhh God... Oh, Honeeeey..." she squeals before biting her full bottom lip. Despite her protests, your mother fails to release your head from her grasp and instead pulls you even deeper into her chest. The bedroom fills with moans and gasps as your mom smothers you in her heaving breasts. You show no signs of slowing down, swallowing mouthful after mouthful of her delicious milk as your cock aches and throbs. "Oh God! Fffffuck... Don't stop, Baby! Mmmmahhh... You're making Mommy feel so good!" You're too occupied with suckling every drop of her sweet nectar to notice your mother burying her free hand between her legs. Her moans become more frequent and shallow as she mercilessly toys with her soaking pussy, her fingers plunging deep inside with every suck on her nipple. "Oh fuck! Oh, Baby! Mommy... Mommy needs your cock!" Before you can even register what your mother just said, you suddenly feel yourself being forcibly rolled onto your back. The leaking nipple between your lips finally makes its escape with a loud pop as your mom climbs on top of you. You can't do anything but watch in complete awe as your own mother, wild-eyed and panting, pins your arms to the headboard as she gets into position. With her glistening pussy now mere millimetres from your throbbing member, you watch helplessly as your mom takes aim to plunge herself deep onto your cock.

*Bzzzzzzz* *Bzzzzzzz*

Your mother freezes like a deer in headlights, stopping just short of enveloping her own son's cock with her pussy. The lustful spell holding both you and your mom is abruptly broken as the droning sound of a vibrating cell phone cuts through the morning air. After a moment, your mother's eyes finally dart in the direction of her phone rumbling against her bedside table.
"Shit! It's your father!" she scolds before scrambling off of you to answer the unbidden call. Your engorged cock slaps back against your stomach as she releases it from her hand, making you whimper in disappointment. "Hi! Hi, H-honey..." chirps your mom as she finally answers her phone, desperately trying to suppress her panting breaths. "Huh? Oh, nothing much... I'm, uh... I'm just washing the dishes from dinner last night..." As your mother turns to sit on the bed's side, you can't help but reach down to caress your dissatisfied member in anticipation of her return. Even with her back to you, you're still able to see her huge, hanging breasts as they peek around the sides of her delicate frame. "Uh-huh... Oh, that's good! It sounds like you boys had a wonderful time... Uh-huh... Yes, they're good! The little one is still exhausted from visiting his Aunt Bryce so he's having a nap..." Your hard cock pulsates in your hand as you listen to half of your parents' conversation, the sound of her sweet voice making you grow even more impatient. As more blood pumps to your cock than your brain, your reach over to sink your fingers into her plump thigh as you attempt to drag her back over to you. With a small yelp your mother swats at your hand and turns to glare at you, her eyes shooting daggers into yours as you retract. "Huh? Oh, no... I, uh... I just dropped a spoon I was cleaning."
"Sorry..." you whisper inconspicuously as your mom turns away once more.
"Uh-huh... OK... Wonderful! See you then, Honey... Bye!"

Your mother finally hangs up the phone before getting up from the bed, crushing your hopes of resuming the morning's activities.
"Sweetie, your father's gonna be home with your brothers in 30 minutes" your mom relays to you as she banishes her heavenly body to the confines of her bathrobe. "It's almost noon and neither of us are even dressed! I know that isn't out of the ordinary for you but your father might think something's up if I'm still walking around like this! I'm going to jump in the shower quickly, could you please make the bed and clear the dishes from breakfast away, Sweetheart?" As much as you want to argue with her and spend the rest of the 30 minutes with your cock buried inside your mother's womb, you don't think you have a strong enough case.
"I, uh... Sure, Mom..." you concede, capturing one final glance at her cleavage before she's completely covered by her robe.
"Thank you, Sweetie! You're a star!" she beams as she bends down to plant a kiss on your forehead before marching to the bathroom. You let out a long, pained sigh as you look around the room at the mess you've been left with. A tray full of dirty plates and bowls, clothes strewn all over the floor and stained bedsheets crumpled into the corner of the bed. As you try and muster up the energy to get out of bed and start cleaning, your thoughts are clouded by the throbbing of your neglected erection.
"I really need to get this place cleaned up" you think to yourself as your hand instinctively crawls towards your member. "But I should probably get this out of the way first, right?"

As your fingers wrap around the swollen shaft of your aching cock, you close your eyes and try to visualize the frantic love-making you just missed out on. Unfortunately, the events of the past 24 hours have exhausted your brain and hindered your once-vivid imagination. With the image of your naked mother bouncing on top of your cock beginning to form in your mind, your focus is suddenly broken by the sound of running water coming from the bathroom. The muffled rush of the shower head permeates your dirty thoughts, washing them away just as they solidify.
"God dammit!" you think to yourself as you feel your cock scream for release. You attempt to focus once again, trying to block out the dull sound of running water but to no avail. The image of the shower itself begins to infiltrate your mind. You involuntarily imagine the water cascading down onto the naked body of the goddess currently inside it. You see your mother's hands tenderly lathering her soapy breasts, effortlessly gliding along her perfect curves as she covers every inch of her body with suds. You imagine reaching around from behind her, taking her huge breasts in your hands as you help lather her while she grinds her pillowy ass against your hard cock. You wrap an arm around her hips and hold her steady, using your other hand to guide your throbbing cock into her warm, welcoming pussy. "Ghaaaah!" you shout in frustration as you violently pull your hand from your aching member. "Forget this!" you think to yourself, leaping out of bed as your cock takes complete control of your motor functions. "Why should I have to lie here and think about Mom in the shower when the real thing is right there?"

Mommy Christina naked, standing under a running shower head with her eyes closed.

The sound and sensations of the rushing hot water render your mother oblivious to you as you sneak into the bathroom. You feel your cock swell at just the sight of her curvy silhouette behind the foggy glass of the shower door. You quietly approach the door and gently slide it open, careful to not alert your mom as she drenches her head under the faucet. As you gently close the shower door behind you, you're suddenly hit with the realization that there's no way to proceed without scaring the crap out of your mother.
"Uh... Mom?" you mutter under your breath, your voice being completely drowned out by the running water. You loudly clear your throat to get her attention but with no success. "Mom? Mom? MOM!"
"Aieee!" your mother yelps, jumping in place before quickly turning towards her bathroom intruder. "Honey! What on earth are you doing?"
"I, uh..." you stumble, trying desperately to formulate an excuse as your mom combs long, red stands of wet hair from her eyes. "I... I thought it'd be quicker if we both took a shower together. That way we'll both be ready by the time Dad gets back." You stand and grin nervously as your mother ponders for a moment, her desire to argue conflicting with her desire to get showered as quickly as possible.

"OK, fine..." she sighs, turning back towards the stream of water to finish washing her hair. "You did clean up the bedroom like I asked, right Sweetheart?"
"Oh yeah, of course!" you reply, dismissing the uncleaned room as an obstacle for later.
"OK, let's just get washed up and out of here before your father turns up" your mom instructs before plunging her head back under the stream to rinse out the last of her shampoo. Not really knowing what to do with yourself now that you've infiltrated your mother's shower, you look around the cubicle as a cunning idea pops into your head. With your mom distracted by the water once more, you reach over to grab her favourite body soap and squirt a generous dollop into your hand. You rub the fragrant gel between your hands before gently reaching for your mother's waist. "Honey? What are you..." questions your mom as you begin to lather soap along the sides of her body. Just the sensation of your hands gliding along her bare, pale flesh is enough to make your erection throb.
"While you're washing your hair, I thought I'd help you wash your body" you plead innocently. "That way you'll be ready twice as fast!"
"Oh... O-OK then..." she stammers timidly, returning her focus to rinsing her hair while her son's strong hands massage her curvy frame.

Your soapy hands travel further around your mom's torso, wrapping her in your arms as you knead the deliciously plump flesh of her tummy. You begin to feel your mother tremble under your touch, her whimpers and deepening breaths almost covered by the sound of the shower. You slide your hands up to her huge breasts, cupping both of them in your palms as you take a moment to notice how stiff her nipples have become.
"Mom? Could you turn around?" you ask, loosening your grip on her body after one final squeeze of her nipples. Without a word, your mother obeys your request and turns towards you. You involuntarily exhale upon seeing her full breasts in front of you, water cascading around them as you take them back in your hands. You take great care to lather soap over every inch of the two heavenly globes, massaging one at a time so you can support the weight of her breast with both hands. Your eyes suddenly switch focus from the two gargantuan orbs filling your hands as you look up to find your mother's eyes staring back. All nervousness and worry has melted away and left only lust and desire in its place. Breathy gasps and gentle moans escape her mouth as you continue to massage her heavy bosom.

Getting lost in her trance yourself, your hands finally detach from her chest and sensually slide down the sides of her waist. As you grip the plush fat of her hips, you wordlessly guide your mother to turn on the spot. She reciprocates obediently, turning around once more to face the running shower head as her plump ass knocks against your throbbing erection. With your fingers still gripping into her hips, you squat down behind your mom before running your hands down the length of her leg. Her whole body shivers in ecstasy as you massage her thick, juicy thighs, her moans getting louder each time your hands creep closer to her pussy. Each time you lean forward to run your hands down her calves, your face inevitably becomes buried in her pillowy buttcheeks. Noticing this, your mother purrs contently and bends forward, pushing her ass out slightly to smother you even more. Unable to resist, you lose all interest in lathering her legs and start planting gentle kisses on her plump behind. With your hands gliding up her legs to grip her wide, child-bearing hips once more, you pull them against your face as you bury yourself against her soft flesh.
"Ohh... Oh, Sweetie..." your mother moans, her shaky voice echoing around the shower cubicle as she grinds her ass against you. Driven mad with lust, you lose yourself within your mom's plush assmeat as you motorboat her fat buttcheeks. Your throbbing cock screams at you for release, forcing you to stand back up before wrapping your arms around your mother. She lets out a loud gasp as you pull her tightly against you, seemingly melting in your arms as her inhibitions fail her. Your fingers creep down her tummy to her pubic mound, hellbent on exploring the heavenly hole that you originated from.

"Honey..." whispers your mom as your throbbing cock presses against her ass, your fingers now centimetres away from reaching her clit. "Honey, stop... We can't... Not now..." Just as you're about to reach your mother's glistening pussy lips, she wriggles free from your grasp and turns around to face you. "Sweetie, I... I'm sorry. I love you, but we don't have time to mess around right now. I'd better get out and get dressed... You finish getting yourself washed up, OK?"
"But... B-but..." you stutter, not wanting this magical weekend to end but knowing it probably has to. "OK, Mom... I'm sorry I got a little outta hand."
"That's alright, Honey" she purrs reassuringly, pulling you in for a tight hug. "I know how you young boys are when you're horny. Don't worry about it." You struggle to focus on your mother's words as her wet, naked body presses against yours. Feeling safe in her embrace, you involuntarily wrap your arms around her too before burying your head against her soft chest. Neither of you wanting to break this tender moment, your mom combs her fingers through your wet, matted hair as the sound of running water creates a mental barricade from the outside world.

"OK..." she says gently, still caressing your head against her bosom. "What if I stay and help you get washed up?"
"Really?" you ask, peeking up from your mom's chest to look into her beautiful eyes.
"Of course, Baby" she smiles, running her fingers through your hair once more. "It's only fair that I should return the favour. Now turn around and close your eyes so I can wash your hair." You do as your mother instructs while she grabs your shampoo from the rack and applies it to her hands, lathering it between them. "Come here..." she whispers as she gently pulls you back into her, her soapy hands beginning to gently caress your head. You let out a deep sigh as you feel all the tension melt from your body, your mother's fingers tenderly massaging your scalp while her soft breasts press against your back.
"Mmmmmmm..." you can't help but groan, the feeling of your mother's soft fingers washing your hair being unlike anything you've ever experienced. The intimate, caring act of being groomed and washed, combined with the loving bond of a mother and her son is too much for you to describe. In this moment, you've never felt more loved nor felt more love for another person than you do your mother.

Your mom smiles warmly as she feels her own son unwind in her hands, her gentle massage dispelling all his cares and troubles.
"Ok, now rinse..." she whispers, carefully guiding your head under the rushing water. With eyes still firmly shut, you feel the warm water cascading around your head as your mother combs her fingers through your soapy hair. After sufficiently rinsing out all of the residue shampoo, your mom retrieves you from under the shower head and turns you around to face her. With the threat of getting shampoo in your eyes no longer present, you open them to gaze upon the goddess before you.
"Thanks, Mom..." you sigh, still reeling from the immense feeling of affection you just experienced.
"I'm not done yet" she smiles, turning away for a moment to grab your shower gel before squirting it into her hand. You naturally gravitate closer to her, taking a step forward as you anticipate her soft, caring hands all over your body.

Your mother's warm smile grows larger as she welcomes her son into her grasp, tenderly kneading your shoulders before working her soapy hands down your arms. You exhale loudly from her touch, loving every moment of being caressed by the gorgeous, curvy woman who raised you. Returning her hands to your shoulders, your mom begins to slide them down your torso before lathering your chest. You stare longingly at your mother's beautiful face, a look of loving dedication and focus to the job at hand as she runs her soapy fingers through your chest hair. The sensation of a full body massage from your own mother is as calming and blissful as it is arousing, your cock twitching from every firm movement of her hands. As your mom's caressing hands creep lower and lower down your torso, you wince from the ache of your raging erection.

"We'll need to wash this, too..." purrs your mother as she wraps her digits around the base of your throbbing member. With her hand sufficiently lubricated with soap, she begins to tenderly stroke the length of your cock. "Oh Honey... I didn't realise you were still so hard! Let Mommy take care of it..."
"Ohh... Oh Mom... Ahh..." you whimper, your cock pulsating in her hand as her strokes start to pick up pace. Your knees tremble and weaken from the immense pleasure, feeling like they're about to give out at any moment. With eyes scrunched closed and legs failing, you lean forward and wrap your arms around your mother's nude body. You bury your face into her chest as your hands grip onto the plush flesh of her waist, clinging on for dear life as she devotedly strokes your cock.
"That's it, Baby... Let it all out for Mommy..." she whispers, caressing your head into her bosom with one hand and milking your cock with the other. With your mother's delicate fingers pumping away at your aching cock, she tilts your head up from her chest as her beautiful blue eyes stare lustfully into yours. Before you know it, her lips are locked to yours as she invades your mouth with her dancing tongue. You helplessly cling to your own mother as she devours her baby boy, your primal lust for mating with this goddess beginning to reach its breaking point.

"Mom..." you whimper, breaking free from her pillowly lips for a moment to stare into her hungry eyes. "I... I need to be inside you." You watch as your mother's lips curl into an amorous smile before she gives your cock one last squeeze. In one fluid motion, your mom lets go of your hard cock and turns to face the cubicle wall.
"Be quick" she pleads, bending down to present her soaking pussy as she grasps the shower rack for support. You waste no time in guiding your throbbing cock to her glorious hole, gripping her waist tightly as you push it down to the hilt. You shudder and moan as your cock finally reaches the destination you've been searching for all morning. "Ahh... Aahhhhh..." gasps your mother, pushing her hips back onto yours as she feels the entire length and girth of your member. "Come on, Baby... Fuck Mommy... I need you to cum for me..." Once completely inside your mom's pussy, your hips take a life of their own and begin pumping wildly. The rushing water of the shower is soon proved unable to drown out the sounds of you and your mother moaning in ecstasy among the slaps of colliding flesh. However, even through this cacophony of illicit pleasure, you suddenly hear another noise from outside the house.

"Wait... Honey, stop!" your mother hisses as you hear the distinct sound of car doors slamming from outside. Your rapid thrusts slow to a halt as you and your mother freeze, listening for any more signs of life. The familiar jangling sound of your father's keys cuts through the air like a knife, filling the two of you with a rapidly increasing sense of dread. You and your mother stand like statues, your cock still nestled firmly inside her pussy as you continue listening.
"Honey?" your dad calls out as he ventures up the stairs. "We're back! Where are you?" A great sense of panic suddenly fills your entire being as you look to your mother for guidance, only to find her staring back with her finger pressed to her lips.
"Hi Honey!" your mom finally calls out, the sound of the shower masking the fragility of her voice. "I'm just in the shower, I'll be out in a minute!" You suddenly feel the familiar ache of your pent-up cock, the terror of the situation at hand only intensifying your arousal. With your inhibitions at an all-time low, your hips begin to gently pump inside your mother once more.

"Honey, what are you..." whispers your mom as you slowly push yourself deeper. Before she can scold you further, you hear your father's footsteps reach the door of the bathroom.
"Wow, had a bit of a lazy morning, huh?" he chuckles, talking slightly louder than normal to penetrate the sound of the shower. "And breakfast in bed too! Did our son make that for you?"
"I thought you said..." your mother hisses as she turns to shoot you a piercing glare. "Oh! Uh... Yes, he did... S-sorry about the... Ah... The mess, I guess I lost track of time..." While every gentle thrust of your cock, your mother's conversation is interrupted with an involuntary squeal.
"Aww, how thoughtful of him" your father sighs. "We've raised him well! I'm glad you're still being looked after even when I'm not here." Hearing your dad mention you 'taking care' of your mother pushes you to pump a little faster, the thrill of the situation taking full control of your body. "Is he home? I haven't seen or heard him since we got in."
"Um, uh... Actually he went to a... Ahh... A friend's house" your mother says between moans. "He should come back... Ooh... He should be back soon..."
"Are you OK in there?" he asks, pushing the bathroom door slightly open.
"Ahh! Yes, I'm... Fine..." whimpers your mom, struggling to not lose composure as her own son fucks her pussy within earshot of his father. "Uhh... I think it's just... Ahh... I think the shower's playing up again... Oh, God... It, uh... Ah... Keeps going hot and cold!"
"Ah, it's probably the boys playing with the taps downstairs" your dad sighs, finally turning to walk back down the hallway. "I'd better go make them some lunch... See you in a minute, Darling."

With the coast finally clear, you immediately return to pounding your mother's pussy with all your might. She almost loses her grip on the shower rail as she's startled by your sudden force, her cries becoming muffled as she desperately covers her mouth with one hand. The adrenaline of the last few minutes power your hips like they've never been before, ravishing your mom's wet, slippery hole as you feel your seed preparing to evacuate. With your mind filled with nothing but the primal objective of breeding the fertile woman in your grasp, you sink your nails into your mother's hips for one last thrust.
"Ooooohhh, fffffuuuuuuuck..." you hiss, the sensible part of your brain trying to suppress your voice as best it can. As your cock buries itself as deeply as possible into your mom's pussy, you finally unload wave after wave of the sperm you'd been harbouring all morning.
"Aaiiieee!" squeals your mother, the sensation of her own son filling her with cum inciting her own climax. Your mom's pulsating pussy walls milk your cock dry, both of your orgasms working in harmony to extract every last drop of seed from your rod.

You collapse onto your mother's body, exhausted and panting as the last spurt of cum fires from your cock. You both take a moment to compose yourselves before you finally slide your shrinking member from her pussy, your potent seed now trickling down her leg.
"Ffffuhh... Wow... Thanks, Mom" you huff as she steps under the shower head to wash your residue from her thigh.
"Shhhh!" she whispers before finally turning the water off. "I'm gonna get dressed and then ask your father to take the boys grocery shopping. Stay here until you hear the car drive away, OK?"
"OK Mom..." you nod as she steps out the shower, getting one last look at her heavenly body before she wraps herself in a towel. Looking back at you with a warm, motherly smile, she grabs a spare towel from the rack and wraps you in it.
"And keep warm" she whispers softly before planting a tender kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
"Love you too" you whisper as she disappears into the hallway.


Now early in the afternoon, your dad and brothers have once again left the house and the coast is clear to finally venture downstairs. As you sheepishly wander to the kitchen you find your mother alone, washing the dishes from your breakfast that morning. The post-nut clarity of the morning's events had filled you with a sense of guilt, and watching her clean up your mess wasn't doing it any favours.
"Hey, Mom" you mutter quietly before she turns to you.
"Hi Sweetie" she chirps, appearing far more chipper than you feared she'd be. "You don't have to worry, we're alone. I'm pretty sure your dad didn't suspect a thing..."
"Mom..." you interrupt, hands behind your back as you stare into her sparkling blue eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't clean up like you asked... And I'm sorry I snuck into the shower with you... And I'm sorry I kept going even when Dad..." Your numerous apologies are suddenly cut off as your mom wraps you tightly in her arms.
"Honey, shhhhh..." she whispers, cradling you against her with a squeeze before kissing the top of your head. "You don't need to apologise... After all, it's a mother's job to care of her son. I shouldn't have gotten you so excited and then abandoned you like that..."
"But I shouldn't have pushed things like I did..." you admit, burying your face into your mother's warm neck.
"It's OK, I'm not mad" she promises, combing her fingers through your still-damp hair. "That was actually the biggest thrill I've felt for... Well, possibly ever!" You raise your head from her neck to look once again into your mom's beautiful, loving eyes.

"I've been thinking..." she ponders, her full lips curled in a motherly smile as she gazes into you. "I'm going to ask your father to take your brothers on more bonding trips. That way, we can have some more fun without any sudden interruptions."
"Really?" you ask, your face edging closer to hers.
"Of course" she purrs. "I didn't want this weekend to end just as much as you did." Before you can respond, your mother pulls you in for a passionate, tender kiss filled with all the love you have for one another.

"I love you" she whispers as your lips finally break from each other.

"I love you too, Mom."

The End

Originally published: December 2018

The following story is an erotic fiction featuring mother/son, aunt/nephew and sister/sister relationships. It also features the actresses Christina Hendricks and Bryce Dallas Howard.

This story follows the characters from Christina Hendricks in: Home Alone, Christina Hendricks in: Shower Thoughts and Bryce Dallas Howard in: Mommy is Your Girlfriend.

I hope you enjoy and have a happy holiday!

Christina Hendricks and Bryce Dallas Howard in:
Family Christmas

Christmas Eve

"Hey! Stop it! Give that back! MOOOOM!"

You roll your eyes at the familiar sounds of your two younger brothers fighting in their room. Usually you'd feel obligated to go and break them up before one or both of them ended up in tears, but you're too busy wrapping up the last of your family's Christmas presents for tomorrow.
"Boys, cut it out!" you hear your father call out from the bathroom. "I've spend all day cleaning this house, the last thing I want to do is clean blood stains out of your carpet." You chuckle at your dad's irreverent sense of humour as you apply the last strip of tape to your uncle's gift. Pleased with your vaguely presentable pile of presents, you pick up the stack and precariously carry them out of your room and head towards the stairs. As you pass the open door of the upstairs bathroom, you peek in to find your father obsessively cleaning the inside of the shower.
"Hey, Dad?" you beckon as your head pokes around the doorway.
"Hey, Bud! What's up?" he replies, keeping his attention on scrubbing a particularly tough patch of limescale on the shower door.
"I was just wondering when everyone was getting here" you say, swaying slightly as you attempt to keep your tower of presents from toppling over.
"I think your aunt and uncle said they're getting here sometime before dinner, I'd hazard a guess at around 5 or 6" your dad answers, his voice echoing from the inside of the shower. "Have you wrapped up your gifts for everyone yet?"
"Yep, was just about to head down and put them under the tree" you reply as you begin to make your way down the hall.
"That's my boy, tell your mother to start preparing the potatoes while you're down there, would ya?" your dad asks as he continues scrubbing.
"Sure thing, Dad" you shout from down the hall before carefully making your way down the staircase, your stack of gifts wobbling with every step.

Mommy Christina in a shoulderless black dress, smiling at you as she decorates a Christmas tree.

"Are you alright there, Sweetie?" smirks your mother as you shuffle into the living room, obscured by your tower of gifts. You cautiously place the stack on the nearby coffee table before turning to the patronizing voice, only to find a truly breath-taking sight. Making some last-minute additions to the beautifully decorated Christmas tree, your even more beautiful mother stands before you in an incredibly low-cut, shoulderless dress. The warm, motherly smile formed on her full, plump lips is almost enough to draw your attention away from the two pale orbs currently exposed to the cosy light of the crackling fireplace. "Actually I'm glad you're here, Sweetie. I need someone tall to help me get this ornament on the tree. There's a perfect spot for it right up there."
"Sure thing, Mom" you smile as you approach her from behind, pressing up against her shapely behind. Your mother purrs softly as you place one hand on her waist while the other slides up her outstretched arm. You overlap her hand clutching the ornament with yours before leaning in to whisper into her ear. "Where do you want it?"

It had been several months now since you and your mother, Christina Hendricks, had crossed the line very few mothers have crossed with their sons. After that fateful night of getting caught stealing her panties, you and your mom have been fooling around with each other at every opportunity you get. After successfully convincing your father to spend more bonding time with your two younger brothers, your mom has been spending a lot more time bonding with you. Whether it's spending the night in your parents bed with her, watching a movie together on the couch with your hands buried in her shirt, or waking up to the sight of her head bobbing up and down beneath your bedsheets. As soon as you two are alone in the house, you're immediately all over each other. But then again, even when your dad and brothers are home, you sometimes can't help yourself sneaking in a quick kiss or grope of your mother's heavenly body. You've also noticed that your mom seems a lot happier since that day too. Capturing the lustful attention of her young son seems to have rejuvenated her confidence in her own body, and she's been dressing far more provocatively as a result. While you're used to your mom wearing low-cut outfits that accentuate her glorious cleavage, the dress she's currently wearing now is driving you crazy.

"Mmmmm... Sweetie, stop" giggles your mother as you bury your face into her neck, kissing it softly. "Your father or brothers could come down any minute."
"I know..." you continue to whisper in her ear as you guide the ornament in her hand up the Christmas tree. "But right now I really couldn't care less." As your mom is about to speak, you silence her protest by planting your lips against hers.
"MMMPH!? MMMmmmmmm..." your mother yelps in surprise before giving in to her son's lustful embrace. You both probe each other's mouths with your tongues as you reach your spare hand around to cup one of her massive breasts. Even after months of groping, licking, sucking and fucking your mom's legendary tits, you still never get tired of playing with them. The sensation of her own son's firm touch causes your mother to moan softly into your mouth as you continue to kiss her. You feel her start to grind her plump, curvy ass against the sizeable bulge in your pants as she kisses you back even harder. As the erection pressed up between your mom's soft buttcheeks gets harder, you feel yourself getting lost in the moment. Your hand playing with her breast starts to involuntarily pull her dress down, hell-bent on exposing her pretty, pink nipple.

"Honey? Have you put those potatoes in the oven yet?"

Suddenly, your mom pushes you away as the sound of your dad's voice calling from the floor above snaps her back to her senses.
"Just about to put them in, Dear" your mother shouts back as she readjusts her dress and wipes the stray rope of your saliva from her chin. She takes a few steps towards the kitchen before turning around as she realises she's still holding the tree ornament. "There's going to be a few more pairs of eyes in this house over the next few days" she says through her warm, motherly smile as she hands you the ornament. "We might need to cool things off for a little while to stay on the safe side." Your mom leans closer to you and plants one more quick, tender kiss on your lips before turning around and heading towards the kitchen.
"I love you, Mom" you say as she strolls towards the doorway.
"I love you too, Honey" she replies with a smile, turning her head to you before continuing to the kitchen. As she leaves, you watch her plump, shapely ass jiggle through the tight fabric of her dress with every step she takes. You look at the ornament in your hand for a second before reaching up and attaching it to the spot your mother pointed out earlier. After applying the finishing touches to the tree and placing your gifts under it, you decide it'd be a good idea to deal with the noticeable bulge in your pants before the guests arrive.


*Ding dong*

"They're here, they're here, they're here!" cries your mother as she adjusts her earrings while heading for the front door. "Boys! Come down! Your aunt and uncle are here!" You pause the video game you're currently playing and head for the stairs to welcome your guests. You shuffle down the staircase to the sounds of familiar voices greeting your parents, wishing them a merry Christmas as the front door closes behind them. As you near the bottom of the stairs, you see that the figures in the hallway are indeed your aunt, uncle and cousin.
"Hello everyone" you say with a timid wave as your entrance draws everyone's attention.
"Hi Sweetie! Merry Christmas!" your aunt chimes at you as she removes her coat and hangs it in the nearby rack, revealing her yellow floral tie-front top underneath. "Look at YOU! You've grown up so much since I last saw you!" She squeals as she wraps her arms around you in a tight embrace, pulling you into her chest.

Auntie Bryce in a floral yellow dress, looking into your eyes as she reaches one arm around to hug you.

Your aunt, Bryce Dallas Howard, is possibly the first crush you ever had as a kid. While even from a young age you've always found your own mother desirable, her younger sister was the one you found yourself having the earliest fantasies about. Maybe it was the way she'd always spoil you rotten whenever you visited her. Maybe back then you couldn't quite comprehend being attracted to your own mother but found your aunt a distant enough relative to be acceptable. Whatever it was, the lingering effects still remain and you find the woman currently wrapped around you to be very attractive. While your Auntie Brycie didn't seem to inherit the same monster breasts that your mother did, she more than makes up for it in the ass department. Your aunt's rear end is easily one of the biggest, most perfectly-shaped asses you've ever seen. While a lifetime of living with your mom has given you a preference for breasts, any time spent with your aunt always makes you question that.

"How long HAS it been since I saw you? Was it last Christmas?" your aunt asks as she refuses to release you from her arms.
"I'm pretty sure we visited a few months ago, Auntie" you reply as you pray she isn't hugging tight enough to feel the erection forming in your pants. Your aunt finally lets go of you after planting a wet kiss on your cheek with her full, pillowy lips.
"Well I must have missed you if it felt like such a long time" she smiles as her beautiful emerald eyes gaze into yours.
"Hi Auntie Brycie" two voices behind you say in unison, breaking the spell of her mesmerising stare.
"Hi boys, merry Christmas" she cheers as she turns to your two younger brothers. "Have you two been good boys for Santa this year?"
"Uh huh" they nod in unison, nervously keeping their distance halfway up the staircase.
"We'll have to see if Santa agrees with that, won't we?" your father chuckles as he takes your uncle's coat. "Should we go and sit in the living room while the boys play upstairs?" Your parents, aunt and uncle make their way down the hall while your cousin follows you up the staircase.
"Where's the baby?" you hear your aunt ask as they disappear into the living room.
"Oh, he's sleeping upstairs" you hear your mother reply. "We'll wake him up in time for dinner."


After an hour or so of playing video games with your cousin, you eventually hear your father's voice calling you and your brothers down for dinner.
"Just a sec!" you call out, keeping all focus on beating your cousin at Super Smash Brothers. You've always gotten on well with your cousin, you're about the same age and seem to have all the same interests and hobbies. Although one hobby you reckon you probably don't share is being in a physical relationship with your own mother.
"God dammit!" exclaims your cousin as your Isabelle annihilates his Donkey Kong with a well-timed slingshot. "If I lose to that dumb dog one more time, I am going to scream."
"Come on, we better go down for dinner" you smirk smugly as the adorable secretary puppy stands triumphant on the victory screen.

Mommy Christina smiling at you as she pours a drink.

As you make your way downstairs and head towards the dining room, you're caught by a voice calling for you and your cousin from the kitchen.
"Boys, could you come here for a second?" your mom shouts as you pass the kitchen doorway.
"What's up, Mom?" you ask as you enter, finding your mother attending to the various bottles of alcohol your parents keep for special occasions.
"I'm just sorting out drinks for everyone, can I interest you with anything?" she asks, pouring herself some whiskey while she waits for an answer.
"Are you sure, Mom?" you ask as you look over the various bottles, not really knowing what any of them contain. "We're not 21 yet."
"Oh, I know that" your mom giggles as she pinches your cheek, clearly a drink or two deep already. "But it's Christmas! One little drink isn't gonna hurt..."
"Uhh... OK then, I'll have a beer then I guess..." you say hesitantly, fearful that this is some kind of test or trick.
"Coming right up" chirps your mom with a wink before turning to open the refrigerator. As your mom bends down to grab the chilled beers from the bottom shelf, you can't help but think she's sticking her plump, curvy behind out on purpose. "OK, one beer... How about you, Honey?" You give your cousin a nudge after he fails to respond for a few moments.
"Oh, uh, I'll have a beer too Aunt Christina" he mutters, embarrassed to be caught staring at the stretched fabric of your mom's dress.
"Alright, you boys go and sit at the table" she says as she turns back with a beer in each hand. "I'll get these open and bring them in with the rest of the drinks."


After a delicious casserole dinner, you spend the rest of the evening destroying your cousin at video games until you eventually both agree to get some sleep. While your aunt and uncle get to sleep in the guest bedroom, your cousin is always stuck sleeping on an inflatable mattress on your bedroom floor.
"The baby isn't gonna keep us up all night crying is he?" asks your cousin as he waits for the electric pump to inflate his mattress.
"He shouldn't, he's actually a pretty sound sleeper most of the time" you reply as you climb into bed. "Besides, I've seen you sleep through way worse."
"Like what?" your cousin protests, almost sounding offended.
"Like last Christmas at your house" you retort. "There was that storm one night that was loud as shit. You slept through the whole thing and didn't realise the storm even happened until morning."
"Oh yeah, that did happen" your cousin smiles as he seals valve on the air mattress. "I guess I shouldn't complain really, it's kinda like a superpower."

As your cousin finishes making his inflatable bed, you lean over to your bedside and switch off your lamp, shrouding the room in darkness.
"Good night, dude" you say to your cousin as he buries his head in his pillow.
"G'nigh..." he murmurs, already halfway asleep mere seconds after turning off the light. Laying in the blackness of your room, you're suddenly met with the familiar sound of your cousin snoring softly. You envy how fast your cousin is able to fall asleep, as you're quite looking forward to waking up on Christmas morning and seeing everyone get to open their presents. You toss and turn for a while, trying to get comfy so you can drift off to sleep, but your tranquillity is interrupted by intrusive thoughts of your aunt. No matter how much you try to think of anything else, you can't help but replay the moments of her arrival in your mind. Any attempt to get comfortable is thwarted by your growing erection as you think about how she buried you in her soft, perky chest from the minute she saw you. Your mind races with more and more explicit fantasies as your hardness becomes unbearable, not daring to deal with it with your cousin in the room.

Suddenly, your attention is drawn to the other side of the room as you hear the sound of your door slowly creaking open. You peer through the blackness as you try to identify the figure peeking through the doorway.
"Mom?" you whisper at the figure, turning to check if your cousin is still sound asleep. The figure creaks the door open wider and starts to take steps closer towards you. "Mom? Mom, is that you?"
"Yes, Sweetie, it's just me" your mother whispers back as she stands at the foot of your bed.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, keeping your voice as hushed as possible.
"Shhhhhh..." she whispers as she climbs onto the bed, crawling over you on her hands and knees. "I just want to see my baby boy, that's all." You lie completely still, worried that your cousin will wake up if you make any drastic movements. As your mom crawls further up the bed, the smell of whiskey begins to infiltrate your nostrils.
"Mom? Are you drunk?" you hiss quietly, keeping one eye on your sleeping cousin.
"What? No..." she protests playfully as she gently taps your bare chest. "OK... Maybe I had a little bit to drink... But now I'm thirsty for something else..."
"I thought you said we needed to stop while the family was here" you whisper nervously as your mom rubs your torso through the bedsheets.
"I know, Sweetie" your mother assures, moving her hand up to caress your head. "But Mommy really needs this."
"Uhhh..." you hesitate, your mother now crawling back to the foot of the bed as you look over in the direction of your sleeping cousin. "Do you really think this is a good idea?"
"Oh, that boy can sleep through anything" your mom slurs before whipping your bedsheets off of your naked body. "Besides, it's so dark in here there's no way he'd see us."

Before you can protest any further, your mother deftly pulls you to the end of the bed and gets on her knees between your legs. With your legs hanging off the end of the bed at either side of her, she starts to gently stroke your already- growing erection before you feel the soft, velvety sensation of her lips on your tip. Your mom smooches the bulbous head of your cock several times, each kiss sending a volt down your throbbing erection. The time her lips spend pressed into your sensitive tip starts to get longer and longer with each kiss, your manhood eventually becoming engulfed in your mother's mouth as she pushes you deeper in. You can't help but grip the cover of the mattress, moaning softly as your cock gets massaged by your mom's slippery, warm throat. Her tongue delicately caresses the undercarriage of your shaft as she works you deeper and deeper into her mouth. You feel her soft, full lips that once kissed your tip now press firmly into the base of your rod, your entire length now captured between them. Quiet sucking sounds fill the dark room as you try and watch your mother's busy mouth work through the blackness.
"Ohh... Fuuckk..." you whimper softly, grabbing your pillow from behind you and holding it to your mouth to mute any more involuntary outcries. As if to test the boundaries of your new noise-cancelling pillow, your mom takes this opportunity to run her mouth down the entirety of your length. "Mmmm... Mmph... Hhhmmm..."

After holding the entire length of your cock in her throat for as long as her lungs will allow, your mother forcibly retracts her head back up to the tip. You pant heavily into your pillow as her lips leave your manhood coated in a thick layer of saliva. After releasing you from her mouth with a fairly loud pop, your mom spends a moment to catch her breath before you feel her lips plunge back around you as her hands grip your thighs.
"Uuungh... M-Mom..." you whisper as you peek from your pillow, checking your cousin again for any signs of life. "Mom, we should probably finish soon." Without saying anything, you feel your cock leave her mouth once more as her body shifts upwards. Completely unable to see what she's doing in the darkness, you feel the familiar sensation of her heavenly breasts being pressed into your throbbing erection before slipping in between them. You exhale sharply as the two masses of soft flesh begin to rise up your length before being pushed back down.
"Oh Mom..." you accidentally moan as her huge breasts pump you faster. "Mommy... Mommy I'm gonna..." While you've fucked your mother's glorious tits countless times by now, feeling her pale, milky orbs clamp your cock is still enough to bring you to orgasm in record time.

"Mommy... I'm... I'm..." you pant quietly as you feel your cock stir from within your mom's incredible chest. Without slowing the pace of her pumping, you feel the tip of your cock get wrapped in her plump lips yet again. You almost go cross-eyed from the overload of pleasure being inflicted on your member. "Mommyyyyyy..." you moan into your pillow as you attempt to quash the sound of your own orgasm. Your cock pulsates and shivers between your mom's massive tits before ejecting a huge load of sticky semen directly into her mouth.
"MMMmmmmmmm..." you hear your mom purr softly as she extracts every last drop of semen from your cock. As you lie exhausted, still reeling from the intense orgasm, you feel your mother release you from her mouth before swallowing her own son's young seed.
"I love you, Honey" she whispers before planting one final kiss on your limp rod. You hear her get to her feet and leave the room as you lie in the darkness with a pillow over your face, still catching your breath. With a mind no longer clogged with illicit thoughts, you wrap yourself back in your bedsheets and quickly drift off to sleep.


Christmas Day

You overhear the sounds of light chatter coming from the living room as you groggily wander down the stairs in your pyjamas.
"Good morning, Sweetie" chirps your mother as you appear in the living room doorway. "Merry Christmas!" Your entire family are sitting patiently around the beautifully decorated tree, waiting for you to join them.
"Merry Christmas!" everyone else cheers at you.
"Uh, Merry Christmas guys" you reply, still half-asleep. "Sorry I kept you waiting."
"You were really out of it when I got up" chuckles your cousin. "And you say I'M a deep sleeper." You laugh nervously, relieved that it seems your cousin is oblivious to the illicit acts performed mere feet from bed last night.
"Presents!" scream your brothers, unable to contain their excitement any more. "He's here, can we open presents now?"
"Of course, boys" smiles your dad before turning to you. "Since you're already up, Bud, can you start handing out the presents?"

You spend the next few minutes picking up several presents from under the tree at a time, distributing them to your family members around the room. Soon, everyone has a neat pile of gifts addressed with their name sitting besides them. Done with playing delivery boy, you take a seat on the floor next to your cousin and opposite your aunt in preparation for the present-opening to begin.
"Can we start now?" ask your brothers, already shaking their gifts in an attempt to decipher their contents. "Can we? Can we?"
"Yes, boys, you can" smiles your mother as she watches her sons excitedly tear open their presents without further hesitation. "Come on, everyone, let's start opening!" The room fills with the sounds of tearing paper as everyone begins to unwrap their gifts, followed by the sounds of your brothers' squeals of delight at their new toys and games. Your parents, aunt and uncle exchange hearty chuckles as they thank each other for their new books, DVDs and kitchen appliances. Content with just watching your family enjoy their Christmas morning for a while, you eventually look over to your pile of gifts and start opening. You open one present to find a new jacket and some socks from your parents, plus some extra allowance deposited in your bank account as detailed in the attached card. The next contains that new Pokémon game you were thinking of buying courtesy of your brothers, although you suspect they had very little to do with the purchase themselves. The last present, addressed from your cousin, contains a brand new game controller.
"Now I don't have to use that crappy knock-off controller you have every time we visit" kids your cousin as he leans over and nudges you with his elbow.
"Ha, thanks dude!" you smile as you place your new possessions in a neat pile beside you.

Auntie Bryce sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding a boxed gift with a pile of gifts in front of her.

"Are you done already?" asks your aunt from across the floor, still working her way through her gifts. "Don't you have another present to open?"
"Uh... No, looks like this is all I got" you shrug after looking around the room for a gift you managed to miss earlier.
"Huh... There definitely should be another gift for you, Sweetie" your aunt says as she crawls over to the tree to search for the missing package. Your eyes widen as you notice how much your aunt's plump ass bulges in her tight jeans when she's on all fours. "Honey, where's our nephew's present?" asks your aunt as she turns to your uncle.
"Erm... I could have sworn I put it in the bag with the other presents" replies your uncle, completely bewildered by the missing gift. "If it's not under the tree then I don't know..."
"Could you go and check if it's fallen out in the car or something?" asks your aunt as she returns from under the tree. Your uncle hastily gets up from his armchair and dashes out the room, grabbing his car keys as you hear the front door swing open. "I'm so sorry about this, Hun. I don't know how we could have possibly misplaced your present."
"Oh... Don't worry about it, it's OK" you assure, far too old to be upset by missing out on a Christmas present by now.
"Nope, not in there" you hear your uncle shout from the hallway before the front door slams shut.
"Oh Honey, I'm so sorry" your aunt apologises as she scoots over to you on her knees and wraps you tightly in her arms, the extra height causing your head to be buried in her chest.
"Yeah, sorry Bud, I think we've somehow left it at home" adds your uncle as he returns to the room and takes his seat.
"Really, it's no big deal" your muffled voice pleads from the confines of your aunt's bosom. You feel your face getting red and the crotch of your pants getting tighter as she squeezes you deeper into her soft breasts, the sweet scent of her perfume filling your nostrils.

"You are such a good boy" your aunt sighs as she releases you from her blissful grasp before crawling her way back to her unopened presents. You immediately pick out your new jacket from your pile of gifts and place it in your lap, pretending to inspect the new item while you wait for the erection hidden beneath it to subside. Having been distracted by searching for your missing gift, your aunt is now the only one left with a present to open. You watch intently as she sits back next to her pile and picks out a small red box from the top before inspecting the attached label.
"Who's that one from, Sis?" asks your mother as she sips her morning coffee.
"This one's from... my wonderful nephew!" your aunt declares as she reads your name written neatly on the label. You can't help but grin nervously as she removes the top of the box before pulling out a smaller black box, clearly containing some sort of jewellery.
"Oh, Sweetie..." she gasps, her emerald eyes looking up at you with a twinkle before looking back at the small box in her hand. With the rest of the room silent, your aunt opens the black box as her eyes widen at the sight of its contents. "Oh my... Sweetheart..." With her facial expression set in complete awe, your aunt turns the box to the rest of your family to reveal that the contents are two sparkling earrings studded with aquamarine gemstones.

"Oh Sweetie, they're beautiful" gushes your aunt as she pulls the earrings out of the box to inspect them closer. "I hope you didn't spend too much on these just for me."
"Oh, I couldn't possibly say..." you blush, embarrassed by how well the gift is being received. Truth be told, they actually weren't that expensive at all as you'd found them in a sale, but you probably weren't going to disclose that information. Luckily, banking on your aunt's penchant for blue gemstones seems to have paid off as she appears to be enthralled by the gift.
"Oh, come here!" demands your aunt as she places the earrings back in their box before pouncing on you, once again wrapping you in her arms. Instead of being buried by her chest, your face is now being cuddled by hers, her soft, full lips inches form your ear. "Thank you so much, Sweetie" she whispers before planting a tender kiss on your cheek as she breaks away from the tight hug. The sensation of her plump lips printing a kiss-shaped ring of lipstick on your cheek causes your erection to spring back to life in your lap, having only just subsided from the last hug. You sit nervous and red-faced, covertly trying to hide your throbbing member under your new jacket while your aunt goes back to gawk at her new jewellery some more. Not wanting to be caught getting aroused by another woman, you instinctively look to your mother only to find her already staring at her sister with a look of disdain.

"Well, looks like my eldest wins Christmas this year" your dad chuckles, unaware of the tense situation he's currently rubbing-in. "C'mon Christina, we better go check on that turkey." As your parents disappear into the kitchen, you take the opportunity to excuse yourself and head up to your room with your new clothes and gaming peripherals. You take a moment to process exactly what just happened and the possible consequences it could have on your relationship with your mom, but the throbbing erection in your pyjama pants has other ideas. Realising you haven't had your morning shower yet, you decide to kill two birds with one stone and head to the bathroom. You let the warm jets of the shower wash over you for a while before thoughts of your aunt once again begin to creep into your consciousness. While you imagine your aunt's plump, red lips kissing you all over, you can't help but tug yourself under the warm spray of water. Taking longer in the shower than usual, you're eventually finished by the thought of her planting one final kiss on the end of your stiff member. After cleaning yourself up and turning the shower off, you make your way back to your room and get yourself ready for the festivities ahead.


After spending the rest of the morning in the living room playing Smash Brothers with your cousin while the rest of your family watches your brothers play with their new toys, your dad finally calls you all to take your places around the dinner table. Copious amounts of food cover the table's surface as your dad dishes out helpings of carved turkey onto everyone's plate. Your baby brother sits in his highchair, gleefully waving a plastic spoon in the air as he giggles to himself.
"Honey, I've sat you next to me if that's OK with you" says your mother as you approach the empty seat next to her.
"Of course, Mom" you respond as you sit yourself down in time for your dad to place your plate full of turkey in front of you. Your cousin takes the chair on your other side and starts to grab potatoes to put on his already-prepared plate.
"Well, merry Christmas everyone!" cheers your father as he dishes the final plate of food for himself.
"Merry Christmas!" the rest of the table cheers in unison as everyone clinks their drinks together.

"So what were you two playing on your Nintendo doodad?" your aunt asks, her beautiful green eyes staring expectedly from her seat directly opposite you. "Was it one of the new games you got for Christmas?"
"Uh, no" mutters your cousin through a mouthful of turkey. "Just a fighting game that we got recently."
"Which of you is winning?" quizzes your uncle as he loads his plate with a spoonful of peas.
"I don't think it's me, for now anyway" your cousin replies. "But I'm not losing a single game after this."
"That's my boy" chuckles your uncle from the other end of the table. "I guess their mothers' competitive nature is hereditary."
"We're not THAT competitive" protests your aunt, shooting an embarrassed glance over to her sister.
"No, you definitely are" confirms your dad in his usual dry tone. "You should have seen the turkey before I carved it up. Christina made us buy the biggest one we could find to rival yours from last year. I almost had to take a seat out of the car to get it home!"
"Oh, stop exaggerating" interjects your mom as she playfully taps your father's arm.
"From what I've heard you were pretty competitive as kids, too" continues your uncle. "Always trying to one-up each other in school, fighting to be the star athletes in the sports teams, fighting over boys..."
"Stop!" exclaims your aunt as she playfully shoves her husband's shoulder. "Not in front of the children, please."
Hearing about your mother and aunt being competitive is a complete revelation to you. Thinking about it, you suppose it makes sense that you'd always alternate hosting Christmas day between the two households.

"Oh I'm sure our nephew has his fair share of girls fighting over him" chuckles your uncle, your face starting to turn red from the direction the conversation is taking.
"True, such a handsome young man must be a killer with the girls" says your aunt as her eyes flicker back towards you. Stunned beyond the ability to react, you notice the smile forming on your aunt's red lips. You recognise that smile as the same wicked smile your mother wears when she teases you. "Is there a lucky lady in your life, Sweetie?"
"Uh... Er... N-no, not at the moment" you splutter, your eyes involuntarily darting towards your mother as she attempts not to react.
"That's a shame, I think you'd be quite the catch" says your aunt before taking a sip of her wine.
"Heh... thanks" you laugh nervously, still caught in her hypnotic emerald eyes. She continues to hold your gaze for a few moments, wicked smile still remaining, until her attention is caught by the conversation between your uncle and father.

As you listen to your dad recount one of the same stories from his youth that you've heard 1,000 times before, you try to bury the confusing feelings you're having for your aunt with mouthfuls of potato. As the conversation around you drones out as you lose yourself in thought, you're suddenly snapped back into reality as you feel a hand grasp your knee. Panicked, your wide eyes look over to find your mom covertly resting her hand on you under the table. Not wanting to arouse suspicion, you continue to eat dinner as the soft hand caressing your leg travels closer up your thigh. You almost choke on a piece of carrot as the hand finds itself rubbing against the throbbing bulge in your jeans.
"You OK, Man?" asks your cousin as you struggle to get your dinner down.
"Mmmh hmmph" you nod before swallowing the chunk of vegetable in a gagging splutter. "I guess I'm not chewing enough." As your cousin turns back to focus on his own food, your mom swiftly unbuckles your belt and jeans from under the table.
"She isn't gonna... is she?" you think to yourself. "There's no way she would..." Your thoughts are cut short as you feel the cold, open air against your cock as the hand pulls it out of your underwear.

Luckily, the tablecloth hangs low enough to obscure the illicit act happening right under everyone's noses. If only you had something similar to hide the look of shock on your burning face.
"What is she DOING?" you scream internally, struggling to process the situation at hand. "She was the one saying we needed to cool off while the family is around. Not only did she drunkenly visit me last night but now she's playing with me right under the dinner table in front of everyone." You desperately try to formulate a reason behind your mother's actions when you suddenly realise what's going on. "Is she doing this because of how Auntie Bryce reacted to my present? Is Mom getting jealous of all the attention she's giving me?" You have no choice but to continue eating your plate of food as your mother's soft digits wrap around your stiff cock and begin to gently stroke. Even with your throbbing manhood in her hand, your mom continues chatting with your aunt and uncle as if nothing was happening. You, however, are finding it very difficult to act natural in the current situation. You hadn't felt this simultaneously turned-on and petrified since that first night spent with your mother several months ago.

As you chew your food through gritted teeth, you look up to see your aunt once again gazing at you longingly. As your wide eyes meet hers, you see the wicked smirk on her lips has returned.
"She... She doesn't know, does she?" you think to yourself as you avert your eyes from her line of sight. "There's no way she could know." You can't help but look back at your aunt every few seconds, her emerald eyes still staring deep into you with every glance. The attention you're getting from both beautiful redheads at the dinner table starts to overwhelm you as you feel your cock begin to stir in your mom's hand. Getting closer and closer, you look up at your aunt one last time as her wicked smirk grows into an evil grin. Just as your mother's strokes start to get slower and deeper, your aunt gives you a quick, sultry wink.

"MMMMmmmmmm..." you moan as you try to restrain it with every fibre of your being. Your mom's hand travels up to the tip of your pulsating cock and she clutches the head with her fingertips. She manages to catch most of your sticky seed as you unleash rope after rope directly into her palm.
"Are you OK over there, Bud?" you hear your father call from the other end of the table.
"Uh-uhh, yeah... It's just that this Christmas dinner is really good" you reply, your voice still shaking slightly from the intense orgasm. "Y-you really outdid yourself this year, Dad."
"Aww, thank you, Bud!" your dad beams as your mom inconspicuously grabs her napkin to wipe the semen from her hand.
"Yes, this really is delicious" praises your uncle as he finishes another mouthful. "Are you kids enjoying it?"
"Uh huh" your brothers mutter in unison as they continue to pick stray chunks of meat from between the vegetables on their plate.
With attention seeming to stray from you, you rummage a hand under the tablecloth to stash your limp, sticky manhood back in your pants. After a few minutes of struggling to buckle your belt back up with one hand, you excuse yourself from the table and dash to the bathroom to clean yourself up.


"Well that was amazing" announces your uncle as he finishes his last bite of pumpkin pie, joining the rest of the family around the dinner table in being too full to eat any more.
"Yes, Dear" agrees your mother as she pecks your father on the cheek. "You really outdid yourself with the turkey this year."
"Well I had a tough act to follow after your casserole last night" chuckles your dad as he starts collecting empty dessert plates from everyone's places. "Besides, you're the one that picked out the turkey." You start to help your dad collect up the dirty crockery and ferry it to the kitchen while everyone praises the festive meal.
"Y'know, after all that food, I could probably do with some fresh air" sighs your uncle as he sinks deeper into his chair.
"Good idea" shouts your dad from the kitchen before poking his head around the door. "We could go out and walk this dinner off? See if we can get the kids to part with their new toys for a few hours?" Your brothers' eyes widen at the sound of the suggestion as they turn to look at each other.
"It's either that or stay here and help me wash the dishes" smirks your mom as she notices the looks of fear now residing on their faces.
"OK, we'll go" your brothers say defeatedly as they get up from the table before dragging their feet to the hallway for their shoes.
"I think I'll stay and help Christina with the laundry" declares your aunt as she pecks your uncle on the cheek. "Don't get lost out there in the snow."
"Oh, there's barely even an inch of it out there" chuckles your uncle as he too gets up from the table. "You coming, boys? I brought the sleds with me in the car."
"Sure, I'll come" replies your cousin before following your dad out into the hallway.
"Actually, I might stay and help Mom with the clean-up" you say, much rather spending the afternoon staring at two red-headed goddesses than trundling out in the snow.
"That's my boy" praises your father as he pats you on the shoulder. "Always happy to help, just like we raised you." Your dad gives your shoulder one final squeeze before joining the other men in the hallway putting on their winter jackets. "See you guys in an hour or so, don't crack open the brandy until we get back!"

After a few minutes of loading dishes from the enormous pile next to the kitchen sink into the dishwasher, your mother returns from upstairs.
"Ah, thank you for staying to help, Sweetie" she chirps before giving you a peck on the cheek. "Your baby brother's finally asleep so I can take it from here. Can you go upstairs and help your Auntie out with the laundry?"
"Aww, really?" you say dejectedly, placing a clean plate on the drying rack before approaching your mom. "Can't I stay down here and help you with the dishes?" As step closer and give her your best puppy-dog eyes, your hand reaches around to grope her plump ass through her tight jeans.
"Honey, no..." protests your mom as she gently pushes you away. "We can't do this, my sister's still here."
"But what about what you just did under the dinner table?" you ask a little too loudly.
"Shhhh... Not so loud" she scolds as she checks to make sure her sister isn't in earshot. "I'm sorry, Sweetie, I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what came over me." Disappointed, you cross your arms and pretend to sulk as your mother's frown breaks into a giggle from your performance. "Look, you just have to wait until everyone leaves tomorrow morning, then I'll make sure this is a Christmas you never forget."
"Really?" you ask, breaking character as your eyes widen at what you just heard.
"Yes, really" your mother smirks before placing a quick kiss on your lips. "Now go and help Auntie Bryce with the laundry, we've got some extra linen in the cupboard near the bathroom."

You wander through the upstairs hallway towards the guest bedroom, noticing now oddly quiet the house seems with only 3 people in it.
"Auntie Bryce? Mom's asked me to help you with the laundry" you call out to no response. "Auntie Bryce? Are you up here?" You peek through every open doorway as you pass them, looking for any sign of your aunt. You eventually reach the guest bedroom and begin to slowly enter, cautious that your aunt may be sleeping or changing. "Auntie Bryce? Are you in he-" Before you can finish your sentence, you suddenly feel someone grab you by the arms and forcibly pull you into the room.

Auntie Bryce standing in a bedroom, her arm reached out to you as she pulls you closer.

"Hello, Honey" your aunt says softly, her beautiful green eyes staring deep into you as she drapes her arms over your shoulders. You notice she's changed into the new top your mother got her for Christmas, and a certain pair of aquamarine earrings now glisten on her earlobes.
"A-Auntie Bryce!" you splutter, completely startled by her sudden embrace. "What are you doing?"
"I was trying on my new gifts and I just wanted to tell you again how much I love these earrings" she whispers, her face getting closer to yours as she pulls you in tighter. "I feel really bad about leaving your present at home. Please let me give you a little something to make up for it."
"W-what do you mean?" you stutter, your heart pounding harder than it has since you first got caught with your mother's panties. Your aunt's pleading frown turns into a mischievous smirk as you feel a soft hand graze the visible bulge protruding from the fabric of your pants. You audibly groan as your aunt caresses your throbbing erection while maintaining eye contact.

"Wait, we can't, what if-" you panic before being cut short by your aunt placing a finger on your lips with her free hand. Without the ability to protest, your aunt's fingers unbuckle your belt and find their way past the waistband of your boxer shorts. Your face twists into a red scrunch as you feel her soft hand wrap around the shaft of your penis, unable to stop the soft moans from escaping your mouth. "What if... what if Mom..." you continue, your words seeping out between your cries of pleasure. Your aunt dismisses your concerns as she squeezes the life out of your cock, feeling it grow bigger and harder in her hand.
"I know what you've been doing with my sister" she says softly as she stares into your now fearful eyes. Your heart skips a beat as you realise your secret has finally been spilled.
"But... But how..?" you splutter, your mind racing with the possible ramifications of the situation. Your aunt's smirk grows wider as she giggles at your question.
"Oh Honey..." she sighs as the grip on your cock gets tighter, causing you to wince in pleasure. "Do you really think that's the first time I've watched my sister jack someone off under the dinner table?"

You stand with mouth agape, too stunned to retort as your aunt finally turns her gaze away from yours and towards her hand currently buried in your crotch. With a sultry smile, she promptly pulls your cock through the opening of your fly and looks upon it for the first time. Your aunt's eyes hungrily stare at your throbbing manhood currently caressed in her hand, watching intently as she gently massages the underside with her fingers.
"Oh... Oh, Baby..." she coos as she watches your cock twitch and jump in her hand from her soft touch. You feel your legs getting weak as her magic fingers gently work their way around your shaft, causing you to stagger back slightly into the wall behind you. Now with the support of a wall to lean on, your aunt wraps her grip of your cock tighter and begins to stroke your length. As you whimper and pant at each tug of your member, your aunt leans closer onto you and whispers softly into your ear. "Let's get this shirt off you."

Half-deliriously, you aid your aunt in pulling your shirt above your head with her free hand while the other rhythmically pulls on your hardness. As soon as your shirt hits the floor, you're immediately bombarded by your aunt's full, red lips. Your cock throbs in her rapidly-pumping hand as she plants kisses all over your face and neck. Her velvety lips attack every surface of skin, leaving red lipstick marks all over before finally planting themselves firmly on your own lips. As her tongue slips effortlessly into your inviting mouth, your hands begin to explore the waist of the incredibly sexy woman forcing herself on you. Your aunt's fingers continues to stroke your throbbing shaft as yours find themselves caressing the two plump Christmas hams stashed tightly in her jeans.
"Mmmmmm..." your aunt moans into your mouth as you grope the soft flesh of her huge ass through the tight fabric.

Your aunt's lips finally break from yours and continue their onslaught of kisses down your neck to your chest.
"Oh... Oh, Auntie..." you moan as her strokes get faster and faster while she kisses your torso all over. Soon your entire upper-body is covered in red lip prints, her kisses getting further down your stomach before her head finally meets her busy hand. You gulp as you look down to your aunt, now down on her knees with her emerald eyes level with your aching cock. Her strokes start to get slower until they stop completely, her hand now holding your manhood in place as she leans in closer. You wince in anticipation as her soft, red lips inch closer and closer to the sensitive head of your twitching cock.


"AaaaAAAaahhh" you cry as your aunt's velvety lips plant a soft kiss on the end of your rod. Your moans are unable to stop as the kisses continue, her lips working their way further and further around your bulbous tip with each peck. Soon, her lips engulf your head completely as her tongue begins to gently lick the tip. Your arms flail wildly against the wall behind you, desperately looking for something to hold onto as your cock slides deeper into your aunt's throat. Before long, your aunt's mouth begins to travel up and down the length of your member, kissing the base of your cock before sliding all the way up to the tip. You try to compose yourself enough to look down at the heavenly sight only to find her eyes staring up into yours as she massages you with her warm, slippery throat.
"Fuuuuuuck..." you moan, the immense combination of her slutty mouth and piercing stare causing you to grip the back of her head with both hands.

Instinctively, your pelvis starts to pump on its own as the steady grip on your aunt's head causes you to push in deeper. Your aunt co-operates and keeps her head still, allowing you to take control and dictate the pace of the throatfucking. Completely possessed by primal lust, you decide that you want to fuck her throat hard. Your hips begin to thrust rapidly as one of your hands grasps a clump of her silky, red locks and clutches them into a ponytail. You grunt like a wild animal as you feel the head of your cock bash into the back of your aunt's throat while the room fills with the sounds of wet gags and splutters. The slippery walls of her throat hug your cock tighter with every gag, only causing you to fuck the slutty hole harder.
"Oh Auntie! I'm gonna..." you cry as you push your cock into her mouth as deep as you can, your shaft getting tighter as you feel an approaching orgasm. You look down to see your aunt's eyes tearfully gazing up at you, her own hands buried in the crotch of her jeans as she pleasures herself to the sensation of her own nephew violating her throat.
"Oh fuck... Oh Auntie... OH-" you pant as your hands wrap themselves around her head, pulling her lips to the base of your cock as you bury it as deep into her throat as you possibly can.


Mommy Christina in a blue sweater, her arms crossed as she looks at you contentiously.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK" you cry as you shoot rope after rope of your sticky seed directly into your aunt's throat. As you hold your aunt's mouth deep onto your pulsating cock, you look up at the source of the voice you heard amidst your mind-blowing orgasm. You find your mother's curvy figure standing in the bedroom doorway, arms crossed and lips in a disgruntled frown. "Mom! I... It's not..."
"Aaaahhhhh" your Auntie Bryce pants loudly as she swallows your huge deposit of thick semen before turning to her sister. "Ahhh... Christina... Look at what your son did to my throat." Your aunt giggles before turning back to you, taking your raw member back in her mouth to extract every last drop of cum. Your face is caught in a combination of pleasure and horror as you stand helplessly by while your mother watches her own sister suck your cock.
"Bryce! How could you?" your mother scolds as your aunt pops you out of her mouth loudly. Your mom begins a warpath towards the two of you, her eyes blazing with anger as they stare into your soul.
"Mom..?" you whimper as she draws closer and closer to you, your aunt seeming to pay her no mind as she tastes the few final drops of her nephew. "Wait, Mom... No, please... Stop-"

Your protests are cut short by your mother forcibly grabbing you by the arm and whisking you from your aunt's grasp. Completely caught in a daze, you feel your mom push you onto the guest bed as you topple onto your back. With your legs now hanging off the side of the bed, you support your torso up slightly on your elbows to find your mother taking residence between your thighs.
"Mom? What are you..?" you ask as your voice trails off exhaustedly.
"Shhhhhh, Sweetie..." whispers your mother as she takes your sore, throbbing cock in her hand. "Mommy's going to show you how a real blowjob feels." You suddenly feel your mom's soft fingers wrap around the tender flesh of your cock as you wince at her touch. She begins to gently massage your sensitive manhood, the beginnings of an erection staring to stir within as she nurses you back to hardness. You groan and squirm as your mother's fingers work their magic over every inch of your cock, delicately massaging the shaft and head until you're finally back to full-mast.

With your member now fully erect and laying flat against your stomach, your mom leans her head down and licks the underside from top to bottom.
"Oh, Mom..." you moan as your face scrunches in pleasure. As her tongue reaches the tip of your cock, her lips suddenly capture it between them as she pulls your member upright with her mouth. With her head poised above your manhood, her lips already engulfing your bulbous head, you watch as she plunges further down your shaft. Your cock screams out in pleasure as it gets milked by your mom's wet throat, her head twisting slightly with every stroke. Your mother's tongue swirls and slaps all over your cock as she polishes it, desperately trying to drive you to a harder orgasm than your aunt was able to achieve. Realising the competitive nature of how eagerly your mom is working your member snaps you back to reality for a moment as you're reminded that there's another person in the room.

Jolts of pleasure run throughout your body with every pump of your mother's mouth as you lean yourself higher to catch a glimpse of your aunt. To your surprise, you find her still sitting where she had you against the wall, her jeans now strewn across the floor and her hand still buried in her panties. Among the wet sounds of your mother sucking and slurping your cock, you're able to hear quiet moans and whimpers coming from your aunt as she watches the scene intently. Your mom's hands grip your thighs tightly as she steadies herself, plunging her head further down your cock as it drips and glistens with her saliva. Your eyes close momentarily as you get lost in the euphoria of your mother's expertly-pumping throat before springing wide open again as you hear movement from the other side of the room. You pant breathlessly as you watch your Aunt Bryce crawl towards you and your mom on her hands and knees.

Your mother continues to glide her plump lips up and down the entire length of your shaft, paying no attention to your aunt rapidly approaching from behind. As she finally reaches the bed, standing up on her knees next to your mom, your aunt's eyes open wide as dinner plates as she watches your cock get polished from up close.
"Mmmmmm..." your aunt purrs as she bites her lip, a wet patch forming on the carpet where her busy fingers invade her insides. She begins to lean closer and closer to the mouth-encased cock, obscuring your vision before you feel a second pair of lips softly kissing your scrotum. Your cock twitches within your mother's throat as your aunt begins to gently kiss, lick and suck on your ballsack.

After a few minutes of having every inch of your sensitive cock and balls massages by the full lips of two red-headed goddesses, your aunt finally releases your ballsack from her mouth and moves to the base of your manhood.
"Sis, you're taking too long" whines your aunt as she attempts to playfully barge your mom away from your cock. "Let me show you how it's done."
"Bryce!" hisses your mom as your aunt runs her mouth along the side of your shaft. "Get your slutty lips away from my son" Soon, you're cock is caught between two plump sets of red lips, both fighting for your attention as you watch in disbelief.
"Ahhh... Ahh fuck..." you grunt as your manhood swaps between your mom's mouth into her sister's. The barrage of lips attack your cock from both sides, occasionally colliding with each other as they fight for territory along your shaft. The combined saliva of both women dribbles down your cock as you cry out in pleasure, the sensation of both your mom and aunt's mouths toying with your hardness being one of the best feelings you've ever experienced. Despite the immense sensation of ecstasy flowing through every fibre of your being, your cock is still far from mustering up another orgasm.

"Aww, Baby, you still won't cum" your aunt coos after breaking her lips away from your sensitive tip with a kiss. Your mom follows suit, finishing one final lick up the length of your shaft before getting up from the floor. Knowing exactly what she's up to without so much as a whisper, your aunt helps pull your mom's tight jeans past her shapely ass before she climbs on top of you. From the end of the bed, your aunt reaches for your manhood and holds it steady as your mom's dripping pussy hovers over it. With her panties pulled to the side and the warmth of her glistening pussy lips radiating onto your cock, your mother starts to slowly lower herself onto you.
"Ohhh, ahhhhhh... Fffffuuuuck, Mom..." you whimper as your hardness nestles deep into your mom's heavenly hole.
"Shhhhh... Shhhhh, Honey" she whispers as she leans her thick, erotic body over you, holding her index finger to your lips. "Mommy's going to make you cum now." You feel the weight of your mom finally drop onto your pelvis, sealing your cock deep inside her womb as she leans back to pull her dark blue sweater over her head.

Your aunt helps unhook your mother's huge bra from behind before throwing it across the room, revealing her two pale globes to the soft winter light. You feel her weight shift once more as she leans forward again, her massive breasts now hanging mere inches above you. Your mom places her hands on either side of you as she holds herself above, her hips beginning to rise up the length of your cock. As you lie pinned by your mother's sexy frame, her luscious red locks fall gracefully past her face as she leans over you.
"That's it Baby, let Mommy take care you you" she whispers, her hips pumping faster as her eyes lock with yours. "Please, Baby, cum for Mommy." You open your mouth to respond but find your mom's lips colliding into yours before you can make any intelligible words. You feel the soft flesh of your mom's chest squeeze against yours as she leans further into you, hungrily lapping at your mouth with a series of wet, noisy kisses. A long string of thick saliva stretches from your comatose face to hers as she breaks from the kiss to lean herself back, adjusting her position to pump your cock harder.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck... Yes, Baby" your mom screams, her hips pounding onto your rod with all her weight. Long, droning moans escape your mouth as you watch helplessly from underneath her. Mesmerised by the jiggling flesh of her breasts, tummy and thighs as she bounces on your cock, you fail to notice your aunt climbing onto the bed next to you. As the wet, rhythmic slapping of your mom's thighs against your pelvis fills the upper floor of the house, your vision is suddenly obscured by a dark shape looming over you. Before you can register what exactly is hovering inches from your face, you're met with the full force of your aunt's huge ass crashing into your face. You hear the muffled sounds of your aunt giggling to herself as she wiggles her ass into you, her slick pussy juices covering your face.

As your aunt continues to suffocate you with her ridiculously huge butt, your tongue decides to leave your mouth on its own accord in search for the source of the delicious juices. After a few moments of probing, your tongue finally locates your aunt's sweet, soaking pussy lips before beginning to lap at it like a lovesick puppy.
"Oh, oh fuck yes..." cries your aunt as she grinds against your face while playing with tufts of your hair poking out from under her. Your mother's velvety pussy walls continue to squeeze the life out of your cock as you become lost in an ocean of pleasure, trapped underneath two of the sexiest women in your world as their plaything. Your grab two handfuls of your aunt's plush asscheeks as you attempt to pull her tighter onto her face, your tongue colliding with every surface of her pussy.

Unbeknown to you, one of your mother's hands busily plays with her own dripping pussy as it ravishes your cock, the other hand leaning back against the mattress for support. Despite the immense sense of jealousy she was feeling just minutes before, the sight of her own son devouring her sister's pussy while she bounces on his cock is driving her wild.
"Yes, Baby! Eat Auntie's pussy" your aunt yelps as you slurp up her sweet juices. Her hips rock wildly against your face as her moans of pleasure get louder and more frequent.
"AaaaaaAAHH" your mom screams from behind your aunt, her head being thrown back as her hips pump you like her life depends on it. "BABY... MOMMY'S GONNA..."
"FUCK! OH, HONEY..." your aunt cries as she joins your mom in filling the room with loud moans and expletives.

"OH FUUUUUUUUUUCK!" your mom screams, her hips crashing into the base of your cock with one final pump. You feel your cock get the life squeezed out of it as the velvety walls of her womb tighten and convulse.
"OH FUCK YESSSSSSSSS!" your aunt follows, gripping your hair tightly as sweet juices squirt violently from her pussy directly into your mouth. Your hands sink deep into the soft flesh of your aunt's ass as your tongue futilely attempts to lap up every drop of her nectar. Your throbbing cock aches within the warm, cosy confinement of your mom's pussy, still unable to muster an orgasm.

As your mom gently slides herself off of your stiff manhood and collapses into an exhausted pile on the bed, you slip out from underneath your similarly drained aunt. After positioning yourself at the end of the bed, you grab your aunt by her wide child-bearing hips and pull her closer. She pants softly as you pull her legs off the end of the bed, catching her breath in anticipation of what you have in store.
"Mmmmmmmm... Oh, Honey..." she purrs breathlessly as she lies bent over the bed, your swollen manhood resting between her fat asscheeks. You begin to guide your cock along her crack, stopping to tease your bulbous head against her asshole. You hear your aunt inhale sharply as the tip of your rod kisses the tight ring of her opening, clutching at the sheets of the mattress in anticipation.

After a few moments of teasing, you let out an animalistic grunt as your cock is pushed into the tight opening.
"Aah" your aunt yelps as her eyes widen at the sensation of having her asshole filled by her own nephew. Your hands grasp her hips tightly as your own hips begin their rhythmic pumping. Unable to control yourself in your current state of primal lust, your thrusts make no attempt to start slow as you immediately begin to fuck as hard as you possibly can. "Ahh, ah, fuck, ah, Baby, yes." Your face screws into a red ball as your aunt's tight asshole milks your cock dry. You lean your head back and lose yourself in the yelps and whimpers emitting from your aunt with every pump until her erotic cries suddenly stop. Confused, you open your eyes to see your aunt's moans silenced by your mom's lips being intertwined with hers. Having crawled her way along the bed to your aunt, your mom's tongue was now invading her own sister's mouth as you pound her asshole.

"Oh, fuck..." you groan, literally drooling at the sight of your own mother and aunt exchanging saliva as their plump lips devour each other. Your aunt's hand reaches under herself and noisily plays with her glistening pussy as you destroy her asshole. You grip the soft flesh of your aunt's hips tight as you pull her deeper into your cock, her plump asscheeks cushioning your pelvis with every blow. As her tongue collides rapidly with your aunt's, your mom looks over to see your struggling face as you finally start to feel an orgasm approach on the horizon.
"Honey, don't cum yet" she pleads after breaking away from her sister's lips. "We want to show you something first."
"Ahh, fuck, fuck, yes Baby" your aunt cries, finally free from your mother's silencing embrace.
"Uhhh... Mom... Auntie... I'm getting close" you moan as your pumps start to slow down.

With a sudden sense of urgency, your mother pulls her sister's ass from your cock and pulls you onto the bed with her. After flipping you back over into the position you were in at the beginning of this illicit session, your mom returns to the space between your legs as they hang off the side of the bed. As your mother props herself up on her knees, your aunt begins to straddle your stomach with her thick, pale thighs grasping your torso tight. You stare up at the naked form of your aunt towering above you, her supple breasts hanging perfectly off her frame above you. You absent-mindedly begin to grope your aunt's chest as she moans softly from your touch, guiding your hands to play with her pretty, pink nipples.
"You've been such a good boy for your Mommy and Auntie" coos your mother as she rests her huge tits against your aching erection. "Let us show you just how much we appreciate you."

"Mmmmm... You're gonna love this, Sweetie" your aunt purrs as she sinks herself back, biting her lip as her plump ass meets your cock. Unable to see past your aunt's naked body, you suddenly feel your cock being nestled between 4 plush lumps of flesh. Your manhood twitches as your mother's glorious breasts and aunt's curvaceous ass engulf it from all sides. The plump, pillowy flesh surrounds your shaft, a long groan escaping your lips as it clamps around you tightly. With your cock now encased entirely in the 4 pale globes, your mom and aunt begin to move their soft weapons of choice up the length of your cock in perfect sync.
"Ohhh... Ahhhhh... Fffuuuuck..." you can't help but moan as your mom and aunt pump their tits and ass respectively along your throbbing erection. "Oh Mommy... Auntie... I'm so close."
Hearing your spluttering whimpers drives your mom and aunt to pump your cock faster, squeezing it as tight between them as physically possible.

"Ohhh fuuuUUUuuuUUUuuck..." you cry as your cock stirs within the confines of the pillowy flesh.
"That's it Sweetie, cum for us" your aunt demands as your hand tweaks her stiff nipple while the other gropes her soft tummy.
"Come on, Baby" whimpers your mother as she heaves her chest up and down your aching shaft. "Give us all of your young seed." Filled with the desire to satisfy any request from the women currently squeezing the life out your cock, you feel your manhood begin to stiffen.
"M-Mommy... Auntie... I-I'm..." you groan through gritted teeth, your mother and aunt unrelenting in pumping your cock between their divine feminine gifts. You begin to feel the long-anticipated orgasm stir as your mind drowns in a wave of ecstasy. "Ohh... Uhhh... OOOOHHH..."

"FFUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKK!" you moan loudly as your thick, white semen erupts from between your mother's bountiful chest and aunt's plump behind. Your cock convulses violently as it shoots warm globs of your fertile seed all over your mom's face and chest while simultaneously leaving a sticky trial up your aunt's back.
"Ohhhh, Honey..." coos your mom in delight, licking your hot goo from her lips as she releases your cock from her grasp. You lie squirming under the weight of your aunt, reeling from your mind-blowing orgasm as she turns around and climbs over to your mom.
"Mmmmm... Come here..." your aunt commands tenderly as she licks some of your sticky semen from your mother's face. You're left panting exhaustedly as your mom and aunt take turns sucking the last few drops from your tip before exchanging the creamy goo between them with several incestuous kisses.
"Oh, Baby, you did so good for your Mommy and Auntie" your mom purrs as she plants one final kiss on your completely drained cock.


As the winter snow falls gently outside the window, 3 exhausted figured lay on the guest bed in a post-coital huddle. Your mother smiles as she looks down to see her son and sister on either side of her, both suckling on a milky breast as they doze quietly. While your aunt happily sucks on her own sister's pink nipple, her hand gently strokes your tender hardness.
"Mmmmm... Christina... It's been so long since we've shared a boy together" your aunt sighs after releasing your mom's nipple from her lips. "We definitely have to come and visit more often."
"I'm sure someone is very happy to hear that" coos your mother, playing with your hair as she caresses your head while you feed on her breast. "C'mon you two, we need to get dressed."
"Aw, can't we lie here for a little while longer?" you whine as you look up at your mom with your best puppy-dog eyes.
"The men'll be back any minute now" reasons your mother as you and your aunt climb up the bed to meet her at eye level. "Your father will be wondering why the dishes haven't been done."
"Don't worry, Sweetie" assures your aunt as she strokes your cheek. "We're not leaving until tomorrow, I'm sure we can find the time to have some more fun before then." Before you can respond to the suggestion, your aunt pulls your face closer into a 3-way kiss with her and your mother. Already covered in many lipstick marks of 2 different shades, you share one final kiss with two pairs of soft, velvety lips.

"I love you, Mom" you whisper as you break from the kiss. "I love you, Auntie. Merry Christmas."

"I love you too, Honey. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas, Sweetie."

The End

Originally published: December 2018

The following story is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actress Susan Sarandon.


Susan Sarandon in:
Hot Water

Mommy Susan in a white bathrobe, standing on a balcony overlooking the Cannes coast.

"Honey, look at this view!" beams your mother as she steps out onto the balcony and leans over the railing, basking in the sliver of evening sun poking above the calm horizon of the ocean. "You really know how to book a hotel room."

You and your mother, Susan Sarandon, are currently on vacation together for the first time since your parent's divorce. It's been a tough year for your mom as she dealt with all of the separation procedures, as well as finding herself living independently for the first time in decades. You've been there to support her in every way you can and the entire ordeal has actually made you and your mother closer than ever. You hope this surprise trip to the French city of Cannes, your mom's favourite place in the world, will get her mind off of last year and give her some much needed rest and relaxation.

The bubbles of the Jacuzzi ripple around you as you turn your head towards the sunset. Obscured by your sunglasses, your eyes instead look over at your mother's figure bending over the balcony rail.
"It's quite the view" you smile as you secretly admire your mom's curvy behind through the outline of her bathrobe.
"It's beautiful" she sighs as she gazes longingly into the horizon before turning to you. "Your father would have never sprung for a room with a view this nice... Tight little-"
"Hey!" you exclaim. "What did we say? We're not gonna talk about Dad while we're here."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry Honey" she appeases as she turns back to the beautiful view of the Cannes sunset. "I really do appreciate you going to all of this trouble for me, the least I can do is hold up my end of the bargain..."
"I know it's difficult, but I think it'll really do us some good if we just pretend he doesn't exist for a week" you assure as you take another peek at her above your shades. With your mother still looking downtrodden, you sigh and take a swig of your beer before sinking further into the hot tub. From the corner of your eye, you see your mother turn to you and start to wander over with a smirk on her face.

"Y'know, you should have mentioned our room would have a Jacuzzi on the balcony" your mom says, her soft, full lips still smiling wickedly. "Had I known, I could have remembered to pack my swimsuit."
"I'm pretty sure I mentioned it" you say as you turn to her, eyebrow raised. "Even so, we can go shopping for one tomorrow if you want, my treat."
"Thank you Sweetie, that'd be wonderful" she smiles, still taking steps closer to the hot tub. "But it looks so lovely in there, I don't think I can wait until then."
"W-what do you mean?" you ask as a shocked expression starts to form on your face. You begin to turn red slightly as the erection you'd been nursing for the past few minutes twitches slightly at the implication of what your mother just said. Suddenly, without any further clarification, your mom begins to untie her bathrobe and slides it off her shoulders. Your eyes bulge behind your sunglasses as the gown falls to the ground, revealing your mother's sexy mature figure. Her huge breasts hang perfectly around her frame, swaying gently in the coastal breeze while her wicked smile remains firmly on her lips. "Mom... What are you...?"

"Oh Honey, you've seen me naked plenty of times" she says as she pours a glass of wine from the nearby drinks cooler and starts to climb into the Jacuzzi with it. "What's the big deal?"
"Oh... Er, nothing, I guess..." you mutter as you internally thank the bubbles obscuring the massive tent pitching in your swimshorts. Your mother settles herself opposite you, sipping her wine as her breasts gently bob along the surface with the bubbles. You're relieved that your eyes are hidden behind the dark lenses of your shades, because you're finding it physically impossible to look anywhere but her glorious chest.
"This won't do" your mom exclaims suddenly, momentarily breaking the spell her breasts have over you. "You get to look at the beautiful view from where you're sitting. I'm coming over." To your horror, your mother's naked body starts to shuffle around the seating of the hot tub, almost spilling some of her wine as she squeezes tightly into your side. The sensation of her naked flesh colliding with yours is enough to send a jolt into your aching erection below the surface. "This is more like it" she purrs as she reaches an arm around you, pulling you closer and resting her head into your shoulder. You sit paralyzed as you feel her heaving breast brush against your arm while your mom nestles into you further. "Thank you, Sweetheart, your mother really needed this."

Your mom takes another sip of wine before putting the glass down next to your beer as she once again rests her head on you. Unsure at how well your eyes are hidden behind your sunglasses from this angle, you desperately try to keep your gaze fixated on the sunset. As your mother sighs and nuzzles further into your neck, you can't help but dart your eyes down at her chest. Your heart skips a beat as your eyes gorge on the sight of your mom's huge breasts from so close up. You give in and remove your shades, placing them on the side so you can take in the sight of your mother's sexy body in all its glory. You almost start to drool as you watch her two orbs bounce gently on the surface, her rose-coloured nipples being engulfed by the bubbles. Your submerged erection starts to throb painfully as you see one of her breasts is tightly pressed against your arm, her stiff nipple millimetres away from digging into your flesh.

Unable to take much more of this torture, you start to discreetly move the arm not currently engulfed in your mother's bust. As your hand shuffles along the Jacuzzi seat, you watch your mom like a hawk for any sudden movements. After being perfectly still for a few minutes, contently nuzzled into your neck with an arm draped around you, you conclude that she must have dozed off by now. Somewhat satisfied that the coast is all clear, you begin to gently rub the growing bulge in your swim shorts beneath the water. You freeze for a moment as your mom fidgets and pulls her arm tighter around you, purring softly as she gets comfortable against the bare skin of her own son. Her head slips from your neck and instead nuzzles into your chest as she clings tighter to you. Your cock twitches against your hand as you feel both of her bountiful breasts smooshed against your arm. As she returns to her oblivious slumber, you exhale a huge sigh of relief as your fingers continue their busy work.

While momentarily content with massaging your manhood through the fabric of your shorts, you begin to find that attempting to alleviate your erection has just encouraged it further. As her huge, soft breasts continue to smother your arm, you begin to ponder just how out of it your mother is. You had only just got to the hotel after a long flight after all, and this was the first vacation she'd taken in a long while.
"After the year she's had, I can't blame her if she's so exhausted that she'd pass out the first opportunity she got" you think to yourself as you stare at the beautiful woman nestled into your chest. As your mind fills with many conflicting and dangerous thoughts, the voice of your throbbing member begging for attention seems to shout the loudest. "Mom..? Mom..?" you murmur, sweat staring to bead on your brow as you anticipate a response. Nothing.

Against all better judgement, you start to slowly pull the waistband of your swim shorts down past your erection. Your cock gently bobs against the jet streams surrounding it after breaking free from the constraining fabric. The sensation of exposing yourself in the presence of your similarly exposed mother makes your manhood ache as it screams for attention. You take great care in gripping your shaft discreetly below the bubbling surface of the hot tub, being careful not to disturb your sleeping mother by moving too much. You cautiously stroke the length of your cock below the water, moving the arm currently being caressed by your mom's hand as little as possible. A combination of the soothing water, slight intoxication, your cock being gently stroked and your mother's naked body pressed up against yours fills you with complete bliss. You struggle to keep yourself from moaning in pleasure as you throw your head back, any regard you had for trying not to disturb your sleeping mother quickly fading.

With your eyes closed and head leaned back, your mind begins to flood with dirty thought of the sexy mature woman snuggled into your side. You imagine yourself undressing her from her bathrobe, your hands caressing her naked body as you explore every inch of her motherly figure. You imagine her soft, full lips engulfing your bulbous tip as she takes the length of your manhood down her throat. You imagine her huge, beautiful tits tightly clamped around your throbbing member, the soft flesh rapidly pumping as your cock is buried in her deep cleavage. You imagine bending your mom over the Jacuzzi and entering her sweet pussy from behind, your rhythmic blows being cushioned by her plump, pillowy ass. You imagine her begging to be fucked by her own son, her cries of pleasure interrupting her pleads to shoot your seed deep into her womb. You've always had a crush on your mom, and now on vacation together with your dad out the way, she's all yours.

These illicit thoughts are suddenly cut short as your hand currently gripping your shaft is met by another set of digits.

"You want some help with that, Honey?"

You snap back into reality as the sound of your mother's voice makes you jump out of your skin. Your head instantly bolts back up to find your mom very much awake, still tightly pressed against you but now staring up into your eyes with a wicked smile.
"Mom!.. I..." is all you can blurt out before her fingers find themselves wrapped around your pulsating rod. "I- fffFFFFUUUuuuuuuuu..." You let out an involuntary moan as your cock becomes bound in her experienced fingers.
"Shhhhhhhh..." whispers your mother as her fingers start to gently massage the tip of your manhood. "You've taken such good care of me these past few months, let Mommy return the favour." You swallow the lump in your throat and nod softly as her hand starts to grip your shaft tighter, your face contorting uncontrollably in response. "Mmmmmmm... Sweetie, you've gotten so big..." she coos, her eyes widening as her hand blindly explores your throbbing erection. "I know we're not supposed to be talking about him, but I think you'll be pleased to hear your father wasn't packing anything like this..."

Your mother's hand begins to expertly stroke your aching cock beneath the bubbling surface of the hot tub. Her hand that once caressed your shoulder now finds itself buried in your hair, caressing the back of your head as she watches you squirm to her touch.
"Oh... Ohhhh Mom..." you grunt as her fingers wrap themselves around your sensitive tip. With an evil smirk, your mother takes this reaction as a cue to keep massaging your bulbous cock head, making you moan louder as a result.
"That's it, Honey, Mommy's here for you" she whispers sensually into your ear before starting to gently nibble at your earlobe. While her fingers work their magic on your cock, your mother begins to kiss her way from your ear down your neck to your chest. The sensation of her soft lips planting gentle kisses against your bare torso causes your member to twitch wildly in her hand.

Her kisses begin to return back towards your face as she directs your head to face her's in time to plant a deep, sensual kiss on your lips. You begin to melt into your mother's hands and lips as she overwhelms all 5 of your senses. As your tongue clashes against hers, you taste the sweetness of her saliva while your nostrils are filled with the intoxicating aroma of her perfume. You can't help but moan into your mom's mouth as her hand grips your shaft tighter, her strokes getting faster as she devours her own son. Among the passion of this wonderful moment, you begin to wriggle free the arm that had been trapped against your mother's bosom before using it to caress her head. Your fingers run through her flowing brown hair as your lips stay tightly sealed to each other. Unrelenting, your mom's hand continues to violently pump the length of cock as your muffled cries get louder and more frequent. The bubbles on the surface of the water are now indistinguishable from the torrent created by her rapid hand movements.

With one final deep kiss, your mother breaks her lips away from yours as your face scrunches with immense pleasure. With your lips still connected by a thick rope of combined saliva, your mom reaches her free hand over to grab her half-finished glass of wine. After downing the rest of the drink in one mouthful, she puts the glass to one side and returns all focus to her fingers currently kneading her son's hard cock. Without the distraction of having her tongue down her son's throat, her strokes along the length of your shaft get deeper and more exaggerated. The grip of her soft hand gets tighter as it reaches the base, then loosens again as her fingers individually travel up past the ridge of your dickhead. In all of your past relationships, you've never experienced a handjob quite this mind blowing before. In fact, the actual sex with most of those women wasn't this good. Hell, you can't even stroke your own cock this good. Your mother's experienced fingers are truly something else to behold.

Already missing the tight embrace of your mom, you slink your arm around her back and pull her in closer. Now with her whole body wrapped in her son's strong arm, your mother sinks into your torso with a giggle. As her magic fingers continue to make you moan uncontrollably, you grab a handful of her soft, heavenly breast. Your mom inhales sharply as her son's firm hand gropes her naked flesh, her head sinking further into your neck as she purrs gently. Your mother lets out muffled yelps and gasps against your skin as your fingers find her stiff, pink nipple to play with. After many years of adolescence spent lusting over your mom's glorious chest, finally having her nipple squeezed between your thumb and index finger is enough to send you over the edge.

Your cock begins to stir and stiffen within your mom's hand as she continues to pump you senseless.
"Mom... Mom I'm gonna..." you splutter between grunts as she bites her lip from having her nipple pinched. Instead of slowing down like you anticipate, your mother's pace actually picks up as she leans closer into your ear.
"That's it, Baby, cum for Mommy" she whispers. Hearing her talk dirty directly into your ear transcends you to another dimension of arousal you didn't think possible. "Please, Baby, Mommy wants you to blow a huge load for her." Your vision starts to blur as you throw your head back, your cock oozing with precum under the surface of the hot tub.
"FffffUUUUuuck..." you cry, your mom's lips still pressed up against your ear as she nibbles your earlobe.
"Yes Baby, that's it, give Mommy all of your cum" she whimpers into your ear. "I love you, Honey."

Those words alone are enough to make your aching cock convulse wildly in your mom's hand as rope after rope of sticky semen empty into the warm water of the hot tub.
"MMMMOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYyyyyyyy..." Your eyes roll into the back of your head from the best orgasm you have ever experienced thus far.
"That's it! That's a good boy..." purrs your mother as she strokes the back of your head, her fingers combing your hair as your moans of pleasure fade away. "Let it all out for Mommy..." As your cock finally finishes twitching and pulsating in her hand, your mom squeezes the last of the cum from your exhausted cock. "Mmmmmm... Looks like I wasn't the only one who needed relief on this vacation, huh?" she chuckles before getting out of the Jacuzzi and pouring herself another glass of wine.

"Mom... That was incredible..." you pant as you finally return to lucid consciousness.
"Don't worry about it Baby, it's the least I can do" she smiles as she takes a sip from her drink. "In fact, that was the least I'll do..."
"Wha- what do you mean?" you ask, still not fully comprehending the current situation as real.
"We have a whole week here for me to show you just how much I appreciate you for planning this trip" she replies with a sultry smirk. Before you can say anything in response, your mother leans down and plants a loving kiss on your lips. "Now come on and get out of there, let's go find that restaurant I like and get some dinner. You're gonna need the energy for when we get back to the hotel room."

The End

Originally published: May 2019

The following story is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actresses Christina Hendricks.

Enjoy! And happy Mother's Day!

Christina Hendricks in:
Checking In

Your eyes stay glued to your mother's plump, swaying behind as it wiggles within the confines of her red dress with every step.
"OK, Sweetie, our room should be right... Here!" she chirps as she stops dead in her tracks along the hotel hallway. Mesmerised by her curvaceous ass, you stumble to a stop as you almost walk directly into her. You clumsily attempt to compose yourself while your mom searches for the room's keycard in her matching red handbag. "Are you alright, Honey?" she asks, the gaze of her dark sunglasses not moving from the depths of her handbag.
"Yeah, I'm OK" you reassure as you find your balance. "Just wasn't looking where I was going is all."
"Ah, here we are!" exclaims your mother as she pulls out the keycard handed to her at the reception desk. After a satisfying buzz of the door's electronic lock, you and your mother enter the rather stark and empty hotel room. "Well this is... Cosy..." she says with forced enthusiasm. Other than the door to the ensuite bathroom, the room offered little more than a large double bed, table-side lamp and a small desk with a few basic kitchen supplies. The room was unbearably plain, with solid cream walls, plain white bed covers and an ugly beige carpet. The only things breathing any life into the hotel room was the singular painting of red flowers hung on the wall, and your mom's gorgeous figure wrapped tightly in her stunning red, floral dress.

Mommy Christina in a red floral dress and large sunglasses, sitting on a hotel room bed.

You and your mother, Christina Hendricks, were travelling back from visiting her own mom for Mother's Day before running into car trouble halfway into the trip home. While waiting for the problem to get fixed in a nearby mechanic's shop, she begrudgingly booked the two of you into a low-rate hotel for the night.
"I told your father he needed to give the car a look before we left" sighs your mom as she slumps herself down onto the hotel bed. You close the door behind you and turn to the bed yourself, your eyes locking onto the generous amount of cleavage displayed by her form-hugging dress. Her eyes hidden from view by the large, dark lenses of her sunglasses, your mom smirks as she watches you stare hungrily at her chest from across the room. "Looks like we'll have to stay the night here and head for home in the morning. You're OK with sharing a room with your mother, right Sweetie?" You don't quite register her question as your eyes flicker between her heaving chest and the pale, shapely leg protruding from the slit in her dress. "Honey?" she smirks, peering over her sunglasses as you finally come back to your senses.
"Oh, uhh... Yeah, it's fine Mom..." you stammer as your face turns red, your eyes darting around the room to mask your lustful intentions.

Your mother smiles as she removes her sunglasses and places them on the bedside table before wriggling her behind deeper into the plush mattress.
"Mmmmmmmmm..." she quietly moans as she gently throws her head back. "Say what you like about this room, but the bed sure is comfy. Why don't you come over here and have a feel, Baby?" You watch as your mother pats the empty space next to her, inviting you closer as she gently bites her bottom lip. You hesitantly walk across the room and plant yourself at your mom's side as she reaches an arm around you to pull you closer. "You behaved so well at Grandma's today, I really do appreciate you coming with me to visit her." Your mom leans in closer as you feel the pillowy touch of her luscious lips kiss your cheek briefly. "And the card and chocolates you got me this morning were very sweet" she whispers into your ear as her grip on your arm squeezes tighter. "I'm actually glad we can spend the night together like this so I can thank you properly."
"Mom... I..." you start to say as you turn to look at her, your words trailing off into silence as you become lost in her beauty. Her stunning blue eyes gaze deeply into yours, hypnotising you to the point where you don't even realise they're getting closer.

Mommy Christina gazing at you lovingly.

Before you can utter a single word, your mother plants her plump, red lips onto yours as she kisses you repeatedly. Her hands reach around the back of your head as she holds you in place, encouraging you to kiss back just as hard. The depressingly empty hotel room becomes filled with the sounds of wet, smacking lips as you pull at her bottom lip between yours. Your hands find themselves latching onto your mom's waist at either side, pulling her gorgeous body closer against yours as you feel the soft flesh of her breasts push against your chest.
"Mmm... Mmmmmmmm..." moans your mother as you continue to make out, your tongues beginning to get more adventurous as they search for each other in the interlocking of your mouths. As your senses become overwhelmed by the intensity of the passionate kissing, you're taken by surprise as your mom pulls you further up the bed. Still with lips locked against each other, you fall on top of your mother as she collapses onto the mattress underneath her. She giggles as your mouths become untwined for a second before pulling you back in to continue the barrage of kisses.

Before long, you suddenly feel your mother's hands travel down from your head and onto either side of your waist. Without much protest, your mom is able to roll you over onto your back and places one final kiss before retracting her lips as she leans over you. You gaze upwards at the beautiful woman staring down at you, her red locks flowing down around you as a thin string of saliva still connects your lips.
"Mommy wants to take care of you tonight, Baby" she whispers, her beautiful eyes locked with yours as she hovers above you. Unable to respond, you instinctively flicker your gaze down to the deep cleavage of your mom's glorious breasts swinging gently over you. Feeling your cock fight against the fabric of your jeans from the heavenly sight, you look back at her face just in time to see a sultry smirk form on her pillowy, red lips. "Say no more" your mom giggles. "Mommy knows exactly what you want."

Without a single word or further instruction, your mother begins to pull her perfect breasts from the confines of her dress. Your eyes widen as you're taken aback by their sheer size, no matter how many times you've seen them by now. You immediately want to reach out and grab them but your mom retreats down the length of the bed towards your legs before you can even move your arms. Now positioned between your legs, your mother takes your stiff, throbbing cock in her hand with one swift motion as she holds it skyward.
"O-oh Mom..." you grunt as your member twitches in her soft palm. She keeps your cock steady with her hand as she pushes her chest around it, her massive tits engulfing your manmeat before clamping it tight like a vice. "Oooooooohhhhh!" You peer down the length of your torso to find your cock hidden within the heavenly orbs currently being squeezed tightly together around it.
"That's it, Baby" your mom whispers, her plump lips curving into a smile as she watches you squirm to her touch. "Mommy's gonna take good care of you."

You watch in awe as your mother parts her huge breasts slightly, revealing your throbbing cock hidden inside as a long strand of saliva leaves her lips and covers your sensitive tip. You wince as her tits clamp your manhood once again before slowly pumping up and down your shaft, spreading her warm saliva along the length to lubricate her hold on you. Your mom continues to spit sensually on your cock, the pumping of her heavenly tits getting faster and faster as your dick is covered in her slippery drool. Using her elbows to squeeze her plush titflesh tight on your manhood, your mother uses her entire upper body to stroke them along the length of your cock. As she pumps her tits downwards, she pushes her glorious chest against the base of your cock as far as possible to allow your aching helmet to poke out her cleavage. Each time your sensitive tip is revealed through the tight hold of her breasts, she leans her head down and pecks your cockhead with her soft, velvety lips.

"M-mom... Mommy..." you groan through surges of pleasure as your own mother's heaving breasts squeeze the life out of your cock. Your hands fruitlessly grasp at the cover of the hotel bed mattress as the room fills with the sound of your mom's tits slapping against your pelvis. In what almost feels like relief, you start to feel the pumping of her breasts begin to slow as your loud panting follows suit. You feel her tits plunge against the base of your cock one final time before your mother's red lips capture your sensitive cockhead whole. "OooooOOOOOHHhhhh MOMmy..." you moan as you feel her soft tongue dance around your tip. As she works her mouth expertly around your throbbing cock, your mom releases your cock from her breasts and instead holds it steady at the base with her hand. Your eyes begin to roll into the back of your head as your mother pushes your member further and further down the slippery walls of her throat. "Oh fuck... Oh Mommy..." you whisper as your face screws into a red ball, your mom's plump lips slowly gliding up and down your length. With every stroke of her slutty mouth, her lips edge closer and closer to the base of your cock as she forces you deeper into her throat.

You manage to muster the energy needed to tilt your head up from the mattress, allowing you to bask in the beautiful sight of your own mother feasting on your manhood. Her head twists as she retracts her soft lips up the length of your shaft, her gorgeous red locks bouncing with every stroke. As if she can sense you watching her, your mother's eyes suddenly open and flicker up to catch your gaze. You feel your cock twitch violently from within her warm mouth as you make eye-contact, her hypnotic stare filling you with her unconditional love. Without breaking the spell of your locked gaze, her lips begin to travel further and further down your shaft before finally colliding with the base. You hear muffled gags emanate from the other side of the bed as your mom keeps the entirety of your cock lodged in the warm, sticky confines of her throat. You feel her tongue massage the undercarriage of your cock as her throat walls tighten on it with every gagging sound. With one final seductive blink of her watering eyes, you feel your mom's slippery mouth retract up your length before releasing it with one final kiss to the throbbing tip.

"Huuuuh... Huuuuuh... Honey..." she pants, catching her breath as slick saliva trickles down your member. "You're lasting a really long time! You must want Mommy to take REALLY good care of you." You're able to do little more than nod timidly before your mom begins to pull your shirt up and plant a trail of kisses up your torso, leaving a path of crimson lip marks in their wake. After working her way up your chest and pulling your shirt over your head, she finally locks her lips with yours once more, kissing you deeply as your nose is filled with her sweet perfumed scent. "OK, Honey, Mommy's going to treat you for being such a good boy" she whispers into your ear after breaking away from the tender kiss. Your mother gently pulls your body up towards the backboard of the hotel bed as she joins you at your side. As she wraps an arm around your back to cradle you, she pulls you tightly against her body so your head is level with her glorious breasts.
"Mommy..." you whine quietly before your mouth suddenly becomes full of your mother's soft, pale titflesh.

Your words become lustful moans as you automatically start kissing and suckling against her areola, your tongue gently flicking at her nipple as it hardens in your mouth.
"Oh Honey..." your mom coos as she leans her chest closer into you. "That's it, Baby, Mommy's here for you." You continue to hungrily suck at her delicious teat, your free hand instinctively grasping at the other breast as you begin to massage and grope the pale orb. Your mother bites her lip as she whimpers softly, overwhelmed by the sensation of her strapping son suckling at her stiffening nipple. As you continue to lap at her milky breasts, your mom's hand wanders down your body and finds itself stroking against your throbbing erection while it lays flat on your tummy. With your mouth and hand preoccupied with your mother's enormous bust, you almost don't notice her soft digits wrap around your shaft as they begin to work their magic.

"Yes Baby, that's a good boy" she whimpers as you continue to suck on her sensitive nipple. As your tongue circles and flicks against her nub, your mom's grip on your saliva-covered cock gets tighter. Her hand begins to pick up a rhythm as she strokes you gently, her delicate fingers massaging your length as you nurse from your mother's amazing breasts. You hear your mom's breathing get deeper as she squeezes your member tighter, her gentle moans getting louder and louder before you feel something trickle against your tongue. "Oh Honey! MMMMMmmmmmm just like that..." she whines as she throws her head back. You continue sucking on her erect nipple as it begins to leak her sweet breast milk into your mouth. Your cock grows even harder in your mother's hand from the revelation as you begin to suck harder on her leaking nipple. Your fingers begin to pinch and pull at the other nipple before you feel a warm liquid begin to trickle down your hand. "Oh fuck... Oh Baby... You're such a good boy..."

Your mother's stroking pace picks up rapidly as her delicious milk trickles down your chin, her fingers gliding effortlessly along your cock with every pump. Precum begins to leak from your cockhead and over your mom's fingertips as she feels your manhood tense in her grasp.
"That's it, Baby... Cum for Mommy..." she moans through her pleasure, grasping the back of your head tight with her cradling hand as you drink her sweet nectar. Your moans and cries are muffled as your mouth is stuffed with her legendary bosom, sucking at her nipple for dear life as you feel yourself getting closer to climax. "That it Baby, that's a good boy. Mommy wants you to cum for her." Your mother's words of encouragement almost drive you over the edge as you feel your throbbing cock tighten in anticipation. All of your senses are overwhelmed with sheer pleasure from the safety of your mom's tender embrace, with only one final sentence keeping you from an earth-shattering orgasm.

"Mommy loves you, Sweetie..."

Your cock begins to pulsate violently from within your mom's grasp as the tip explodes with ropes of sticky, white semen.
"MmmmmmmmmmmmMMMOMMYYYYYYyyyyyyyyy..." you cry as your mouth finally breaks free from your mother's nipple. Her sweet milk trickles down your face while your sticky seed flies through the air to cover your mom's floral, red dress as she lies beside you.
"Mmmmmmmmmmm..." purrs your mother as she squeezes every last drop of cum from your exhausted cock, wiping up the excess with her fingertips and bringing them to her plump lips for a taste of her own son. "You came so much for me, Sweetie! Thank you for a wonderful Mother's Day!"
"Anything for you Mommy" you pant as you look up at the beautiful woman cradling you in her arms. "I love you."
"I love you too, Sweetie." As your mother's fingers start to playfully comb through your hair, you find your mouth latching back onto her breast before you continue to softly nurse on her. Feeling content and safe in her arms, you gently suckle on her nipple as she strokes your head before you both doze off to sleep in each other's embrace.

The End

Originally published: May 2019

The following story is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actresses Bryce Dallas Howard.


Bryce Dallas Howard in:
Happy Mother's Day

The sound of a spoon being stirred against the sides of a coffee cup tinkle from the kitchen as you slowly make your way down the stairs. You rub the sleep from your eyes as you're blinded by the sunlight flooding into the downstairs hallway, yawning and stretching out your arms wide as you reach the landing. There was something special about today that you can't seem to put your finger on, something you were supposed to remember. As you shuffle towards the kitchen in nothing but your boxer shorts, your morning wood bulges gratuitously from the tight fabric. As you try and fail to rack your brain for an answer, you decide that getting some breakfast might help jog your memory. As you enter the doorway to the kitchen, you're immediately met with a sight that reminds you of why today is so special.

Mommy Bryce in jeans and a tight, striped top, leaning against the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Honey!" smiles your mother, Bryce Dallas Howard, as she leans her plump behind against the kitchen counter.
"Good morning, Mom..." you reply, still standing in the doorway while your cock fights the fabric of your boxers. "Happy Mother's Day."
"Oh thank you, Sweetie" she chirps as she puts her coffee down and walks over to embrace you in a hug. As she pulls you in close to her body, you feel the soft handfuls of her breasts push against your bare chest through her striped shirt. You bury your face in her beautiful red locks as you hold each other, inhaling the intoxicating scent of her shampoo while your cock twitches against her tummy. "Did you sleep well last night?" your mother asks as she releases you from her arms and returns to her morning coffee.
"I did Mom, thanks" you smile as she takes a sip from her mug. "Actually, Mom, I got you a little something for today." Surprise occupies your mom's face as you reach above a nearby cabinet fixture to retrieve the card you'd prepared and left there the night before.
"Oh Honey, thank you..." she says as you hand her the card, her eyes wide with anticipation as she tears the envelope open. Her innocent smile turns into a loving grin as she reads the words 'Happy Mother's Day' printed on the front of a greetings card, decorated with a floral heart surrounding the message. As she opens the card, something loose slides out and lands in your mother's hand. "You got me a voucher for a day at the fancy spa up in town?" she asks as her eyes widen further before looking up at you. "Oh, Honey! Thank you so much! That's so thoughtful of you... Come here and give Mommy a kiss!"

Mommy Bryce leaning against the kitchen counter still, eyes closed and lips puckered for a kiss.

You step towards your mom as she closes her eyes and puckers her pillowy, red lips. As you lean your head down to meet your lips with hers, you also reach your arms around the back of her head. Before she even realises it, both of your hands firmly grasp her red locks as you plant your lips upon hers. Her eyes spring open in shock as you hold her head tightly in place, kissing her deeply and working your tongue into her mouth. Her hands grip on your arms in a fruitless attempt to pull them away as her vocal protests are rendered inaudible, being reduced to gentle moans while you continue to lock lips. After 30 seconds of kissing your mom hard against the kitchen counter, you eventually release her head from your grasp and break your lips away so she can catch her breath.
"Honey, no..." she pants quietly, still recovering from the shock of her own son devouring her plump lips. "Your father is sleeping upstairs! You know we can't mess around while he's still here!"
"I'm sorry, Mom" you apologise as you look to the floor ashamed. "You just look so beautiful this morning, I couldn't help it."
"Oh Honey, that's so sweet" she blushes. "It's okay, how about I make you some breakfast while we wait for your father to get up?"

You watch your mother turn around and lean over the kitchen counter as she begins to load the toaster with slices of bread. Your eyes can't help but be drawn to her huge, round ass, perfectly wrapped in the denim of her tight jeans as she bends over the countertop.
"Want me to make you some scrambled eggs too, Sweetie?" she asks as she fiddles with the toaster settings. "I think we have some bacon in the refrigerator too so I can always- AAAAIIEEE!" Your mother's words are cut short as she shrieks in surprise from your hands wrapping around her torso and cupping her soft, perky breasts. She suddenly feels your body lean against her back as you push against her from behind, your head buries itself into her neck while your throbbing erection pushes hard against her denim-encased ass.
"Honey..? What are you..?" she whispers as you kiss her neck. "Ssshhhhhhh..." you hush back, removing a hand from her breast and placing a finger against her pillowy lips.

Your hand returns to her chest as you begin to massage her breasts, digging your fingers into her soft flesh while she betrays her reluctance with quiet moans of pleasure. As you fondle her heavenly tits, your mom begins to grind her ass against the growing bulge throbbing against it. You begin to retract your hands away from her chest and run them down the curves of her erotic mommy body as you squat down to level your face with her incredible ass. As your hands meet her jeans, your fingers hook themselves to the waist of her pants and you begin to pull downwards. As you get to your knees, you struggle to pull the tight jeans past your mom's impossibly wide child-bearing hips but soon find yourself with her beautiful, bare ass inches from your face.
"Sweetie?" your mother asks as she tries to look down over her shoulder to you. "What are you doing down..?" Before she can finish, your face plunges directly into her plush, pale assmeat as you kiss, lick and motorboat her deliciously plump cheeks.

With your face buried deep within her glorious ass, your tongue begins to probe for the sweetness of her dripping pussy located nearby. Your head travels down between her buttcheeks slightly as you part her thick, pale thighs, giving you perfect access to her glistening sweetness. With the top half of your face still comfortably resting in her soft, pillowy assmeat, your mouth begins to kiss her dripping pussy lips before running your tongue along them.
"OH!" your mother exclaims as a jolt of pleasure runs through her being. As you work your tongue deeper and deeper into her delicious pussy, she relaxes her body against the kitchen top while pushing her ass further onto your face. "Ooooohhhhhh... Honeeeey..." With your hands gripping the soft, chubby flesh of her insanely wide hips, you feast on her pussy as her sweet juices fill your mouth and run down your chin. As you lap up her delicious nectar, your mom attempts to stifle her pleasured moans by covering her mouth with both hands while she leans on the countertop with her elbows. "Mmmmm... MMMMmmmmm... FFfffhhhuuuuhhh..."

As your tongue is assaulted by the heavenly taste of your own mother's wet, dripping pussy, your morning wood tests the restraint of your boxer shorts as it tries desperately to escape. Feeling a desire to relive your pent-up lust, you retract from her glistening pussy lips with one final kiss before making your way back up your mom's body. As you get up from your knees, you finally take the opportunity to free your throbbing erection from its fabric prison. With your cock exposed to the cool morning air, you rest it between her pillowy asscheeks as you spoon her against the kitchen counter once again.
"Honey... Please..." your mom pleads as you kiss deep into her neck, causing her to throw her head back. "Not here... We can't..." Unable to control your lust any longer, you reach down and guide your cock into the glistening hole your tongue had just prepared. Without warning, you immediately push your entire length into your mother with surprising force.

"Aaaaahh!" she cries out before quickly covering her mouth again, her eyes watering as she reaches for a nearby oven mitt to hold against her mouth. Your hands take a firm grasp of her hips as you waste no time pumping into your mother as hard as you can. The kitchen fills with the loud slapping sounds of your pelvis colliding with her fat asscheeks, your mom's muffled moans occasionally being heard among them. Your mind is overpowered with primordial lust as you push your mother's torso flat against the kitchen surface, holding her still as you ram your cock deeper and deeper into her womb. You grunt with every pump as your hips begin to move on their own, unable to stop from their mission of impregnating the beautiful goddess you have pinned down on the kitchen top.

You begin to lean your body back over your mom, your hands running up her body as you continue to stuff her with your aching manhood. You crawl one hand under her shirt until it finds the cup of her bra, sliding under it to grope the perfect handful of her breast.
"Mmmmmm... Mmmmmm..." cries your mother into the oven mitt before your other hand envelopes hers and pulls it away from her mouth. "MMMMmmmmmmaAaahh! Ah-hhhh... Hooooney... What aaaare you..?" Before your mom can finish her question, you forcefully invade her mouth with three of your fingers. Her eyes widen with surprise before rolling into the back of her head, your mother becoming overcome with pleasure from the sensation of her own son using her like his own personal sex toy. With one hand in her mouth, one hand buried under her shirt and your cock buried deep within her dripping pussy, you push your mother to her limit.

"OOHHMMMMMMMMMMFFFUUUUUHHHHMMMMM!" your mom cries into your fingers as she orgasms on your throbbing cock. You barely even register her biting down onto your fingers as you feel her velvety pussy walls tighten, squeezing the life out of your cock as it attempts to milk you dry. Your hips stop dead in their tracks as you hold your cock deep within her dripping hole, letting the convulsing walls of her pussy do all the work. The sensation of her heavenly pussy clamping your cock tight is enough to stir your own orgasm as you feel your cock stiffen and tighten in anticipation. As your mom is about to ride out the final jolts of her mind-blowing orgasm, you begin to shoot your sticky semen directly into her womb. You collapse onto your mother's body as you pull her in tighter, every primal instinct telling you to fill her with as much of your seed as possible.

"Hhhuuhhhh... Hhuuuuhh... Honey..." your mom pants as you finally remove your fingers from her mouth. "That was..." With your morning wood now subdued and your mind cleared from lust, you're able to think clearly once again. You pull your cock from inside her as your white residue drips from her hole before leaning over her once again.
"Happy Mother's Day" you whisper into her ear before planting a lovingly gentle kiss on her lips. As you break away from the kiss and momentarily stare tenderly into your mom's emerald eyes, your attention soon turns to the toaster as you pull the lever to lower the bread into it. "Bacon and eggs sounds great, Mom. I love you!"
"I-I love you too, Sweetie" she smiles as she remains on the countertop, still recovering from the morning's events. After planting one final kiss on her cheek, you pull your boxer shorts back onto your waist and head back upstairs for your morning shower. As fun as this morning had been, you're sure a day as special as today will have much more in store. You'll make sure of it.

The End

Originally published: April 2021

The following story is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring the actress Bryce Dallas Howard.


Bryce Dallas Howard in:

*Grumble* *Grumble*

The growling of your empty stomach stirs you from your lazy Monday morning. With your online classes not starting until later this afternoon, you'd had every intention to stay in bed for as long as possible. However, it seems your stomach has other plans as it loudly protests your idleness.
"I guess I'd better go and get some breakfast" you think as you drag yourself out of bed. As you finally leave the comfort of your bedsheets an unusual coldness hits your naked skin, stopping you in your tracks. "Jesus! Did I leave the window open last night or something?" You shuffle over and draw your curtains back slightly, revealing your windows to be undoubtedly closed. Confused but mostly still hungry, you quickly scramble to throw some clothed on before making your way downstairs.

You shiver as you enter the kitchen, the rest of the house seemingly just as cold as your bedroom. Looking around for something to satiate your grumbling tummy, you search for something you can warm up in the microwave or toaster. Settling for a box of Pop Tarts, you throw a couple in the toaster for a few minutes as you wonder why the house feels so cold. The toaster finally pings, you hungrily retrieve the piping hot breakfast snack and begin taking bites as you stroll towards the living room. The molten center of the tarts hurt your mouth and tongue a little, but at least you definitely feel warmer.

Mommy Bryce lying sideways on the couch, wrapped in a blanket as she sits up and smiles at you.

"Good morning, Sweetie!" chirps your mother, Bryce Dallas Howard, as you enter the living room. You find her bundled on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket as she types away on her laptop. Ever since the pandemic your mom has been working from home, and with all your classes being online too you've spent a lot more time together in the past year. In some ways you've missed the independence of having the house to yourself occasionally, but you've also enjoyed how much closer you and your mom have gotten. However, being stuck at home with her for a year has also made you realise something you hadn't before. You've noticed you think of her a little differently now. With your mom dressing more casually around the house, you've caught yourself staring at her hourglass figure when she's wearing loose shirts and tight leggings. On a few occasions you've silently watched from the doorway as she does her weekly workout routine in the living room. You blame this on being trapped inside with her all day every day, but part of you wonders if these feelings have always been there under the surface.

"Mmph... Morning, Mom" you reply as you swallow the last bite of Pop Tart, its warmth already starting to wear off. "Is it me or is it really cold today?"
"Oh, yes! Sorry, Honey, I should have said" she exclaims, closing her laptop as she turns to you. "I'm afraid the heating is acting up again, I think the furnace is broken and they won't send someone out to look at it until tomorrow! Just our luck that this had to happen during this cold spell..."
"Oh, OK..." you sigh, dreading the thought of spending a whole day freezing to death. "That sucks... But I guess there's not much we can do."
"Well, you can start by putting a sweater on" your mother giggles as she waves the sleeve of her hoodie at you. "And maybe some socks while you're at it too."
"Oh, right" you murmur, realising in your haste to get food you only threw a t-shirt and sweatpants on. "I... I'm sure I'll be fine."
"Are you sure, Sweetie? You're shivering..." she asks as she watches you tremble in the cold air. Before you can respond, your Mom moves her laptop and lap rest onto the coffee table, pulls back her blanket and beckons you with open arms. "Come on. Come and cuddle up with me!"

"Mom?" you ask quizzically, your mom's proposition taking you by surprise. You're suddenly hit with the realisation that based on the thoughts you've been having about your mother recently, you can't trust your body to behave itself. "A-are you sure? Aren't I a little old for..."
"Honey, you're freezing!" she retorts before waving her arms slightly in an attempt to lure you over. "Nothing keeps you warmer than sharing someone else's body heat. Now hurry! Before all the warmth escapes my blanket!" Unable to deny your mother's insistence, you timidly approach the couch as she wraps you into her grasp.
"Don't you have work to do?" you ask, looking for any excuse to get away.
"Don't worry about that" she replies, pulling you onto the couch so you can lie beside her. "I just got done with my morning's emails and was about to take a break anyway..."

Out of excuses and options, you finally concede and lie yourself down on the couch as your mother wraps the blanket around you. You feel her hand caress your lower back as she pulls you closer, face-to-face and tightly bundled with the woman that raised you.
"There... That isn't so bad, is it?" whispers your mom as her beautiful green eyes stare into yours. Your mother wasn't wrong, the heat of two bodies trapped under the blanket was paradise compared to the frigid air outside.
"I guess not..." you confess, finding the courage to reach your own arm across her waist. For a moment you relish in the warmth of her arm wrapped around you, her soft chest pressed against yours and her breath running down your face and neck.
"It's been so long since we've cuddled like this..." she smiles as you feel her hand gently rubbing your back in a small circle. "We used to do this all the time when you were little... Sometimes I'm still surprised by how grown-up you are. Part of me still thinks of you as my baby boy..." You become lost in your mother's eyes, her infectious nostalgia making you almost regret drifting away from her over the years. Of course, it's only healthy that you've become more independent as you've gotten older, but you realise you also miss feeling this close to her.

As you continue gazing into your mother's eyes as she reminisces of times gone by, you start to feel your neck aching a bit. With your mother's head supported by a pillow behind her, you don't really have anywhere to comfortably rest yours while maintaining eye contact.
"Honey? Are you OK?" she asks, noticing you fidget as you try and find a comfortable position.
"Yeah, I'm fine" you assure her, squirming as you try to pull your arm from underneath her so you can use it to prop your head up. "I'm just... Trying to get comfortable."
"Wait a second" she instructs before rolling onto her back and pulling you with her, sitting up slightly so you're now laying on top of her. "OK... That better?" You notice this new arrangement has placed you slightly lower against your mom's body, with your head now positioned at her chest.
"Uhhhh..." you respond, still precariously holding your head up to avoid resting it on her breasts.
"Honey, it's OK" she whispers, reaching up to caress your head before gently pulling you into her bosom. Your heart thumps like a jackhammer as you feel the warm, soft flesh of your mother's supple breasts against your cheek. "See? Isn't that better? Just relax, Sweetie..."

As you lie with your face nestled in your mom's pillowy chest, her fingers idly comb through your hair while her other arm wraps around your waist under the blanket. You feel the rhythmic rise and fall of her lungs as she breaths and her heart gently beating as you rest on her, her scent filling your nostrils as she caresses you. You both seem completely content to lay there in silence, enjoying both the warmth and the closeness of each other's embrace. But the more you feel her soft body against you, inhaling her intoxicating aroma and receiving the occasional kiss on the top of your head, something inside begins to stir.

You say nothing at first, trying with every ounce of your mental willpower to stop it before it happens, but focusing your mind on it only ensures the inevitable. Soon you feel the familiar throb of your growing member start to form. With how you're positioned, you're straddling your mother's leg with the blanket keeping you tightly pressed against her. There's absolutely no way she won't be able to feel it pressing against her thick, juicy thigh, and thinking about that fact only makes it worse. You stay silent, praying that maybe by some miracle she won't mention it and it'll eventually go away. Your heartbeat grows more rapid as you feel your hardening erection dig into her soft flesh, bracing yourself for whatever explosive reaction she'll have to her own son getting aroused like this. Instead, she continues to hold you tightly in her arms, playing with your hair like there's nothing wrong. For a moment you feel a wash of relief, that maybe she hasn't realised and you've had a lucky escape from disaster. But then you notice something. Hard to tell at first, but with your head to her chest you think you can feel her heartbeat getting faster, and her breathing getting deeper.

"Are you... Comfortable, Honey?" she finally asks, breaking the silence as she continues to stroke your head.
"Uh, y-yeah... Yeah, I'm OK..." you murmur, your voice slightly muffled from where your face is buried in your mother's cleavage. Suddenly, you feel the blanket start to shift as something underneath begins to move. Before you can work out what's going on, warm digits rub themselves against the growing bulge in your sweatpants.
"Are you sure about that?" she whispers as your cock twitches from your mother's delicate touch.
"M-Mom?" you whimper, looking up into the green, tender eyes of the woman who raised you.
"Shhhhhhh..." she hushes, pulling your head back down into her bosom as she continues to rub your erect cock against the palm of her hand. "It's OK, Sweetie... Just relax, and Mommy will take care of everything."

In a state of shock and disbelief, you obediently follow your mother's instructions and close your eyes, focusing on the sensation of your mother's warm body against yours while her hand gently massages you through your pants. Your rigid cock begins to strain against the fabric, begging to be released so it can feel the pleasure of skin-on-skin contact with the teasing hand. You involuntarily let out a quiet moan as you feel the elastic waistband of your pants being pulled down, freeing your cock as it's soon grasped by your mom's delicate fingers.
"Oh Mom..." you groan, nuzzling your face into your Mom's breasts as your cock throbs in her hand.
"Oh, Honey..." she coos quietly, gently squeezing at your member as if in awe of its size. "You really are all grown up..."

With one hand still maternally caressing your head against her warm body, the other begins to sensually stroke the length of your cock under the blanket. Her fingers expertly massage your sensitive tip, collecting your flowing precum and lathering it down your shaft slickly. Her hand alternates between long, deliberate strokes along your length and shallow, swift polishing of your glistening cockhead. Feeling the intense pleasure of your own mother's hand dutifully tending to your erection, your mind clouds with ecstasy as your inhibitions are lost in the fog. Your hips begin to move on their own, desperately pumping to meet her strokes as you make love to your mother's soft hand.

Soon, the silent stillness of the house is permeated by the whimpers and moans of a son clinging to his mother on the couch, the rhythmic shifting of the blanket being the only clue of the illicit acts happening within. Overwhelmed with sexual desire as you hump her hand, you kiss and nibble at the fabric of the hoodie separating your lips from your mom's supple breast.
"Hang on, Sweetie..." she whispers, momentarily lifting your head from her chest before unzipping her hoodie. You hover above her as your mother pulls her top over her breasts, exposing them to your wide, hungry eyes. Without further encouragement you bury your face back between them, kissing and licking at her pale titflesh.

"Mmmmmmm, hmhmhmmmmm..." your mom giggles under her breath as you devour her breasts, her hand still polishing the shaft of your throbbing cock. Your lips soon find her stiffening, pink nipple, latching onto it like a new-born baby as you're held in your mother's arms. "Ohh... Oh, Baby... Mmmmmmm... Just like that..." You grasp her plush body tightly, your hands sinking into the soft flesh of her hips and waist as you pleasure one another. You suckle obsequiously on her sensitive teat, flicking with your tongue and pinching with your lips as your mom whispers sweet encouragement. "Mmmmmm... Good boy... Keep sucking on Mommy's nipples, Baby... Mommy's gonna take good care of her baby boy..." Your mother's doting words drive you to pump your hips faster, your breathing becoming heavier as you moan into her nipple.

With your senses overloaded by your mother's touch, taste and smell, you're almost too overwhelmed to notice your mother's hand move down your neck before gripping your shoulder. With one powerful yank, your mother pulls you further on top of her, letting you fall between her legs while your torso remains rested on hers. You notice that at some point under the covers of the blanket, she managed to pull her leggings down to her ankles. You now find yourself at eye level with your mother once more, holding yourself up by your forearms as you stare into her emerald eyes.
"Mom?" you whisper in disbelief, trembling as you feel your throbbing cock resting against something wet and invitingly warm.
"Shhhhhh... It's OK..." she reassures as she reaches down between your two bodies. You feel the familiar sensation of her delicate fingers wrapping around your shaft as your mother guides your cock toward the unfamiliar sensation of a warm, slick hole. "OK, Baby... Push it inside..."

"Ohhh... UuuuuuUUUUHHH!" you groan out as you push your hips forward, your aching member being swallowed whole by your own mother's glistening pussy. You collapse onto your mother as the immense pleasure saps the strength from your arms, your face now touching hers nose-to-nose. Your mom's eyes widen and breathing deepens as you begin to slowly pump your hips, burying your cock to the hilt then pulling back out to the tip. "Oh God... Ohh... Ffffuck... Oh, Mom..."
"Oh... That's it, Honey... Ahh... Just like that..." she pants between moans, her beautiful eyes piercing into your soul as you stare into each other. "Mommy's here for you, Baby... Oh God... Ahhh... That's a good boy... Mmmm... Don't hold back, Mommy's got you..." You mindlessly follow your mom's instructions, thrusting your hips more rapidly as you hump her like a desperate puppy. Her thick legs wrap around your hips as her fingers dig into your back, trapping you in her embrace within the confines of the blanket.

"Oh, Mom! Oh, Mommy!" you groan, almost tearing up from the physical and emotional intensity. "Mommy your pussy feels so good! Oh fuck! Mommy! I-I love you so much!" As you confess your love while pumping into the hole you came from, your mother's lips begin to part as yours do the same. With your faces already so close together, it doesn't take long before your lips are locked with hers, kissing her deeply as you enjoy her sweet taste. You realise in this moment, with your mother's arms wrapped tightly around you, her tongue dancing with yours and your cock buried deep inside her glistening pussy, you've never felt closer to another person before. "Mommy..." you whimper, tears streaming down your face as you break your lips from hers. "Mommy... I'm... I'm gonna cum!"
"Yes, Baby!" she moans with a wide smile, grasping your head and pulling it to hers so she can stare into your eyes once more. "Cum for Mommy! Give Mommy everything you've got! Be Mommy's good baby boy and cum deep inside her! Do it, Baby! Cum for me! Cum for Mommy! I love you so much, Baby! So, so much!"

Hearing the words 'I love you' escape her lips as you stare deep into her eyes finally tips you over the edge.
"Ohhhh MommmmMMMYYYY!" you cry as you plunge your cock deep inside your mom's womb with one final thrust. Her legs pull your hips tightly to her, pushing you inside just a little further before you explode. Your mind blanks as your body is rocked by the most intense orgasm you've ever experienced, shooting rope after rope of your sticky seed deep inside your mother. You bury your face into her neck, tears still flowing as you're overwhelmed with pleasurable sensation and emotional ecstasy.
"Shhhhh, shhhhh..." your mom reassures, caressing your head as you weep into her shoulder. "That's it... Let it all out... You're safe... Mommy's got you..."

The velvety walls of your mom's pussy squeeze the last drops of cum from your exhausted cock as she strokes your hair. Your tense limbs finally go limp, leaving you unable to support your body any longer as you lie panting on top of her. The room fills with huffing and puffing as the two of you catch your breath, your sensitive member still buried deep inside your mom as you cuddle.
"Has that... Warmed you up, Honey?" she pants, pulling the blanket back over the both of you to trap the post-coital heat.
"Y... Yes, Mom..." you muster the energy to mumble, unable to lift your head from the comfort of your mother's neck. "Th-thank you..."
"Anything for my baby" she coos before planting a tender kiss on the top of your head. "It's nice and warm in here now... Why don't we just lay like this for a while?"
"Don't you have to work?" you ask defeatedly, dreading the thought of this moment ever ending.
"I'm sure they can handle a few hours without me" she smiles, twirling your hair with her fingers as she feels your semi-flaccid cock stir inside her as you wriggle to get comfortable. You let out a sigh of relief and contentment, feeling warm, safe and most of all loved being wrapped in your mother's arms.

"I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, Sweetheart."

The End

Originally published: December 2021

The following story is a brother/sister erotic fiction featuring the actress Kat Dennings.


Kat Dennings in:
Hide and Seek

"One... Two... Three... Four..."

Facing the corner of the living room with his hands over his eyes, your little cousin begins his count to a hundred. The rabble of his numerous siblings quickly dash in every direction to find somewhere in the house to hide. Dazed by the sudden rush of small children, you look around to see that even your sister has disappeared already.

"Eighteen... Nineteen... Twenty... Twenty-one..."

You need to find a hiding spot, and fast.

You always dread when your aunt and uncle come over to visit, because you know you and your sister are always left to babysit your little cousins. You wouldn't mind it too much, but your cousins are always full of energy and want to play some kind of game constantly. Board games, Simon Says, Red Light Green Light, and of course their favourite, Hide and Seek.

You can't help but feel annoyed that your weekend is being spent playing childish games with a bunch of kids instead of hanging out with your friends. But your older sister, Kat Dennings, seemed particularly annoyed at being stuck with babysitting duty. You think you overheard her arguing with your mom earlier, saying she was supposed to be seeing her boyfriend today. After promptly being told she had to stay here and entertain her cousins, she stormed into her room and presumably sulked in there until they arrived. You could tell she was still a little crabby once they got here, but for some reason her mood improved dramatically when someone suggested Hide and Seek.

You quietly roam the hallway of your large home, peering in every room for inspiration of a good hiding place.
"I live here, surely I know where all the good hiding spots are" you think to yourself as you wander from one room to the other. As you pass the kitchen you're suddenly struck with an idea. "Aha! Behind the washing machine! They'll never think to look there!" You dash through the kitchen and into the laundry room in search for your perfect hiding spot. With both the washer and dryer fitted snugly under the countertop, there's a cavity between the washer and the far wall that you know is big enough to crawl into. Your parents use it to stuff various plastic bags for later use, the perfect cover for your hiding place.

You eagerly begin to pull the bags from the compartment, revealing the smug face of one of your cousins behind it.
"Taken!" she chirps triumphantly before sticking her tongue out at you. Dismayed, you stuff the bags back in the hole, entombing your cousin back in the cavity. You fruitlessly look around the laundry room for another hiding spot, knowing the seeker will be on his way soon. "Get outta here!" you hear your cousin hiss from behind the bags, worried you're going to blow her cover. You reluctantly storm back into the hallway as you hear your cousin counting from the living room.

"Sixty-two... Sixty-three... Sixty-four..."

Running out of time and convinced you've exhausted the downstairs of possible hiding places, you scramble up the staircase to the upper floor of the house.

"Sixty-eight... Sixty-nine... I can hear you going upstairs! Seventy... Seventy-one..."

As you reach the landing you look around frantically for somewhere to hide. You consider your bedroom, but think it might be too obvious. You don't dare go into your sister's room and face her wrath if she finds out you went in there. You could hide in the wardrobe of your parents' bedroom, but that would require fighting your way through all the junk they've shoved in there over the years. As you ponder your limited options your eyes suddenly settle on the ajar door of your dad's office. You're usually never allowed in there without your dad, and he usually keeps it locked when you have visitors, but it seems he must have forgotten.

"Ready or not, here I come!" you hear your cousin bellow from downstairs.
"Screw it..." you think to yourself as you slink over to the office door. "It may be cheating, but at least I'll get some peace and quiet for a little while." As the sound of your cousin bounding up the stairs draws closer, you deftly slip into the dark office and quietly close the door behind you. With the heavy blinds drawn on the room's singular window, you're left to feel your way past your father's hulking bookshelves towards his computer desk. You creep slowly across the room, searching for a hiding place that isn't immediately obvious in the event that your cousin does peek inside.


You stop dead in your tracks as you hear the sound of the door locking behind you.
"Shit! Did Dad finally remember to lock the door?" you think to yourself as you turn towards the noise. Before you can work out what's going on, you're suddenly blinded by the lights flickering on with a click of the lightswitch. Whoever locked the door is inside the room with you.

Kat in a tight black sweater, looking at you intently as she stands in front of a large, full bookcase.

"Kat?" you murmur in a hushed tone as you shield your eyes from the blinding light. As your eyes adjust to the brightness, the dark, curvy blur in front of you takes the unmistakable form of your older sister.
"I was hoping you'd try and hide in here" smirks Kat quietly, retracting her hand from the lightswitch as she slinks towards you. You stare in confusion as her voluptuous body draws closer, her curves accentuated by her tight black sweater. Her black-clad body contrasts perfectly with her pale, porcelain face, as does the wicked smile on her full, pink lips.
"Kat? What are you..." you whisper, trailing off as you hear one of your cousins running down the hallway outside. Your sister continues her approach, causing you to retreat backwards into the wall as she looms over you. "What are you doing in here? What's going o-"
"Shhhhh..." hushes your sister as she puts her index finger to your lips, stopping you mid-question. "Shut up, or you're going to give away our spot." Your sister leans closer to you, her beautiful, blue eyes piercing into yours as you press against the wall. "I'm getting bored of hide and seek, and I was hoping we could play a different game instead..."

"W-what do you mean?" you ask timidly, the sweet aroma of your sister's perfume filling the air around you. Kat's playful grin grows wider as she places her hands on the wall either side of you, trapping you between her arms.
"I'm gonna level with you, Bro" she sighs, cocking her head at you like a lioness playing with her food. "I was supposed to be at my boyfriend's place today but now I'm stuck here and I'm SUPER horny." Hearing your own sister say that word is enough to send a jolt down your spine and into your growing member. Your face burns red as you squirm between her arms, unsure of what exactly she's getting at. You're pretty sure you know what she's saying, but surely your own sister couldn't be saying that. Right?

"Kat... I don't..." you mutter as you try and pry your gaze from hers, failing to escape her beautiful blue eyes. You feel your heart thumping against your ribcage as butterflies fill your stomach, preventing you from forming any intelligible sentences.
"God, do I have to spell it out to you?" she scolds before swiftly moving one of her hands from the wall behind you, reaching down between your legs. You let out a nervous moan as you feel your sister's hand generously squeeze the bulge forming in your jeans.
"W-wait... Kat... N-no.." you quiver, convinced this is some kind of trick. While you've fantasised about this exact situation many times in the past few years, the real thing is far more terrifying than you could have imagined.

"Don't pretend like you don't want this" Kat sneers, rubbing your shaft through the fabric of your pants. "I've seen you staring at me when you think I'm not looking... I know where my panties go when they 'mysteriously disappear' from my laundry hamper... My brother's a little perv, isn't he?" You feel your sister's grip on your throbbing bulge tighten as let out an involuntary whimper. "Answer me!"
"Yes!" you squeak, face red and eyes screwed shut as you nod in agreement like a child being told off by a grown-up. Your sister's wicked grin returns to her lips as she watches her little brother submit to her touch.
"And does my pervy little brother want to play a game with Big Sis?" she asks, her fingers tracing the outline of your shaft against the denim. The gentle teasing of her hand is enough to strip you of all inhibitions, rendering you unable to keep up your reluctant pretence any longer. As she waits for an answer, Kat runs a finger up the length of your cock as it twitches in response.
"Y-YES!" you cry, finally betraying your eagerness as your sister's fingertip presses against your sensitive tip. You can already feel the wetness of leaking precum seeping into the denim of your jeans around her finger.
"I thought so" she smiles auspiciously, releasing your cock from her hold.

As you whimper from the sudden release, your sister takes you by the arms and pulls you into the middle of the room. You're caught off-guard by her forceful tugging as you stumble forward, planting your face squarely between her pillowy breasts. Your throbbing cock aches as you momentarily feel their warmth against your cheek.
"Oh God! Kat! Sorry! I... I..." you mumble as you frantically pull yourself from your sister's bountiful chest.
"On the floor" she instructs, cutting your babble short as you slump down onto your knees in an instant. You look up at your master like an obedient puppy, mesmerised by your sister's curvaceous body as she towers over you. Your eyes widen still as she crosses her arms around the bottom of her sweater before pulling it over her head, revealing an incredibly low-cut black top hugging her supple frame. "I said 'on the floor'!" she scolds, placing a hand to your chest as she forcibly pushes you down further. Your arms flail backwards to catch yourself as you topple onto your ass, your sister following as she gets to her knees between your legs. Sitting dazed on the floor of your dad's office, you find yourself caught in the clutches of your older sister as she looms over you.

Kat in a low-cut black top, looming over you with an amorous look.

You watch in disbelief as Kat climbs over you on all fours, enveloping you like a snake wrapping around its prey. Your cock practically spasms within your jeans as she straddles your hips, the warmth of her pussy radiating through the thin fabric of her leggings. Your eyes drift down from your sister's wolfish grin to the heavy pair of tits hanging above you, instantly losing yourself in the deep cleavage. Kat notices your attention wandering to her chest and leans forward, smothering your face with her huge breasts.
"Watcha looking at?" she teases, one hand propping herself up as the other pulls your head deeper into her bosom. "Getting a good look at your own sister's tits, huh? I know you stare at them all the time, you little creep..." You're unable to reply as your face is bombarded with pale titflesh, her milky pillows driving you wild with lust.

Your sister bites her plump lip as you're devoured by her breasts, feeling your cock throb against her as if its begging to be released.
"Oh? What's this?" she coos innocently as you feel her spandex-clad crotch rub against your bulge. You involuntarily let out a helpless whimper into your sister's chest as you feel her warmth rubbing against you. "Is my little brother getting hard from his own sister? How pathetic can you get?" You mindlessly start groaning as your big sister begins dry humping you, your face scrunched in torturous pleasure as she grinds against your member.
"Oh... Oh God..." you moan quietly, the sensation of your sister's warm pussy rubbing against your cock causing you to throw your head back.

With your eyes firmly closed you suddenly feel Kat's weight shift around you as she repositions herself. The warmth encasing your bulge dissipates as she turns 180 degrees, straddling your stomach as her long, raven hair flows before you.
"Let's see what we're working with here..." purrs Kat, wasting no time in unbuckling your belt. You feel your sister unwrap the first layer of your jeans before her hand swiftly fishes your throbbing member from your boxers. As her fingers wrap around your bare cock for the first time, a jolt of pleasure surges through your entire body. You buckle underneath her violently as she pulls your hard cock out into the open.

"Holy shit..." she mutters, idly running her hand up and down the length of your shaft as she admires every inch of you. "How long have you been hiding this from me?"
"Oooh... K-Kat... Oh, fuuuck..." you groan, your sister's grip tightening as her movements become more deliberate. A steady stream of precum trickles over her hand as she begins stroking from your base to the tip.
"We're gonna play a game I like to call 'Don't Cum Until Big Sis Says So'" Kat whispers playfully, running her thumb over your leaking tip to cover it in precum. "The rules are simple: don't cum until I say so. Got it?"
"Mmm hmm" you murmur, nodding in response as she looks back at your tortured grimace.
"I have to admit..." Kat whispers, still keeping her voice down as you hear the faint sounds of your cousins playing outside. "You've got a nice cock, Bro. I'm impressed! You even put my boyfriend to shame." Your sister's strokes picks up their pace, the slick wetness of your precum lubricating her hand as it glides effortlessly along your shaft. "Maybe I don't have to sneak out to my boyfriend's place when I need dick after all..."
"Ohhh.. Hhmmmm..." you groan quietly, squirming under your sister's weight as she toys with your sensitive virgin cock.

Kat turns over her shoulder to watch you, enjoying the sight of her baby brother quivering from her hand.
"Enjoying that?" Kat smiles wickedly as she starts varying her technique, altering her grip and speed to see what exactly makes you tick. "Remember, you can't cum until Big Sis says so..."
"HhhaAAAHH!" you squeak out as your sister rubs her thumb against a particularly sensitive spot on your undercarriage. Kat grins mischievously as she takes advantage of this new discovery, directing all of her attention to caressing your delicate areas. The sensation is indescribable, the intense pleasure causing your entire body to spasm in response to her tactful fingers. Your arms flail at your sides as you look for something to grip on to, the assault on your cock feeling unlike anything you've ever felt before.

"Oh fuck! Uhhhhngh... Oh, Kat... Oh God..." you whimper uncontrollably, eyes screwed shut as your wincing face glows red.
"Quiet!" she hisses, turning her head back to shoot you a stern glare as she squeezes your cock tight. "Are you trying to get us caught?"
"HhhuuuUUGHH!" you helplessly cry as your stiff rod pulsates in your sister's vice-like grip. Without warning you feel a sudden relief as you're released from her clutches. Your arching body slumps to the floor with a thud as all the tension dispels from you in an instant. The weight of your sister's ass is lifted from your stomach as she gets to her knees, one either side of your torso. You watch in awe as she reaches behind to pull her leggings down, hiking them just low enough to reveal her plump ass as it hovers above you.

"This should shut you up" Kat scolds as she pulls her black thong to the side, exposing her glistening pussy. Before you can work out what she means, your sister plunges her hips back onto your face, burying you between her pale cheeks. "Mmmmmm..." she groans, wiggling her ass as you feel her wetness smearing all over your face. "Now be a good boy for Big Sis and zip it!" You submit to your new position as you taste the sweetness of your sister's nectar on your lips. Having never tasted something so amazing before, you grasp Kat's hips and hungrily pull her deeper onto you. With your vision obscured by your sister's pillowy butt, your other senses are heightened as your nostrils are filled with her intoxicating scent. Your tongue eagerly searches for her wet hole, not taking long before you feel the velvety insides of her pussy lips.

"Ohhhhh... Fuck, Bro..." Kat moans quietly, arching her back as you dutifully lap at her wetness. You feel your sister's weight shift as she throws her head back in pleasure, sitting on your face to smother you completely. While you're preoccupied with running your tongue up and down your sister's forbidden opening, you feel her hand take your cock back into her grasp.
"Mmmmmm..." you gently hum, your groans of pleasure stifled by your sister's fat ass smothering your face. The familiar strokes of her fingers are soon interrupted by a new sensation, a warm wetness enveloping your sensitive tip.

"MmmhhhhhmmmMMM!" You let out a muffled cry into your sister's pussy as you feel her full, pouty lips swallow your cock whole. Your stiff rod spasms as it nestles into the warm, slippery confines of Kat's throat, almost causing her to gag as she holds you firmly inside.
"Mmmwhhahh!" you hear as your sister pulls you out of her throat again, taking a moment to catch her breath before sliding you back in. Your hips begin to quiver as her mouth makes love to your cock, running her tongue up your length before swallowing the tip. You've dreamed of having your sister's plump lips wrapped around your member since you hit puberty, but the real thing is beyond anything you could have imagined.
"I didn't tell you to stop" she hisses as she pops you out her mouth, grinding her soaking hole against your face. The forceful suffocation from her plump ass is enough to snap you back to reality, realising you'd been neglecting her pussy as you became lost in her throat.

Your grip on Kat's hips tightens as you return to lapping up her heavenly juices, plunging your tongue as deep as you possibly can.
"Ohhhh-OH!" she whimpers, surprised by how eager you are to correct yourself. "Mmmmmm... That's better..." Satisfied with your tongue's performance, Kat returns to expertly sucking your cock like a popsicle. Her thighs tighten around you, trapping you in place as you're forcibly smothered by her sweetness.As your sister's warm mouth envelops you once more, you can't help but push your hips upwards to meet her lips. Kat lets out a muffled yelp, caught off-guard by your cock bashing against the back of her throat. Your hips develop a mind of their own, slowly pumping your rod into your sister's mouth as you blissfully feast on her pussy. Kat responds to your sudden thrusts by holding her head in place, gripping your thighs tightly as you begin to fuck her face.
"Mmmmm... Mmmmmm..." you groan, mindlessly lapping away as you realise what your hips are doing. The sloppy sounds of grunts and gags fill your dad's office as you violate your sister's throat. Kat maintains her steady position over your hips, allowing you to thrust into her with all the might you can muster. As much as she wants to punish you for stepping out of line, part of her is curious to see just how much valour her little brother has in him.

As you continue your assault on your sister's mouth, you suddenly feel her grip move from your thighs to your hips. You let out a small whimper as your cock is suddenly ripped from Kat's lips, your hips now being forcefully held to the floor. Your momentary confusion is interrupted by your sister's ass crushing your head once more, gagging and spluttering as she sits upright against your face.
"You'd better slow down, I haven't told you to cum yet..." she pants, recomposing herself after your attack on her throat. "OK, you've had your fun... Now it's my turn."

You feel your sister reposition herself yet again, turning back around to face you as you lie helpless on the floor.
"Don't move" she commands as she gets to her feet, finally pulling her leggings and panties off before tossing them in a pile next to you. You do as you're told, marvelling at your sister's naked bottom-half as she strips the garments away. Kat gets back down to her knees and climbs over you once more, hovering her soaking pussy inches from your throbbing member. Her hand plants firmly to the floor by your side for support as the other reaches between her legs. You watch in torturous anticipation as she guides your stiff cock towards the glistening hole. Both of you stare into each other's eyes, wordlessly sharing this last moment before you cross the line that siblings should never cross. The look of bewildered fear on your face is met with relentless hunger and lust as your sister wastes no time in taking what she wants. You wince as you feel your cockhead meet the warm, wet lips of her pussy as she holds you in position. The air goes silent as you both inhale sharply, seconds away from taking the final plunge.

"OoohhhHHUUUHH..." you both groan out in unison as Kat lowers herself onto your cock. You feel the velvety walls of her pussy envelop your entire length as she eases down onto you. Her eyes screw closed as she leans forward towards you, letting you bury yourself as deep inside her as possible. As your sister's lips press against the hilt of your member, she holds you inside for a moment while she gets accustomed to your size. With one final exhale, Kat's eyes shoot open as she begins to slowly pump her hips along the length of your shaft.
"Ohh... Jesus... K-Kat... That feels..." you pant, the room around you melting away as the feeling of your sister's pussy dominates your senses. Your arms fidget by your sides, unable to decide on a position. Do you prop yourself up? Grab onto something? Hold onto your sister's thick thighs as she rides you?
"Fuck... Hold still!" Kat scolds, making the decision for you as she reaches to grab both of your hands in hers. She holds your hands to the floor above your head, pinning you down as she stares hungrily into your eyes.

You helplessly lie under your sister as she bounces on top of you, preventing you from taking any control of the situation. You're being completely dominated by the curvy, dark-haired goddess you grew up with and nothing could be more pleasurable.
"Oh Kat... Kat! Oh God..." you cry out, losing the ability to control your volume as you forget you're in a household full of people.
"For fuck's sake..." your sister groans through gritted teeth, reaching over to grab her balled-up panties from the pile next to you. Before another sound can exit your lips, she stuffs her soaking black thong into your mouth. "Another word out of you and I'm breaking it off!" The familiar taste of your sister's juices hits your tongue as she resumes riding you like a mechanical bull. As you lie there submitted to your fate as her new plaything, Kat leans down to whisper into your ear. "That's it, Bro... Give me that fucking cock... Fuck your sister's pussy just like that..." You feel your cock pulsate with every filthy word coming from her plump lips, the warm, slippery walls of her pussy hugging it tight. "But don't cum yet... You're not allowed to cum yet... Not until Big Sister says so..." You let out a deep, muffled groan as you feel your balls tighten, your long-awaited orgasm beginning to stir inside you.

As your cock prepares to unload itself inside your sister, your hips decide to pump themselves along with her rhythm.
"Oh fuck... Fuuck..." Kat whimpers as you start pounding her, pushing your cock deeper upwards each time she plunges down. "Fuck! Fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck... I said 'hold STILL'!" Your sister's hips crash down onto yours with incredible force as her grip on your wrists tightens, thwarting your last shred of autonomy. Your engorged member pulsates inside her as it screams for release, taking every last fibre of your willpower to keep yourself from exploding. "That's better..." she whispers before starting to pump her hips again, satisfied that you'll behave.

With your hips planted firmly to the floor, Kat raises her ass in the air so that your tip is just about nestled between her lips. You lie squirming in her grasp as she swiftly works her pussy up and down your sensitive cockhead, driving you wild with pleasure. You screw your eyes shut and hold your breath in a vain attempt to delay your orgasm, terrified of what she might do if you lose her 'game'.
"Mmmmm... Fuuckkk..." she moans as her hips plunge back down, taking long, deliberate strokes up your entire length. "Don't cum yet, Bro... You're not allowed to cum... Not until you've made your sister cum first..."

This new revelation is almost enough to make you explode on the spot, but you manage to fend it off with another guttural moan into your sister's panties.
"HhmmMMM... Ohhhhhh FUCK!" Kat growls as her hips start bouncing wildly, losing any patience she has to drag her game out any longer. "That's a good boy... Let Big Sis fuck that big fucking cock... Oh, fffuuuuuuck!" You feel your orgasm bubbling to the surface as your cock is ravished by your own sister. Your face screws into a desperate grimace as you try and hold off blowing your load for another moment. "Oh, God! I'm getting close! Your fat cock is gonna make me cum, Bro! Ohhh, fuck! Yes! Yes!" Your hips start to ache from the repeated blows of your sister's ass and thighs pummeling down onto you. You peer through tearful eyes to see Kat's stare piercing into you, possessed with an animalistic lust for her own brother. "Oh God! Do it! Cum for me! Cum for your sister right NOW!"

Your body immediately reacts to your sister's demand, opening the floodgates to unload the earth-shattering orgasm you've been building for the past 10 minutes. Feeling your cock twitch inside her, Kat lets out a small yelp as she buries her face into your neck.
"MMMmmmMMPHHH!" you cry out through your sister's thong as your cock explodes inside her, filling her with your hot, sticky seed.
"HhhuuUUUUGHHHMmmmmm..." Kat groans deeply, sinking her teeth into your shoulder as her pussy convulses around you. You both writhe against one another as you ride through your shared orgasms, your sister's body collapses on top of yours as she pants into your ear.

With one final exhale, your sister finds the strength to pull herself up from the comfort of your neck.
"Gimmie those" Kat snaps breathily, snatching her balled-up panties from your mouth. Kat releases you from her grip, leaving you lying on the floor and without the energy to move.
"Kat... *Pant* That was... *Pant*" you splutter, still catching your breath from the most powerful orgasm you've ever experienced.
"Shut it" she hisses as she pulls her saliva-soaked panties back on, trapping your seed inside her womb. Kat brings her finger to her lips to taste a drop of the sperm that had trickled down her leg. "Don't tell a soul about this or you're dead. Clean yourself up and don't come out until 5 minutes after I've left." You nod obediently as Kat gets dressed, pulling her leggings and sweater back on before fixing her hair. Confident she looks presentable, your sister unlocks the office door and peers into the hallway to check the coast is clear.

"And keep your bedroom door unlocked tonight" she whispers to you with a sultry smile. "I'm not done with you yet..."

The End

Originally published: February 2022

The following is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring Christina Hendricks, containing incest and lactation.


Christina Hendricks in:
Afternoon Snack

"Mmmmmm... What a glorious day!" chirps your mother, flashing you a warm smile as she leads you by the hand.
"Yeah, I guess..." you mumble, not really paying attention to your surroundings as you and your mom take a stroll through the park.

You had planned to spend your entire Sunday inside, squeezing in as much video game time as possible before the impending dread of school tomorrow. Your mother, Christina Hendricks, had other plans for you.
"It's such a lovely day out!" she beamed as she barged into your room earlier that day, drawing the curtains that you'd left intentionally drawn. "You can't just spend it hiding in your room. Why don't we go for a walk?" You tried protesting, but deep down you knew this was a losing battle before it even began. It wasn't long until you were ripped from your video games and forced out the house, the afternoon sun still high in the sky as you made your way to the local park.

As cyclists pass you by, couples enjoy picnics and kids throw bread to the pond-dwelling ducks, your focus is glued to the beautiful woman holding your hand. Your eyes feast on your mother's full figure, wrapped in a dark, velvety sundress with floral designs embroidered throughout. Her head is adorned with a wide-brimmed sun hat, shielding her porcelain face and full red lips from the sun. With every step, you watch as her impressive chest bounces within the low-cut neck of her sundress, the lacy frill of her bra slightly peeking out for the world to see. You're pretty used to the looks your mother gets from passers-by, but you still catch notice of a few gazes following her figure as you both stroll past.

"See, Honey?" your mom smiles, squeezing your hand affectionately as she basks in the warm sunlight. Isn't this much better than being cooped up inside all day?" You don't immediately respond, instead averting your gaze to all the people around you enjoying their Sunday afternoon.
"How long do we have to be out here for?" you ask, your patience waning as you catch a glimpse of a young boy playing his Nintendo Switch while he sits with his family.
"Sweetie, we only just left the house!" your mother chuckles, letting go of your hand to ruffle your hair. "Come on, humour me and just enjoy the fresh air for a little while. You can do that for Mommy, right?"
"I guess so" you sigh, looking down at your feet defeatedly.
"Tell you what..." your mother coos as she bends down to be face-level with you, tilting your head up by the chin so you can look into her beautiful blue eyes. It takes all of your willpower to maintain her gaze as you fight the impulse to stare down her deep cleavage. "If you're a good boy and spend the rest of the afternoon out here with Mommy, we can go to the store on the way back and get ice cream for dessert tonight. Does that sound good?" Your eyes instantly light up from the mention of ice cream.
"Any flavour I want?" you ask, your pout on your lips disappearing for the first time since you left the house.
"Of course, Sweetheart! Whatever my baby boy wants!"
"OK..." you smile as your mom wraps her arms around you, pulling you in for a tender hug. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best... Sorry I was grouchy..."
"It's OK, Honey" she reassures as she releases you from her grasp after kissing you on the forehead. "I know how much you boys love your video games. I promise I won't keep you from them for too long."

Your mom takes your hand back in hers as you continue your afternoon stroll, venturing further into the expansive park. Your resentful sulking is drowned out with thoughts of ice cream as you try to decide what flavour you want to get. As you mentally catalogue all of your favourite flavours of the delicious dairy treat, you feel your stomach begin to grumble.
"Uh, Mom?" you squeak, pulling at your mother's arm to get her attention.
"Yes, Sweetie?" she chirps back, her warm, motherly smile radiating down as she turns to you.
"I, uh... I'm getting kinda hungry" you confess, rubbing your tummy as you feel it growl against your hand.
"Honey, it's only 2 o'clock!" your mom giggles as she checks her watch. "What did you have for lunch today?"
"Ummm..." you hesitate, coming to the realisation that you neglected to make any lunch before you were forced outside. "I, uh... I forgot to have lunch today..."
"Oh, Honey!" your mom exclaims, a look of dutiful concern appearing on her face. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise you hadn't eaten yet! I would have made you something had I known..." Your mother scans your surroundings as she weighs up her options, unable to see a store or food stall anywhere nearby. "OK, I have an idea. Follow me, Sweetie."

Your mother's grip on your hand tightens as she leads you to an unoccupied bench, shaded by a large tree and out-of-sight from the majority of the park. As you approach the bench, your mom takes a seat and beckons you to sit beside her.
"OK, Honey..." your mother instructs in a hushed tone as you sidle up next to her. "Now I need you to lie down and rest your head on Mommy's lap here." You stare quizzically at her hand as she pats it invitingly against her thigh.
"Mom? What are you..." you ask nervously, looking around to see if there's anyone watching.
"I know, Sweetheart, but trust me" your mom reassures, running her fingers through your hair to comfort you. "If we're quick, hopefully no one will notice."
You hesitantly turn to lie on your back, resting your head on your mother's soft, pillowy thighs. Her hand continues to comb through your hair, gently petting you as you get in position. Her eyes dart left and right, giving one last check that no one is around to witness the unusual feeding ritual she shares with her son. Confident that no one is watching, your mom's hand leaves your head and plunges down the neck of her floral dress. You feel your penis twinge a little as she scoops out a huge, pale breast from the confines of her dress, exposing it to the cool breeze and gentle sunlight. Your eye bulge from their sockets as you behold the giant, pale orb hanging inches above your face, the pink nipple already stiffening from the cool air.

"OK, Sweetie... Drink up!"

You feel your mother's grasp return as she lifts the back of your head, pulling you closer to her inviting nipple. You reach up to take the plush breast in your hand, holding it steady as you latch your hungry lips around the firm, sensitive teat.
"Mmmmm... Good boy..." your mother purrs, keeping you in place by wrapping her free arm around you. "Come on, Sweetie. Don't waste any time. We can't do this for too long!" As you're cradled in the arms of the red-headed goddess that birthed you, you begin to suckle hard and deep at her pink, swollen nipple.

Mommy Christina in a floral dress and sun hat, looking down at you as you suckle on her nipple.

You lovingly look up at her as you dutifully suck, eyes shaded from the sun by the brim of her hat. Your mother returns your gaze, looking deep into your eyes as her red lips pucker from the sensation of her son's mouth latched to her breast.
"Ohhhh... Honey..." Mommy gasps, eyes shut and head tilted back as your suckling gets more intense. "That's it, Baby... That's a good boy... Keep sucking on Mommy's nipple... You're almost there, Baby..." Your mother's encouraging words drive you to suck harder as she struggles to stifle the gentle moans escaping her lips. As you become completely oblivious to the world around you, the familiar trickle of a sweet liquid hits your tongue.
"Ohhhhhhh... That's it, Honey" your mom whimpers out, overwhelmed by the pleasure of having her full, milky breast drained by her own son. Your growing hunger is amplified by lust as you guzzle down as much of your mother's milk as you can. With your hand firmly squeezing her huge breast as you cling to it, your tongue laps up every drop that pours from her teat. Your mother dotingly strokes your head as you feed from her breast, admiring how peaceful and perfect you look cradled against her bosom. "Drink up, Honey... Mommy's really full today, drink as much as you want... My hungry baby boy..."

As you both revel in each other's embrace, your mom is suddenly broken from her trance by a quiet muttering from across the park. She looks up to see a young couple walking down a nearby path, staring and whispering to each other as they pass by.
"Sweetie..." your mother whispers, leaning down to get closer to your ear. "Sweetie, we need to hurry up. People are starting to noti..." Her words trail off as she looks down to see the impressive bulge straining the fabric of your shorts.
"Mom?" you murmur, breaking your lips from her nipple after swallowing a mouthful of her delicious nectar.
"Honey... Your..." she whispers, a look of panic forming on her face as she looks around helplessly. "Your... Peepee! It's gotten hard! We can't have you walking around the park like that!"
"Oh!" you yelp, letting go of your mother's bosom before pulling the bottom of your shirt over your crotch to hide your shame. "Mom! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."
"No no, it's OK" your mom reassures as her arms tighten around you, the comfort of her embrace dispelling your worry in an instant. "It's not your fault, I know it always gets hard like that when Mommy feeds you. It's only natural..." Your mother's eyes are firmly fixated on the bulge in your shorts as she desperately thinks of a solution. "OK, there's nothing else for it. I'll just have to deal with it quickly. Hold still, Sweetie..."

Usually when your peepee got hard after drinking Mommy's milk, she'd just tell you to wait for a little while and it'd eventually go away. But now as she reaches over to 'deal with' your little problem, a mix of excited curiosity and fearful uncertainty fills your chest. You involuntarily take a sharp inhale as your mother's fingers begin to crawl under the waistband of your shorts, brushing against the stiffness within.
"Oh Honey..." your mom coos as she feels the warmth radiating from your member. As her fingers gently prod at your engorged cock, it twitches and sends a jolt of electricity through your body. "Sweetheart... Does drinking Mommy's milk always make you this hard?"
"Uh-h... Uh-huh..." you shudder out as you nod, wincing in pleasure as your eyes stay firmly screwed shut.
"Oh Honey, I'm so sorry!" she whispers as her unoccupied arm pulls your head into her bosom once more. "I didn't realise it was this bad! I should have been relieving you from the start..." You tremble in your mother's grasp as her fingers get more bold, wrapping themselves around your shaft as she squeezes it tenderly.
"Aaa-aa-aAHH!" you whimper as you feel your mother's touch engulf your throbbing member, causing you to shudder uncontrollably.

"Shhhhh..." she hushes, looking around to see if the commotion has attracted any unwanted attention. "Sweetie, you need to be quiet! We can't get caught doing this in public!"
"S-sorry, Mom..." you huff, red-faced and quivering in her arms. "It's just that... It... It feels so good..." A proud smile appears on your mom's lips for a moment before her focus returns to the job at hand, taking your stiff cock in her grasp within the confines of your shorts. You let out a low groan as she begins to stroke her hand up and down your length, the precum trickling from the tip acting as lubricant.
"Ohhh... Oh Mommy..." you moan quietly, your hands gripping your mother's soft body as you cling to her. With the limited space within your shorts and her wrist being somewhat restrained by your waistband, your mother struggles to find a good rhythm while remaining surreptitious. Your soft cries fade into breathy gasps as you feel her stroking hand slow down. Wondering why she's stopping, you look up to see your mother glancing around and biting her lip in worry.

"Sorry Honey, this isn't working" she whispers in a slightly panicked tone. An overwhelming sense of disappointment washes over you as you feel her hand retract from your shorts. As you compose yourself in preparation of getting back on your feet again, you suddenly feel a tug at your waistband.
"Mom?" you yelp, watching in dumbfounded awe as she hurriedly pulls your shorts and underwear past your hips. As the elastic waistband passes your rigid member, it springs out into the open and slaps against you with a dull thwack.
"OK..." your mom sighs, taking your throbbing cock into her hand once more. "We really need to be quick now. Just relax and Mommy will take care of everything."

With the new-found freedom of the outside air, your mother's strokes begin to gather momentum as she squeezes you between her fingers.
"Oh Mom..." you gasp as her hand starts to rapidly stroke your length, lubricated by the slickness of the precum covering her hand. This new sensation of immense pleasure is too much for you to withstand, leaving you writhing and whimpering as your cock is thorougly tugged. "Mmmmmuhh... Ohh... Mmmommy... My... My peepee feels funny..."
"Shhhhh, it's OK" she comforts, caressing your head with her free hand as she services your member with the other. "Just relax, Baby... Some milk is gonna come out of your peepee now... Relax and just let it all come out..." Something about those encouraging words in your mother's soft, warm voice is enticing something deep within you. You feel it building and building as your penis gets stiffer in her slippery hand.
"Hhaaauuhhh!" you moan out, unable to control your volume as you're overwhelmed by this incredible sensation. "Ohh! Oh, Mommy! M-Mommy! Ahhhh!"
"Honey! Shhhhhh..." your mom hushes urgently, looking around to see a few heads turning in your direction. Despite the increased attention, her stroking pace doesn't wane as she feels you're nearing completion. Before another cry can exit your lips, you feel your head forcefully pulled into your mother's bosom as your lips instinctively latch to her nipple. Your moans and whimpers are successfully dulled as you immediately resume suckling the delicious milk from her teat. "There you go, Sweetie... Quickly now... Let it all out for Mommy... You're almost there, Baby, you can do it!"

As passers-by look on from afar, trying to figure out what all the commotion is from the shaded corner of the park, you're both too engrossed in each other to notice their prying eyes. The taste of your mother's sweet milk enhances the swelling pleasure within you as you begin to feel like you may explode.
"MMMmmmuhh... Mmmmuhmmm..." you groan through a mouthful of breast, your hips twitching uncontrollably as you near tipping point.
"That's it!" your mother encourages, leaning down to your ear so she can keep her voice as low as possible. "That's it, Baby! Be a good boy and let it out! Let it all out for Mommy!"

"HHMMMMMMMMHHH!" you cry out, muffled by pale titflesh as you feel your balls tighten and cock pulse sharply. A rope of warm, gooey white liquid shoots from the tip of your member with every palpitation, draping all over your mother's hand. Your lips release her nipple as you gasp, the pleasure washing over your body as the last of the sticky seeds is squeezed out by your mom's hand.
"Oh my..." coos your mother as her strokes slow to a halt. You lie in her lap panting like an exhausted puppy while your mom's clean hand digs into her handbag to fish out a pack of hand wipes. "Wow, Honey! I wasn't expecting you to have so much in you! Good boy, getting that all out for Mommy!" You watch breathlessly as your mother uses the wipes to clean her hand before dabbing at the rogue globs of goo that landed on your shirt. Once satisfied that the two of you are all clean, she pulls her breasts back into her dress and yanks your shorts back up. You become presentable just in time for a couple walking their dog to stroll by, completely oblivious to the illicit acts that had just transpired.

"Mom... That was..." you pant as you sit up on the bench, legs still weak from your first orgasm.
"Ok Sweetie, we should probably head home now" your mother chirps as if nothing had even happened, adjusting her dress while she checks the coast is clear. As she finally gets up from the shaded bench she turns to you with a warm smile, giggling at the sight of the exhausted pile you've slumped into. "Are you OK? Think you'll be able to walk?"
"Y-yeah, I'm OK" you insist, pulling yourself up from the bench with a slight wobble. As you stand up next to your mother, you instinctively reach out to take her hand in yours, squeezing it tight. "Thanks, Mom... I... I liked that a lot..."
"My pleasure, Sweetie!" she beams, smiling warmly as she squeezes your hand back. "I can't have my baby boy going hungry now, can I?" Before you can say anything in response, your mom leans down to whisper something into your ear. "And if your peepee ever gets hard like that again, you know you can always ask Mommy to help..." She flashes you a wicked smile before leaning back up, gripping your hand tight as she leads you through the park once more. "OK Honey, let's get you back to your video games!"

"And we're getting ice cream on the way, right?" you ask innocently, hoping you can push your luck just a little further today.
"Of course, Sweetheart!" she coos. "A promise is a promise! And maybe that won't be the only treat you get tonight..."

The End

Originally published: June 2022

The following is a short mother/son erotic fiction featuring Jennifer Tilly, containing incest.


Jennifer Tilly in:
Date Night

*Bzzzzz* *Bzzzzz*

You hear the sound of a new message notification as you step out the shower, amplified by your phone vibrating against the bathroom counter. Taking a moment to dry your hand first, you swat at your phone's screen to wake it up. The lock screen presents a single message from your girlfriend:

getting ready now, should be there in an hour 😉


you text back, grinning in anticipation for the night ahead. Due to the both of you living with your parents, finding some alone time with your girlfriend was a luxury you weren't often afforded.

Might run to the store to get snacks, you want anything?

You wipe the condensation from the foggy bathroom mirror and comb the damp hair from your face as you start making yourself presentable. A little later, you hear your phone buzz again:

popcorn for the movie pls!

not that we'll be paying too much attention 👅

Your smile widens as you feel your cock stir within the fresh pair of boxer shorts you just pulled on.

You think im gonna wait until we put on a movie?

Im tearing your clothes off as soon as you walk through the door 😈

It had been so long since the two of you had an opportunity to fool around, and she'd even instructed you to abstain from masturbating for the past week to get you really pent-up. With all the possibilities of the evening racing in your mind, you spray yourself with your best cologne and return to your room to finish getting dressed. As you throw on one of your nicer buttoned shirts and a pair of smart jeans, you hear your phone vibrate on the bedside table.

sounds like someones getting desperate 😏

Before you can formulate a response, you receive another message with an image attached:

this will have to tide you over until i get there 😘

A low-angle shot of your girlfriend in a pair of lace blue panties, pulling up her shirt to expose her large breasts.

"Fuck..." you whisper to yourself, eyes glued to the image of your girlfriend's exposed supple body. The sight of her perky breasts spilling out from her shirt makes your loins ache with pent-up sexual frustration. It takes all of your willpower to not pull your cock out and relieve yourself right then and there. You distract your hands by typing back:

FUCK babe, you dont know how wild youre driving me

why dont u show me

Your cock throbs as you read her last message and your horny brain immediately responds by unbuckling the jeans you just put on. You open your camera app and point the lens to your rigid member, watching it twitch in the open air as you try and line up the perfect shot.


You almost drop your phone in surprise as you hear the front door slamming shut downstairs. You listen as a pair of high-heels stomp through the hallway towards the kitchen.
"Mom?" you call out, confused as to why she'd be home already.
"It's just me, Sweetie" the voice of your mother murmurs from the kitchen, lacking any of its usual warmth and sweetness. Completely losing your train of thought, you quickly type a message to your girlfriend before heading downstairs to see what's going on.

Wait hang on, mom just came home

"Mom? Mom, what happened?" you ask as you enter the kitchen, almost tripping over her handbag that had been dumped by the doorway. You find your mother leaning over the kitchen counter, furiously removing her earrings as she mutters to herself. Her luscious curves jiggle within the confines of her tight, floral dress as she struggles to unhook her jewellery.

Your mom, Jennifer Tilly, has been single for as long as you can remember. Your father walked out shortly after you were born and completely disappeared, so you and your mother have only ever had each other. Left to raise you herself and still scorned by your father, you became the only man she needed in her life. But now that you're older and more independent, you've both agreed it's time for her to start dating again. In a way you're happy for her, but there's still a part of you that feels weirdly jealous that you're no longer her only priority. Not that her dating attempts have been very successful, and it would seem tonight was no different.

"Piece of shit... Can't believe this..." she snarls as she finally gets the second earring off, tossing it across the counter top. "The fucking nerve..."
"Mom!" you exclaim, placing a hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She jumps in surprise as you grab her, spinning around on the spot to finally face you.
"Oh God... Sorry, Honey..." she sighs, immediately wrapping her arms around you and burying her head into your chest. You wrap your arms around her in return, your tight embrace being enough to calm her down a little. You both stand in silence for a few moments, your hand tenderly stroking her head as she listens tentatively to your heartbeat. Her head finally lifts from your chest as her eyes look into yours, wordlessly giving her gratitude for comforting her. "Thank you, Hun... I needed that..."
"Mom, what happened" you ask as you break from each other's arms. Your mother steps back and leans against the kitchen counter, taking a moment to compose herself.
"The asshole stood me up..." she finally mutters, voice slightly quaking as her eyes stay fixed to the floor. "I tried texting him but he's ignoring my messages... Won't even pick up my calls..."
"Oh Mom... I'm sorry..." you comfort, stepping closer to rub her arm. "What a fucking coward! Screw him, it's his loss. If that's how he's going to treat you, then he doesn't deserve an amazing woman like you, Mom." Your mother's teary eyes look up into yours once more as a faint smile finally appears on her red lips.
"You're right... That asshole isn't worth the energy" she smiles before pulling you closer to peck you on the cheek. "Thank you, Sweetie... Mommy needed to hear that..."

Your mom buries her face in your chest once more, only now noticing the strong scent of your cologne.
"So what are you all dressed up for?" your mom questions, gesturing to your smart clothes. "OH! I completely forgot! You have Abby coming over tonight, don't you?"
"Uhh.. I do, yeah" you confirm, her question reminding you that your romantic evening alone with your girlfriend is probably out the window.
"Oh, sorry Honey" she sighs, her faint smile evaporating as quickly as it appeared. "I know you two must have been looking forward to having the house to yourselves... I'll try and keep out of your hair..." As your mother turns away to make herself a drink, you feel a vibration in the pocket you hastily shoved your phone into.


i thought she was out tonight

You quickly respond:

Her date didnt show up

Shes really upset

poor thing! 😢

how does she keep finding these shitty men who mess her around


Its getting kinda ridiculous

i guess all the good men are taken at her age

glad i dont have to deal with that 😉

maybe you should take her out tonight instead

You stare confused at her last message for a moment before responding.

What do u mean?

take her out for a drink or smthn make her feel special

What about tonight?

we can hang out tomorrow

i think ur mom deserves a date night more than i do

Dumbfounded and a little disappointed at your girlfriend's suggestion, you decide to check if she's just joking around.

You wont be jealous if im on a date with another woman? 😏

babe your mom is a HOTTIE 🔥

if anything im jealous of YOU 😉😜

You smile and shake your head at that last message. You've had to spend your entire adolescence suppressing the thought that your mother is attractive, and having a girlfriend who constantly brings it up makes it almost impossible to deny. You lift your eyes to see your mother vacantly pouring herself a large glass of wine, smudged eyeliner still running down her cheeks. Maybe Abby is right, maybe your mom does need someone to show her a good time.

Ok, if youre sure

"Uh... Mom?" you ask as you shove your phone back into your pocket. As your mom's brown eyes flicker up to look into yours, you suddenly feel a tightening in your chest and a fluttering in your stomach. You recognise this sensation as something you haven't felt in a long time, the sensation of nervousness you had when you asked Abby on a date for the first time. But why on earth would you be feeling like that now? "Mom... Do you want to, maybe... Go out for a drink tonight? Make up for the date you missed?"
"Oh! Honey, I'd love to!" she beams as a glint of happiness returns to her eyes. "But... What about Abby? I thought you said she was coming over tonight."
"She, uhh... Just told me her parents need her to watch her brother tonight so she can't come" you respond, not wanting to make your mother feel guilty for crashing your evening plans.
"Well in that case..." she purrs as she reaches for an additional wine glass, pouring another drink before sliding it towards you. "I'd love to go on a date with you, Sweetie!" You pick up the newly-poured glass and clink it with the one in your mom's hand. "Cheers!" she smiles before throwing her head back to gulp the drink down.
"Mom! What are you doing?" you ask, watching in awe as she downs the entire glass like a champ.
"Ahh!" she gasps as she finishes her wine, pounding the glass against the table to punctuate the statement. "It's called pre-gaming, Honey. Mommy wants to let loose tonight! Come on, finish yours and call us a cab, I need to fix my make-up."


Mommy Jennifer sitting across from you at a dinner table with a drink in hand, her floral dress displaying her bountiful cleavage.

"Mmmm, that was divine! Thank you..." your mom smiles to the waiter as he retrieves the empty plates from your table. She takes a sip of her second cocktail that evening, staring lovingly into your eyes as her red lips curl into a warm smile. "I can't believe you've taken me somewhere so fancy! No man has taken me anywhere half as nice as this since I started dating again."
"Just think of it as a 'thank you' for being such an amazing mom" you chuckle, trying your hardest not to marvel at the impressive cleavage spilling out of your mom's dress. It was hard enough to maintain eye contact with her as it was, and the more cocktails you drink, the harder you're finding it to keep your eyes from drifting down.
"Aww, that's so sweet of you, Honey" she coos, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand in hers. "How did I ever raise you to be such a handsome gentleman?" Your ears perk up at the word 'handsome'. This wasn't the first time Mom had called you handsome, far from it, but something about her tipsy emphasis on the word makes it feel different than the usual mother-son compliment. Your mother giggles as your face flushes red, taking another sip of her drink before continuing. "Men must forget their manners by the time they get to my age... Why can't I find someone as charming and respectful as you?"
"You already have" you joke, surprising even yourself with your drunk courage. "I guess I'll have to take you out like this more often." You laugh nervously into your drink, not entirely sure where that offer came from or how serious you're actually being. Your mother's eyes narrow, her warm smile now closer resembling a playful smirk.

"Maybe you're right" she smiles, releasing your hand from her grip and moving up to rub your forearm. "Do you think Abby would be OK with that? Sharing her boyfriend with an old woman like me?" You almost choke on the last mouthful of cocktail as you process your mother's question. You weren't expecting your mom to play along like this.
"I... Uh, I mean..." you stumble over your words, idly twirling ice cubes around in your empty glass with the straw. "Actually... It was kinda her idea for me to take you out in the first place... So I guess she probably wouldn't mind, right?" Your mom's eyes widen at the revelation, biting her lip as she squeezes your arm firmly.
"Really?" she asks in playful faux-disbelief. "How sweet of her, letting me have you all to myself tonight..." You can't help but notice a wicked glint in her eyes as she downs the rest of her drink, maintaining your gaze the entire time. Despite the intoxication, all this talk of being 'shared' and your mother having you 'all to herself' is enough to stir something from within your jeans. Your mom smirks as she watches you squirm in your seat, enjoying how adorable you look when you get all flustered. "I'm sorry you didn't get to spend the evening with her tonight, Sweetie. I hope your old mother has been a good enough substitute..."
"Yes! Of course!" you blurt out a little too enthusiastically. "I-I've really enjoyed tonight, Mom..."
"Even if I'm not as pretty as your girlfriend?" your mother teases, her impish smile growing wider as she retracts her hand from your arm.
"What are you talking about?! Mom, of course you're..." You trail off as you realise just what you're saying.

Your mother smirks, hiding her self-satisfied grin behind her hand as you stumble over your words. "I mean... You know... You're, uh..." Your eyes dart around the room, refusing to look your mother in the face while yours gets redder and redder.
"I'm what, Honey?" she asks innocently, cocking her head with eyes wide to emphasise her naivety.
"I, uhh.. I think you're..." you stammer out, shifting in your seat as this confession inexplicably makes your cock begin to throb. "You're very pretty, Mom... I think you're beautiful..."
"Aww, thank you Sweetie!" she chirps triumphantly, fishing out the exact compliment she wanted from you. "Sorry, promise I didn't mean to make you choose between me and Abby, I'm just fooling around." You can't tell if it's your inebriated imagination, but you swear you saw your mom bite her lip a little as she said those last few words. Imagination or not, it's certainly having a real effect on your growing bulge.
"Besides" she continues, her playful smirk returning in full-force. "I already know you think I'm pretty. Your eyes have been drifting all evening..." You're hit by the simultaneous sensations of a pit in your stomach and a throb in your pants. It seems your eyes hadn't been as well-behaved as you thought.
"I-I'm gonna gonna go find the men's room" you say as you stumble up from your seat, feeling the urgent need to escape. The extent of your intoxication suddenly hits you as you stand, your balance being much harder to keep than you expected.
"I'll see if I can order us some more drinks while you're in there" your mother winks as she watches you stagger your way through the restaurant towards the bathrooms.


You splash warm water from the faucet onto your face, trying to snap yourself out of whatever spell your mother has you under. There's no way she's really flirting with you. It has got to be the booze talking. And even if she was flirting with you, there's no way you could take things any further, right? You couldn't do that to Abby... As you reflect on your loyalty to your girlfriend, you realise you haven't checked your phone in a while. You drunkenly dig it out of your pocket and see you have numerous unread messages from throughout the evening.

hows the date going stud

you there???

you guys must be having a good time

you better be keeping it pg13 over there 😉

You attempt to type out a belated response:

Sorry onky just saw yur messages

Weve been drinkung cocktails

thinl im a lil tipst lmao

As you type your last message, you see the 'read' checkmark appear on the previous two shortly before she begins typing back.

wowow sounds like your having fun

u tried making a move on her yet 😜

Abby stop shws my mom!!!

hey i wouldnt blame u if you tried it with her

if i were u id be tearing her clothes off by now 😏😂

Your mind struggles to keep up with the conversation and before you can think of a response, Abby messages you:

ur mom must be starved for dick if her dates keep going this bad

maybe you should show her what shes missing 😈

You stare stupified at her last message. You rub your weary eyes and look back at the screen, expecting to see you'd drunkenly misread the text. But no, it's still there.

Are yu being serious

i just think ur mom deserves to be shown a good time

There's no more denying it, your girlfriend is actually suggesting you do what your inebriated impulses have been telling you to do all night.

So your giving me permissuon?

as long as u tell me about it afterwards

u can do WHATEVER you want tonight 😈

and as long as i can join in next time 👅😉

Your throbbing cock aches within the confines of your jeans as you comprehend the 'free-pass' you've just been granted. Now with the go-ahead from your own girlfriend, the argument against trying to seduce your own mother is significantly weaker. You text back one final message:

Love yiu babe xx


have fun 😘

With a newfound confidence and guilt-free consciousness, you fix your hair in the bathroom mirror, take a deep breath to psych yourself up and return to the table where your beautiful mother is waiting.


The tranquil sounds of chirping birds pierce through your brain as you're woken from a deep sleep. A dull ache gently throbs in your head, prompting your eyes to slowly blink open. You notice that the morning light looks different than it usually does, and your mattress and pillow are a little softer than you're used to. Your foggy mind lethargically makes the realisation that you haven't woken up in your own bedroom. You open your eyes a little more to get a bearing of your surroundings, the morning light somewhat stinging as they adjust. You immediately recognise this room, and the bed you're tucked-up in, to be your mother's. You attempt to cast your mind back to the previous night to figure out how you ended up here. You remember your mom's date cancelling on her... You remember taking her out for drinks to cheer her up... You remember her... Flirting with you? Did that really happen? And then Abby... She was joking about you and Mom... Wait... Was she joking? You suddenly remember the messages Abby had sent you, and just how sincere she sounded when she suggested you make a move on your own mother. But what did you do next? You vaguely remember coming back to your table to find your mom waiting with another round of drinks... And maybe ordering another round of drinks after that... Everything else is just a murky blur. You don't remember coming home, or how you ended up in your mom's room, or if you and your Mom...

Your train of thought is suddenly derailed by the sound of movement beside you. Your heart skips a beat as you feel an arm wrap around your waist, the warm body pressing against your back all but confirming your fears. You gently roll yourself over to face whoever is spooning you. You're disheartened but unsurprised to find your mother sweetly sleeping beside you, dressed in her usual bedroom attire of an old white t-shirt. Your movements cause your mom to stir from her sleep, eyes opening to the sight of her own son staring back at her. A content smile forms on her plump lips as she squeezes her new bed companion.
"Mmmmmmm..." she purrs, stretching her body beneath the covers while gripping your waist tight. "Good morning, Sweetie!"
"Good... Morning..." you murmur out, caught off-guard with how calm your Mom's demeanour is compared to the sheer terror you're currently experiencing.
"How're you feeling?" she asks dutifully, her hand leaving your waist to tenderly comb the hair from your face.
"Um... OK, I think" you stammer out, taking note that you don't feel as bad as you'd expect considering how much you probably drank. "I'm a little headachey, but I think I'm OK."
"There's some aspirin and water on the bedside table if you need it" your mom smiles. "I had a feeling you'd probably feel a little rough this morning. I had no idea you were so bad at holding your drink!" Your mom giggles as she teases you, wrapping her arm back around your waist while you turn to grab the aspirin.
"You weren't much better" you protest after swallowing the tablet with a big gulp of water.
"I wasn't the one confessing I have a crush on my own mother" she chuckles, eyelids drooping as she rests her head back into the pillow. A pang of shock runs through your body at this comment, mostly by how nonchalant she seems as she says it.

"I, uh... I... I..." you mumble, desperately trying to recall more details of the previous night to help you navigate this conversation.
"Honey... It's OK" she reassures you, pulling you closer against her. You feel her soft, plentiful chest pressing against your back as her hand explores your chest. "Like I said last night, I'm incredibly flattered that such a handsome young man would still find an old woman like me attractive." Your heart races as you feel your mother play with the hair on your chest, your morning wood standing at full-mast from all the attention you're receiving. Your Mom feels the intense rhythm beating against your chest. "Sweetie, are you OK? Is something wrong?"
"I, uh... It's just..." you stammer, your cock twitching as you feel your mom's legs mingle with yours. "I don't actually remember much of what happened last night."
"Oh! Well I'm not surprised!" she chuckles in response, hand now moving from your chest to your stomach. "You were pretty out of it after the 3rd or 4th drink..."
"Mom, did we..." you begin to ask, turning to look deep into her beautiful brown eyes. "Did we... Do anything last night?" Your mother's playful smirk warms into a reassuring smile as she sees how nervous you are.
"Oh Honey..." she sighs, squeezing you tightly against her. "We were far too drunk to do any fooling around last night. We just went to bed and fell asleep as soon as we got home."
"Oh! OK... That's a relief" you breathe, calming yourself with the knowledge that you hadn't drunkenly crossed the boundaries of your relationship. The momentary tranquillity is cut short as your mother leans in to whisper into your ear.

"I thought it'd be much more sensible to wait until morning..."

"Mom?" is all you manage to blurt out before feeling her hand swiftly travel down from your stomach and onto your morning wood. You shudder and groan as her fingers delicately examine your member through the thin fabric of your boxer shorts.
"Mmmmm... And some things are worth waiting for" she purrs, her lips leaning closer into your ear as she spoons you. "I can't believe you were worried we'd done something last night. There's no way I'd have left you this hard..." You fail to respond to your mother's teasing words as you're too preoccupied with the sensation of her fingers probing against your shaft. "Come on" she urges softly as her fingers tug at the elastic waistband of your underwear. "Let's get these off of you..." Your heart feels like it's about to burst through your chest as your mother helps you wriggle out of your boxer shorts. You gasp with a sharp inhale as you feel your mother's fingers trace a line back up your legs before wrapping around your bare, stiff member. Without another word, your mom begins to gently squeeze your cock in her delicate hand, feeling it throb and pulsate within her grasp.

You can't help but moan softly as she buries her face into your neck from behind, planting tender kisses on her squirming offspring. As your breathing gets heavier and heavier, your mother's strokes become longer and more deliberate. Each time her fingers reach the tip of your cock, she runs little circles around your sensitive undercarriage while her thumb gently glides over your helmet to collect the leaking precum. You feel your mother's soft body pressing against your back as she gauges your reaction to her special massaging techniques.
"Oh... Mom..." you groan between helpless whimpers. "Ahhh... That feels... Really... Oh God..."
"You like that?" she taunts, feeling your arch your spine as she toys with a particularly sensitive spot. Even though you can't see her face, you can practically hear the impish grin in her voice. "What about when Mommy does this?" You suddenly wince in pleasure as your mother's fingers move to a new spot just below the ridge of your cockhead.
"Ahh-ahh-ahhhhhh..." you gasp, a torturous pleasure washing over your body as you're touched in ways you've never thought possible. It's almost like your mom knows your cock better than you do, knowing all the buttons to push that will render you a whimpering puppy.
"Mmmmm... You like that too, huh?" she purrs, taking a perverse delight in making you squirm from her touch.

"Hhmmm... Hmmmuuhh..." is all you can groan out, your face screwed tight as your mother's unrelenting fingers continue exploiting your weak points.
"And you know what the best part is?" she whispers, leaning closer so her soft lips are pressed against your ear. You fail to formulate a proper response, shivering from the sensory overload of her breath in your ear and fingers on your cock. "As good as this feels, I don't think I'm actually stimulating you enough to make you orgasm... We could do this for hours..." The thought of this torturous pleasure going on any longer forces a deep, gutteral moan from your lips.
"Please... P-please..." you whimper out, unsure yourself if you're begging for her to stop or begging for her to fulfil the threat.
"Would you like that, Honey?" she smirks wickedly, pressing her thumb firmly against your sensitive spot. "Do you think you could handle Mommy's massage for an hour? What about two? How long until you're begging me to make you cum?" You wail out in painful ecstasy as your mother kneads the tip of your cock with all 4 fingers, eternally milking your member for the orgasm that will never come.
"Mom... Mom... Mom..." you huff out between laboured gasps, your eyes screwed shut and your face glowing red from the intensity. Your feeble whimpers turn to squeals as the sensation overcomes you, causing you to toss your head violently against the pillow.
"Hmmhmhm... Looks like I've found your limit..." your mom chuckles softly. "Don't worry, Baby... I'll only punish you like that if you're naughty... And you were such a gentleman taking Mommy out to dinner last night..." Your mother's fingers suddenly cease their targeted attack on your sensitive undercarriage and relent to lazily stroking your length. A deep sigh of relief escapes you as your released from the torturous grip. As you take a moment to compose yourself, you feel your mother lean in to kiss your neck before whispering in your ear one last time. "Come here, Baby... Mommy wants to thank you for such a wonderful evening..."

Your mother's hand releases your aching cock with one last squeeze before returning to her side of the bed. You roll yourself around, finally facing her for the first time since crossing the forbidden mother/son boundary. You're caught off-guard by the formidable aura of lust radiating from the woman that raised you. Her eyes stare hungrily into yours as she too rolls onto her back, lifting the bedsheet invitingly for her son. Your mom bites her lip as you feast upon the glorious sight of her body as she presents it to you. Your mind races as you realise she isn't wearing anything below the waist, the bedsheets only just covering the treasures below. Her large breasts strain the white fabric of her shirt, nipples hard enough to visibly protrude in the morning light. With a simple beckon of her index finger, you obediently climb over her, positioning yourself between her legs as she wraps the covers around the both of you. You lay on top of your mother as she traps you in her embrace, the two of you gazing deeply into each other's eyes.
"Mom... Are you sure..." you murmur, feeling your hard, twitching cock rest against something warm and wet. Your mom's thick thighs squeeze either side of you, as if to reassure you that everything is OK.
"Of course, Baby..." she smiles warmly, caressing your cheek with a free hand as the other reaches down between her legs. "You don't know how long Mommy's been waiting for this." You feel your mother grasp your hard cock, guiding it as she encourages you to push your hips towards her. "It's OK... Just push it in... Mommy's got you..."

"Hhhnggaahhh!" you groan as you feel your cockhead slip between her lubricious lips. You steadily ease yourself deeper into her silky warmth until your entire length is engulfed.
"Ah-hh!" your mom yelps as you stretch her pussy walls with your girth. "Ohh... There we go... That's it, Baby..." You practically collapse onto her as you bury yourself deep inside her warm hole, nuzzling your face into her neck as she continues to whisper instructions. "OK, slowly now... Ahh... You have to be gentle with Mommy, Sweetie... Hhuhh... Mommy hasn't done this in a while..."
Fighting to overcome the shock of being inside your own mother, you find the wherewithal to start moving your hips back and forth. Soft whimpers escape your mom's lips as you find a slow but steady rhythm, her arms wrapping tightly around you in response.
"Oh God! Hhuhh... Yes, that's it!" she squeaks, digging her nails into your back with each lazy thrust of your hips. "I've been waiting so long to feel your cock inside me, Baby... Ouuhh... It's even better than I imagined!"
"M-mom?" you groan out, finding the energy to pull yourself up and look her in the eyes again. "Have you... Have you really..?"
"Why do you think I've... Oh God... Had so much trouble dating?" she asks, struggling to talk through the waves of pleasure. "I have such a handsome... Ohh... Considerate... Fffuckk... Charming young man at home... Hhnguhh... No one else has been able to compare so I just... Oh fuck... Kick them to the curb..."
"Sorry I raised the bar so high" you chuckle as you push your cock particularly deep, your confidence slowly restoring from your mother's affirming words. She lets out a growling moan as the hilt of your member meets her soaking lips. You watch your mother's face intently as you continue to push your thrusts deeper into her womb, her eyes screwing shut with each pump.

"Oh fuck! Oh, Baby..." her sweet voice whimpers, lips quivering from the intense pleasure. "Right there! Right there!" You happily comply with her demands, shifting your weight into your thrusts so you can fill her up as much as possible. "Long strokes..." she whispers, fighting to keep her eyes open so she can gaze into yours. "Long and deep, Honey... That's what Mommy likes..."
You comply, withdrawing your cock until your tip is only just nestled between her pussy lips, then slowly pushing all the way back in. "OOOoooohh... Ffffuuuckk..." your mom moans out, her head tossing and turning against the pillow. As your long, deep strokes cause her to arch her back and push her chest out, you take a sudden interest in the nipples trying to pierce their way through her pyjama shirt. You immediately plunge your face into your mother's pillowy titflesh, her stiff nipple poking against your lips. As your hips autonomously maintain their steady rhythm, you kiss, lick and suck at the stiff nipples until the fabric of her t-shirt is soaked through with saliva. "Mmmm... Maybe this will help" your mom giggles as she reaches down to grasp the bottom of her shirt. You comply, raising yourself momentarily to allow her to pull the shirt over her head. Your mom's heavy bosom spills from the fabric as she releases them from their confinement.

"Oh fuck, Mom..." you groan as you behold the heavenly sight of her huge breasts. The slow, deep thrusts of your cock begin to get a little faster as the sheer beauty of your mother's body drives you wild. "Mom, you're so fucking gorgeous..."
"Oh Honey, you're so..." is all your mother is able to say before you bury your head back into her chest. Your lips immediately latch onto her pink nipples, hungrily sucking and flicking at it with your tongue. The pace of your rhythmic strokes gets even faster, rendering a deep moan from your mom's lips. "...Swee-ee-ooohhHOOHH!" With your attention now shifted to dutifully sucking at the hard nipple between your lips, your hips give up the pretence of keeping a slow rhythm. Animalistic lust overcomes you as you begin to pound your mother's pussy for dear life. Her long, drawn-out moans quicken into whimpering squeaks as you invade her womb with your throbbing cock.
"OOooh-h-h FUCK, Baby!" your mom cries out, grasping your head with both hands as she pulls you deeper into her plush bosom. Her juicy thighs clamp between your sides as her legs wrap around your waist, unwilling to let you go until you've poured your love inside her. "Auhh... Hhuh... Mmm... That's it, Honey... Uuhh... Nnghuh... Don't hold back... Mmm... Aahh... Fuck... Cum for Mommy... Cum for Mommy..." Hearing such dirty words in your mother's sweet voice is enough to tip you over the edge. As your hips continue thrusting with all their might, you feel the familiar sensation of a verging orgasm swell from within you. "Oh fuck... That's it... Ohhh, God... Good boy... Cum for Mommy... Ouhhh... Give Mommy what she wants..."

"Mmmm... Yeshh Mmommy..." you mumble, mouth still full of her delicious breast. You focus on the silky walls of your mom's pussy as your cock plunges back and forth, her lubricating juices getting more plentiful by the second. You focus on the rising and falling of your mom's chest as she breathes heavily, her body quivering with pleasure. You focus on the fact that your cock is inside your mother, the woman who raised and loved you all your life. The woman who you've been suppressing your attraction to for your entire adolescence and you're about to spill your seed inside her. Your mom's nipple slips from your mouth as you grasp her shoulders tightly, pulling yourself up so you can gaze in her eyes once more. "Oh Mom... Mom... I... I'm gonna cum..." As you pump your edging cock deep inside your mother's womb, you feel her grip on the back of your head tighten. You stare deeply into each other's eyes, wordlessly exchanging that you're both about to reach your limit until she suddenly pulls you into a passionate kiss. Your tongues clash with each other, the sweet taste of her saliva finally tipping your orgasm over the edge.

A crashing wave of ecstasy shakes you to the core as your cock shoots its sticky seed deep inside your mom's pussy. She moans into your mouth as your lips remain locked, her pussy now convulsing against your throbbing cock as she too succumbs to an explosive orgasm. You cling to one another tightly, lips still entwined as the walls of your mother's pussy milk every last drop of your seed from your throbbing member.
"*Pant* *Pant* Fuck... *Pant*" you huff as your lips finally break from the passion-fuelled kiss. Your sweaty, quivering body collapses on top of your mothers, cock still nestled deep within her. "*Pant* Mom... That was... *Pant*"
"Shhhhh..." she hushes, wrapping her arms around you. "Let's just lie like this for a little while, Honey..."
"OK Mom" you whisper as you bury your face back into her soft chest. The two of you lie there panting for a few blissful minutes, enjoying each other's embrace as you feel the rhythm of each other's breathing.
"Thank you for a wonderful date, Baby" your mom coos softly as she finally catches her breath. "We should go out like that more often... If Abby's OK with it, of course."
"I think she'll be OK with it" you reassure, finding the energy to pull yourself up onto your knees. You finally pull your exhausted cock from the sticky hole you once came from and return to your mother's side. "As long as she gets to join in too."

"Mmmmmm..." your mom purrs, resting her head on your chest for a post-coital cuddle. "You mean I get to play with my handsome son and his gorgeous girlfriend? You two really do spoil me."
"She said she might be free to hang out today" you propose, running your hand down the curves of your mother's body before giving her ass a squeeze. "Maybe we can have a movie night after all... And if you aren't busy or anything..." Your mother giggles before planting an affectionate kiss on your neck.
"If Abby's OK with it, I'd love to join the two of you" she smiles amerously. "I'd hate to intrude on two romantic evenings in a row."
"I'm sure she'd love it if you joined us" you chuckle, reaching for your phone on the bedside table. As your mother dozes against your chest, you check your phone to see numerous messages from your girlfriend received over the last 12 hours.

hows it going??? you get her home yet???


im gonna assume your too busy giving her the dicking of her life to respond 😂 goodnight babe xx

hope it went well 😏

morning! any updates???

come on! tell meeeeeeeeee! im DYING to hear what happened

You chuckle at Abby's excitement to hear details of your incestous endeavour. You quickly type a reply:

Sorry was pretty wasted last night, too drunk so nothing happened sadly


This morning however...

As you send the last message, you see Abby come online and start typing faster than you've ever seen before.




Why dont you come over and I can tell you all about it 😉

And if you need more convincing, mom wants to know if youll join us for a movie to make up for last night 😏

im coming over right now

ive been SO horny thinking of what u 2 have been up to

so tell ur mom itll take more than a movie to make it up to me 👅

The End